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The Magic of Exfoliation : Hammam & Gommage, K-spa / Jimjilbang, Kessa glove

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Post time 13-10-2017 02:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 13-10-2017 04:23 PM
Hello girlssssss.. thread ni dibuka so that weols semua boleh share info atau pengalaman tentang Hamman Spa dan K-spa... So far kita pernah try Hammam spa je tak pernah lagi pergi K-spa, cuma kita mention sekali dlm thread ni sebab konsep kedua2 spa ni seakan sama especially  part exfoliating guna mechanical exfoliation (scrubbing glove) lepas bersauna...



The hammam, also known as the Turkish hamam or Turkish bath, is the Middle Eastern variant of a steam bath, which can be categorized as a wet relative of the sauna. Although the first hammams originated in Arabia, and bath culture was a central part of Roman life, Turkey popularized the tradition (and is most often associated with it) by making hammams available to people of all statuses.



A jjimjilbang is a large, gender-segregated public bathhouse in Korea, furnished with hot tubs, showers, Korean traditional kiln saunas and massage tables. Jjimjil is derived from the words meaning heating. In other areas of the building or on other floors there are unisex areas, usually with a snack bar, ondol-heated floor for lounging and sleeping, wide-screen TVs, exercise rooms, ice rooms, heated salt rooms, PC bang, noraebang, and sleeping quarters with bunk beds or sleeping mats. Usually jjimjilbangs will have various rooms with temperatures to suit guests' preferred relaxing temperatures.


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2017 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 13-10-2017 02:26 PM


Gommage is the scrubbing process. Moroccan use kessa glove, whilst Korean use Italy towel.

Kessa Glove
Glove ni tak sama dengan glove yg dijual di Watsons atau The Body Shop..lain dari segi material yg digunakan dan cara threading......

Moroccan Exfoliating Glove, is a mitt commonly used by Moroccan women to remove the dead cell layer on the surface of the skin. It can be used to remove dead skin cells, ingrown hairs and blackheads with ease, and leaves the skin feeling soft and silky after just the first use. Best used along with Moroccan Black Soap, or other olive-oil based soaps, these gloves should be replaced after every 8-10 uses.

Kessa gloves can be used on all skin types, but particular care should be taken if you have any concerns about your skin. Always remember to avoid using the mitts if you have thin or delicate skin, have experienced swelling, sun damage or an allergic reaction, or if you have broken the skin (i.e. a scratch or wound)


kessa glove upclose view

Italy towel

The Korean Italy Towel is basically a cloth that is 100% viscose (viscose has several uses, but is most commonly used to make fabrics such as rayon). Korean Italy Towels are abrasive (think sandpaper), which is why they work so well for exfoliation. Similar to sandpaper, they also come in different levels of coarseness. The pink colored towel, for example, is the least abrasive and is commonly used on the face. The green towel is the most universal and can be used on most areas of the body (except for “sensitive” or “private” areas, of course). The yellow towel is the most abrasive and I would suspect that it’s more popular among men, or for use on areas that can handle a little more exfoliation, like the feet.


Korean Italy towels are exfoliation towels made in Korea out of 100% viscose material. They are completely different than any other scrubbing bath towel. The colors let you know the strength of the material which will give you a different levels of exfoliation. The blue is 60% strength, the green is 50% strength and the yellow is 40% strength. Some manufacturers dont change the strength by color just look for the number on the front of the package for the strength percentage.


#sokosecret: Most K-spas use Italy towels for these body scrubs. They’re basically large mittens made of 100 percent viscose, and they come in bright colors. These towels are a Korean invention, but the fabric was first imported from Italy in the 1960s—hence the name.


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2017 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 14-10-2017 01:24 PM

Pengalaman kita di Hammam Spa Bangsar Village 2..

Hammam and Gommage (RM168 including GST,2017)
Duration: approximately 45 minutes

Mula2 kita akan di bawa ke tempat locker..di sini tempat letak semua barang, akan diberi disposable bra (tube)  and panties. Pakai disposable bra and panties ni, dan pakai bath robe.. Rambut boleh ikat utk mudahkan proses scrubbing nanti...Lepas tu a lady akan bawa kita ke steam room..di steam room ni ada tile bed dan kolah berisi air suam.. Kita selalu book spa treatment awal pagi pukul 10am sebab takde orang selalunya, so kita seorang je customer dlm steam room ni..kalau ada customer lain kita kena share steam room dgn customer wanita yg lain...dah sampai di steam room ni, buka selipar dan bath robe akan ditanggalkan...

Mula2 badan kita akan dimandikan dgn air suam..lepas tu badan kita dilumur dengan black soap....lepas dah lumur black soap satu badan, the lady akan suruh kita tunggu 10 minit dlm steam room boleh lie down, tido atas tile bed yg warmmm..dinding pun warm this part sbb kita suka warmmm condition..tak suka sejukkk...

Lepas 10 minit, kita akan dimandikan lagi sekali dgn air suam... the lady will rinse the black soap.... lepas tu, mula la part scrubbing... guna kessa glove..setiap pelanggan akan diberi kessa glove yg baru...the lady akan buka packaging glove tu depan kita... badan akan discrub dgn vigorous sekali...the lady akan beritahu kita utk terlentang....baring..dan duduk... bila dah sampai part scrub belakang badan, disposable bra tu akan braless la kita sampai habis treatment... i know i know..aurat..hehe..  boleh beritahu the lady kalau taknak bra tu dibuka..bagitahu awal2 sebelum treatment start...lepas scrub, the lady akan tunjuk sel2 kulit mati yg jatuh kat atas tiles tempat kita baring..mcm dust eraser..>.< huhu..lepas dah scrub, kita akan dimandikan dgn air suam lagi...badan akan disabun dan dibilas sampai bersih.....kalau nak basah rambut boleh beritahu akak tu... kalau taknak basah rambut pun takpe...

pastu dah siap mandi, kita akan dipakaikan bath robe dan disposable panties ditanggalkan..dah pakai bath robe, keluar steam room dan duduk di lounge area... area ni open so kalau masa tu ada pelanggan lelaki tgh lepak kat lounge  area memang akan bertembung la..huhu..steam room asing lelaki perempuan tapi lounge area tak asing.....Masa kat lounge area ni kita akan diberi mint tea +baklava kalau mereka tak sign satu kertas..tamat sudah..durasi treatment dlm 45  minit (without additional body envelopment) .  

Jika tambah body envelopment/ Rhassoul Body Masque ( + RM 128), badan akan disapu dgn rhassoul clay selepas step scrubbing tadi....dan kita akan dibiarkan dlm steam room tu selama 15 minit lagi then  clay tu akan dibilas....yes, itu je additional stepnya tapi harganya punyalah erk... maybe rhassoul clay yg mereka gunakan special kot..erm...

Lepas dah minum mint tea kat lounge, boleh terus tukar baju kat tempat dryer disediakan tapi hair dryer tu ada satu speed je so kalau rambut panjang dan tebal lama la nak kering, so better jangan basahkan rambut....

so ya, basically hammam and gommage ni best especially bila dapat a spa lady yg scrub betul2... Kulit akan totally clean mcm kulit baby...Moroccan gommage treatment is, hands down the best scrub treatment ever for me..


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2017 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 13-10-2017 03:47 PM

Jom buat sendiri hamman and gommage  kat rumah..

Bahan2 yg diperlukan.. shower heater,black soap,kessa glove..Additional item (optional) : rhassoul clay, rose water,argan oil

Step 1
on heater dan biarkan air shower nak pastikan bilik air penuh dgn steam...Mandi air suam ni utk lembutkan sel kulit mati... kalau bilik air ada kolah then boleh letak shower head tu dlm kolah utk isi air suam...pastu mandi air suam...sangat penting utk lembutkan sel kulit mati dulu sbb nanti bila scrub baru berkesan,kalau tidak nanti penat dan sakit je scrub tapi kulit mati tak tanggal...huhu

Step 2

Lumur black soap seluruh badan dan duduk dlm bilik air selama 10~15 minit..Black soap yg digunakan ialah Moroccan Black Soap bukan African black soap ya ladiesss..jangan salah beli...totally different sabun dua dua ni...

Beza Moroccan black soap(Beldi) dengan African black soap (Ose Dudu);

African black soap contains plantain skins, cocoa pods, coconut/palm oil etc.  Morrocan black soap contains mostly olive puree, olive oil and/or argan oil with some eucalyptus oil or the leaves. ... know-plus-pictures/

Black Soap Benefits ;

The Moroccan black soap is packed with argan oil or olive oil and macerated black olives that are very nourishing to the skin. This all natural soap has the texture of butter. The ingredients also offer therapeutic value. It is rich in vitamin E. Moroccan black soap effectively purifies the skin. It prepares the skin for exfoliation of dirt, grease and dead skin. Most black soaps are enriched with eucalyptus oil as well. It gives the skin a youthful glow. An effective hammam experience will leave your skin feeling soft and silky for days together. The most appealing quality is that it is suitable for all skin types..

boleh cuci muka+letak facial mask  pada step 2 ni...

Personally kita takkan basuh rambut dan muka dgn air suam  sbb follow petua awet muda org dulu2...hehe so just basahkan badan sahaja...

Step 3

Bilas black soap bersih bersih dgn air suam...Scrub dengan kessa glove..guna satu glove je.. kalau baca kat internet ada yg tak bilas black soap dan terus scrub dgn kessa glove tapi traditionally, black soap kena basuh dulu  baru scrub sbb friction between glove dan skin kita yg dpt tanggalkan sel kulit mati dengan efektif... kalau ada black soap, permukaan kulit licin so tak dapat nak scrub dgn baik... Scrub secara menegak (vertical motion) kat seluruh badan dan circular motion kat bahagian siku, lutut,tumit...  Sadly bila buat sendiri ni bahagian belakang badan tak dapat nak di scrub dgn baik..huhu so kalau ada husband/ female siblings kat rumah boleh la suruh mereka tolong scrub kan bahagian belakang badan...

Alternative way boleh guna Italy towel kat part scrubbing ni..jadi la fusion Moroccan spa and K spa..K-Mo spa..hoho..

Step 4

-Ghassoul clay-

Lepas scrub, bilas badan dengan air suam...Pastu step seterusnya adalah optional, boleh lumur badan dgn ghassoul/rhassoul clay paste..jadikan sebagai masker badan... Rhassoul clay ni bila beli selalu datang dlm bentuk kepingan..bila kita terus cairkan dgn air atau rose water, ia akan senang bergumpal/clumpy so tips kita baca kat internet, kisar kering kepingan rhassoul clay ni guna blender sampai halus dulu..then boleh simpan dlm bekas...bila dah jadi serbuk ,ia takkan senang bergumpal bila dicairkan... masa nak guna, ambil bekas/mangkuk kaca atau plastik...ambil dua sudu besar atau tiga sudu pun boleh, agak2 cukup utk lumur satu badan...campur air atau boleh guna rose/floral water..nak tambah yoghurt asli pun boleh...bila dah jadi paste lumurkan ke badan... Tunggu 15 minit sampai agak nak kering dah boleh bilas...

Kebaikan rhassoul clay;

Rhassoul Clay is a high-quality soothing clay for external use that stores indefinitely if kept dry. It is sourced from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and is often used in spas for skin and hair. It is also called Ghassoul Clay, Red Clay, and Red Moroccan Clay, and it can only be found under this specific mountain range in Morocco. It is formed by a natural combination of volcanic activity and geothermal changes.

This untreated and naturally dried clay has a silk-like feel and can help even out skin tone and reduce blemishes. It has the unique ability to both nourish skin and reduce breakouts and many people use it daily as a natural soap and shampoo. In fact, clinical studies and testing on Rhassoul found that it can increase skin elasticity, even skin tone, reduce blemishes and blackheads, and reduce skin dryness or flakiness.

Step 5

Last step, badan dah dilap kering,  boleh lumur argan oil seluruh badan dan massage sampai argan oil di absorb dgn baik... pastu spritz rose water seluruh badan... Done..siap...kulit badan kita dah bersih,well moisturized dan wangiiiiiii.. yeayyy...

oh no, lupa pula last last step ialah...sediakan mint tea dan beli baklava siap2 utk diminum dan makan lepas spa treatment diy at home ni..hehe... baklava sodap...


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2017 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 13-10-2017 03:48 PM

Produk2 untuk buat sendiri Hamman & Gommage di rumah  boleh dibeli di:

Argan Green Asia

Safa Organix

Il Puro Natural

Kita beli kessa glove kat sini..    RM39 utk satu glove.. paling murah setakat ini yg kita jumpa kat Malaysia..dan tadi check website ilpuro, kessa glove dah restock ..yeay... Beli satu glove dah cukup sbb nanti nak guna satu je...tapi hari tu kita beli dua..hehe

The Moroccan Caravan

Kita beli argan oil, ghassoul clay dan rose water dari kedai ni...

Kalau ada forumer tahu tempat lain boleh beli produk2 utk hammam ni boleh la share share ye...

next kita nak beli Italy towel..nak try....tapi kita tak google google lagi kat mana nak beli...


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Post time 13-10-2017 04:32 PM | Show all posts
aku tak pernah try hammam ni. tp kawan aku suka pegi. dia kata memang best hammam ni. yg scrub tu disental sampai keluar daki yang dah bertahun menapak kat badan. haha

teringin nak try tp agak mahal laa pada aku sobss

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Post time 13-10-2017 04:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tqvm TT for the good info about hammam spa ni..very full information !looking forward to go there

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Post time 13-10-2017 05:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hammam i selalu jua pegi. Yg k spa tu x pnh try. Tt penau try ke? Kt mane loc kt kl

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Post time 13-10-2017 08:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by AyaqMeloSuam at 13-10-2017 11:47 PM

Nak try sdri laaa
I nmpk dkt link safa/lazada tu ada jual minyak Jamaican Castor... minyak ni masuk dlm botol mascara kosong.. pastu oles2 kt bulu mata sblum tidoq... mmg dlm sebulan bulu mata lebat & panjang.

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Post time 13-10-2017 10:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mana nk dpt hammam kat kl

baru je pegi urut n scrub satu badan.rm100

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Post time 13-10-2017 11:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wow mcm best ya...dier scrub kluar daki smua..

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Post time 14-10-2017 12:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya rasa tempat scrub kt hammam tu bukan warm, tapi panasssss.

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Post time 14-10-2017 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Eih bestnya. Ta pena taw pon. Suggest la sket spa2 mana uols buat yg buang daki tu..

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Post time 14-10-2017 02:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau rajin, tiap minggu mmg buat hamman..sedap rasa badan buat hamman ni..tak sama macam buat scrub badan..dulu belakang badan ade jerawat, lepas dah selalu buat hamman ni, mmg takde langsung dah jerawat kat badan..

Kat sini glove hamman tu baru sepuluh hinggit..yg moroccon black soap tu bekas tapak tangan tu baru 15 hinggit..boleh guna pat lima kali..

ghassoul clay tu mmg mahal..bekas kecik pun dah 50 60 hinggit..kalau buat mask rambut, mmmggg rambut jadi lembut...rambut den ni keras kejung...pakai ghassoul mmg best, lembuttt je rambut...ghassoul ni tepek kat muka pun boleh..memang blend ghassoul clay ni jadi serbuk..senang nak guna..dia bentuk keping2 mcm mask tabloq@muntah belut tu..tabloq tu pun, den kisar..sonang nak guna..

Kalau time malas sgt tu, guna je cream shower gel tu dgn hamman glove..tu pun kulit jadi lembut

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 11:53 AM | Show all posts
dandellion replied at 13-10-2017 04:32 PM
aku tak pernah try hammam ni. tp kawan aku suka pegi. dia kata memang best hammam ni. yg scrub tu di ...

a'ah mmg daki habis tanggal lepas kulit kena sental...cuma kena tahan sakit sikit la .....>.<


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 11:54 AM | Show all posts
AmandaRollins replied at 13-10-2017 04:56 PM
Tqvm TT for the good info about hammam spa ni..very full information !looking forward to go there

most welcome Amanda...

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 11:57 AM | Show all posts
babynina30 replied at 13-10-2017 05:57 PM
Hammam i selalu jua pegi. Yg k spa tu x pnh try. Tt penau try ke? Kt mane loc kt kl

kita pun tak pernah pergi K-spa...tak tahu ada kat Malaysia ke tak...tapi K-spa yg original ni kena buka baju semua ...naked masa berendam tu... kalau buat kat Malaysia mungkin akan diberi bra and panties disposable juga kot....

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 12:04 PM | Show all posts
AyaqMeloSuam replied at 13-10-2017 08:57 PM
Nak try sdri laaa
I nmpk dkt link safa/lazada tu ada jual minyak Jamaican Castor... minyak ni masuk ...

jom try... yg paling basic kena ada shower heater, black soap dan kessa glove..dah jadi dah gommage..     pastu lepas scrub boleh guna moisturizer yg sudah sedia ada kat rumah kalau taknak guna argan oil...

yg ni eh... Jamaican Black Castor oil...


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 12:09 PM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 13-10-2017 10:26 PM
mana nk dpt hammam kat kl

baru je pegi urut n scrub satu badan.rm100

so far yg kita tahu, hammam ada kat Bangsar Village 2 dan Publika....

sofia pergi urut kat mana? ..kita hari tu lepas pergi hammam, kita pergi urut tradisional Melayu kat BBC spa...gila sakitttt...haha...sampai kita suruh kakak urut tu stop jap...   


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Post time 14-10-2017 12:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 14-10-2017 12:09 PM
so far yg kita tahu, hammam ada kat Bangsar Village 2 dan Publika.... ...

I went to try urut dkt hammam dulu with my sister. Sakit pulak. Tp at the same time, my sister had great time. Maybe her masseuse picit tak sakit kot.

But for hammam and  gommage mmg best gila. We signed up for a package sbb lg worth it.

Lepas dh abes package, i just go for a walk in. Mahal sket lah kan. 168 tu but still bebaloi lah buang semua dirts.

I selalu gi every 4-6m. Org hammam suruh dtg tiap bln

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