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Post time 27-3-2005 07:42 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by eddlisa_uyuk at 17-4-2011 16:21

our renowned short-filmmaker, amir muhammad just developed a new tv show that focus on local independent filmmaking and short films...

giving chances and providing channel for amatuer filmmaker to release their works on mainstream tv, this show can be the new benchmark for our film industry...

view the website here

this show is on air every sunday at 10pm on astro prima(channel 8)...

hope to see some cari's forumers films on shortcuts soon hehehe ;)

happy watching...

[ Last edited by aYuGiLeR on 2-4-2005 at 12:49 PM ]

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Post time 28-3-2005 05:58 PM | Show all posts
quite interesting to watch...nice info...esp. last sunday
on the penjimatan kos tu...but dun understand why
de dumb blonde portrayal of one of the host?? patotnya put on the subboard, I think...

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2005 07:02 PM | Show all posts
oo..patutla aku carik thread shortcuts ni kat mainboard tak jumpa...

tu laa..aku pun macam tak puas hati ngan host2...quite sucks...both of em

first aku ingat those monkeys are just fresh-from-audition-trying-to-be-the-next-sarimah-aznil punya orang..but after visited the website..both of em are well-known people with strong art background...well..diaorg maybe just ikut script..

for pilot episode..sorry to quite suck..banyak weakness...especially with studio setting and hosts...i think it can be improve since still baru lagi..give it a chance though...even 3R pun starting2 cam hampeh...

anyway shortcuts is a good platform for short-film enthusiast...seribulan..ko tak mau antar shortfilm ke? :bgrin:

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Post time 28-3-2005 11:34 PM | Show all posts
best tak citer nie??

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Post time 31-3-2005 03:16 PM | Show all posts
besh gak kale anda minat bab2 filem2 stail ni...

KK...saya ni lebih ke viewer n appreciator...rather than a maker...
confirmed...tak hantarnyerr...

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Post time 31-3-2005 07:28 PM | Show all posts
eerrr....aku suka yg ini letak kat mainboard pesal ia tentang filem pendek.....

host tak best yerk ?

ari tuh aku dijemput si AMir yg mengarah siri ni ke press confrence kat GSC...then borak2 skit...adalah nampak host dia Sofiera pakai wig tengah2 org ramai tu....tapi x berpeluang tengok lagi pesal x de astro.....

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Post time 31-3-2005 10:43 PM | Show all posts
dah letak ari tu, GAIA...nak ke 2nd page dah...
ingatkan kale subboard dia pi programme tu...
tengok ke sini lak...hehehe...

host dia ok jerr...Fahmi tu...cuma kureng setuju yg
lady tu...stail dressing personal opi jer larr...

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2005 08:31 PM | Show all posts
yalar...i knowla short film ni deal with artistic sentiment but takyahla nak express it thru wacky2 attitude plak..tu just pendapat aku jer...

eh GAIA apesal ko tak direct..directlah.....nak gak tgk member nyer artwork :bgrin:..

aku rasa baik letak kat mainboard la topic nih...coz mmg deal ngan film pun...

anyway seribulan...its worth a try u know heheh...tapi takpela kalau ko tak minat directing...aku minat directing but takde chance...nak kene banyak belajar lagi...

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Post time 4-4-2005 04:15 PM | Show all posts
jenuh larr topik ni pindah-randah...KK...ko tak leh...buat stail yg sempoi2 ala2 diorg buat tu kerr...pakai hand-held cam ke hapa...(kan reti sgt ni...kuang3x...kengkonon kasik cdgn)...nak kena blajar pe lagik??...

ps. kale writing script ke ... minat gak... tapi tak reti hapa langsung...wat
2 do...

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2005 04:51 PM | Show all posts
nak buat filem bukan setakat main shoot jer....lebih2 lagi filem pendek..sbb filem pendek ni mostly org akan related ngan every shoot must mean something sbb nak send message film tu in a very short time bukan senang...even nak adapt 3 pages of script to film pun susah...nak kene amik point-angle,transition lagi and nak kene be unik...

dulu aku pernahla buat test-film..saje2 jer...kasila tunjuk kat member...aku rasa mmg dah cukup perfect dah(aku rasalaaa..kata first time direct & edit)...tapi member aku leh cakap cam filem kenduri kahwin jer...mmg aku rasa down gak laa sbb dah buat yg terbaik kan..tapi bila tgk2 balik mmg betul cam filem kenduri banyak lagi yg aku perlu belajar...

so aku harapkan program cam shortcuts nih bole tolong org2 cam aku(yg aku tau bukan sikit..tapi ramai...)...

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Post time 5-4-2005 04:11 PM | Show all posts
dah tukar waktu siaran kerr???

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Post time 5-4-2005 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Nie...aku ambik dari blog kawan aku kat


Shortcuts & Filem Festival

Tadi petang, pukul 4:30petang, aku ditemuramah oleh Fahmy Fadzil (selamba anjing laut betul mamat ni, ada orang nak ambik dia berlakon?) untuk siri Shortcuts (arahan Amir Muhammad) yang ke udara di Astro Prima (channel 8) setiap Ahad 10 malam.

Aku nak ucap sekali lagi setinggi-tinggi terima kasih pada Raymond Singh, produser siri ini (membawa satu pertolongan besar pada orang filem kita yang pendek dan buat filem pendek), Amir Muhammad dan semua kru yang melayan kerenah birokrasi aku di studio untuk beberapa minit.

Ini adalah ekspresi aku masa penggambaran dijalankan:

Haaaahhh? Caaaaammm tak cayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (heheh) waghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huhagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (hoho) hiayahhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (tiba-tiba jerk) mhhhhhhhhhhhh fuaak erkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (sakit perut) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh umphhhhhhhhh a d a h a t i j a d i c e l e b r i t i ? ! ! haghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (huhuhuu) yoooooooooooooooooowllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mmmmmmmmm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........

Sekarang aku tahu, masuk kamera memang seksa dan seronok (walaupun dulu masa kecik pernah berlakon home video B-movie), macam kena sunat sekali lagi dan makan ais krim 55 perasa dalam satu masa.

Oh ya, aku bengang jugak, sebab ada benda yang aku nak kata tak kata di akhir temuramah (dah gugup gila!! hahah!). Aku nak kata, tak pedulilah jenayah siber yang aku lalui/buat, tapi yang lagi teruk, jenayah alam sekitar dan jenayah pengguna jalan, jenayah yang aku masih tak reti masih berlaku kat Malaysia.

Kalau korang nak tengok sape aku, tengoklah Shortcuts episod 8 (tengok semualah, senang, menghiburkan dan memberi pengajaran, hahah), minggu kedua bulan Mei...

Selepas itu....?

P/S : SriBulan cuba dulu...mana tau suatu masa nanti jadik cam Mira Nair....hehehhe

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Post time 5-4-2005 06:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 5/4/05 04:18 PM:
Nie...aku ambik dari blog kawan aku kat

SriBulan cuba dulu...mana tau suatu masa nanti jadik cam Mira Nair....hehehhe

not on dis life...ever n forever...:no:
I know my limitations...:cak:penonton Mira Nair je larr...:lol

pnulis skrip, boley?? camna ek...:stp:

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2005 12:58 AM | Show all posts
ermm...scriptwriting is not a bad idea laa seribulan..

actually...before u tulis script..try buat dalam bentuk essay buat karangan...tu kira the basic sketches laa how your story going to be like..and then bila dah dapat storyline tu u bole start working on your concept...concept ni mengikut pemahaman aku you want your story going to be depicted..meaning that camne ko nak story ko tu difilemkan...contohnya..macam Kill Bill guna concept chapter dimana filem tu dibahagi2kan kepada segment and setiap segment adalah chapter..ko gak bole buat secara linear mengikut flow story ko..bila dah dapat concept, start working on the plotline..plotline ni is the in-depth detail mengenai story ko and juga sebagai "flow-chart" story ko...kat plotline la bagaimana scene2 disusun, nama2 karakter and semua di kumpulkan..

lepas dah ade plotline..baru boleh mula work on your script and storyboard..script bukan setakat dialog2 pelakon jer tapi script juga adalah screenplay kepada story ko..melalui script segala movement,expression and posision actors and their surrounding interact with one another...script jugak merupakan guide untuk ko develop ko punya storyboard..storyboard merupakan medium penghubung story ko ke filem...storyboard adalah "blue-print" story ko yg akan diadaptasikan ke filem..kat storyboard lah akan menceritakn segala detail bagaimana setiap scene akan dipersembahkan cam contohnya.."Scene 1 bermula dengan kamera memfokuskan ke siling kemudian meluru perlahan sambil zoom ke arah Regina(karekter utama) dengan gambaran Regina sedang berbaring memandang siling"..and kat sini jugakla ko akan membayangkan scene tu dgn melakarkan shot dan camera angle yg akan digunakan...

hmm..setakat tu jerla yg aku tau pasal camane nak buat script..itu mengikut ape yg aku baca laa...maybe ade org yg lebih experience lagi tau cara yg betul...maybe GAIA has something to say bout this...

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Post time 6-4-2005 12:45 PM | Show all posts
x banyak aku boleh katakan pesal script....cuma yg aku paham screenplay/lakonlayar tu lebih kompleks dari skrip....utk filem ia sepatutnya dipanggil screenplay....dlm artikel Ku Seman pernah cakap...kat Mesia je masih dok guna istilah skrip.....skrip hanya menrangkumi bahagian kecil screenplay sahaja.....

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2005 05:01 PM | Show all posts
ohh ye ker GAIA..aku ingat script dan screenplay tu satu package..coz aku banyak baca skrip yg include sekali screenplay aku assume script and screenplay tu adalah satu bende yg same..tak tau plak skrip and screenplay tu 2 bende yg separate...

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Post time 6-4-2005 06:53 PM | Show all posts
lerr...melilau gak aku cari thread ni...aktip betol dia pindah-randah...

tq, KK...ok gak xplanation ko pasal script-writing...

screen tu kan screenplay specifically for movie larr kan?
script lak more to general use...semua leh kot...

screenplay is one component of script...sumthin' like dat...

ps. GAIA, cam kenal jer ur fren tu...kuang3x...

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Post time 10-4-2005 11:46 PM | Show all posts
aku yg memula move ke sub bod tu sbbnyer aku tak berpeluang nak tengok rancangan ni... rerupanyer berkaitan dengan movie yer.... aku kena jugak cuba ambik masa utk tengok rancangan ni..... nak kena freekan masa utk episode 8 ni... :bgrin:

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Post time 13-4-2005 10:51 AM | Show all posts
shortcut ni biler huh? ulangan takder ker?
wah... gaia ngan king kong, korang rupanya somebody gak la... siap leh kuar shortcut ngan buat independent movie... aku kalo baca posting korang mesti syok.. anyway, kalo ko nak buat independent movie, leh tak aku nak jd extra ker, pelakon korang ker.. mcm best jer....

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Post time 13-4-2005 10:53 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa nak berjinak2 buat skrip filem la....
mana tahu "terjadi" filem nanti....
storyline aku dah lama pikir, tp tak "terconvert" ker skrip. malas..

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