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SMALLVILLE season 5 (start from 29 Sept 2005 ~ in USA)

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Post time 11-7-2005 10:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode



[ Last edited by  leon_mclaren78 at 12-4-2006 07:42 AM ]

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Post time 11-7-2005 10:46 PM | Show all posts
biasanya during fall season, kan?

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Post time 12-7-2005 05:18 PM | Show all posts
errrrrrrrrrrrrrkkk... dah start new tred....

ingatkan yg akan buka tred baru....

nampaknya G.O. lambat sket kali nin....hehehe..:lol
Mclaren dulu.... yg rasmi

[ Last edited by gorgonz on 12-7-2005 at 05:20 PM ]

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Post time 12-7-2005 05:44 PM | Show all posts
kat tulis season baru start 22 september nanti

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2005 08:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gorgonz at 12-7-2005 05:18 PM:
errrrrrrrrrrrrrkkk... dah start new tred....

ingatkan yg akan buka tred baru....

nampaknya G.O. lambat sket ...

err... tapi takpe kan, mod?!!:cak: Sbb spoiler dier aku dah baca... buatkan aku rasa tak sabo sgt dah:geram:! La ni aku terpaksa la ulang-tayang balik season yg lepas2 tuh...

so far aku dah abis nonton season 1.... baru nak masuk season 2 episod 4.... pergh! episod 4 ni citer pasai cincin red kryptoniite tu, tak besh sgt sbb aku tak suka tengok Clark jadik jahat! Hehe...

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2005 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arysa at 12-7-2005 05:44 PM:
kat tulis season baru start 22 september nanti

alaaaa.... awat lambat sgt...

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Post time 13-7-2005 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by leon_mclaren78 at 12-7-2005 08:32 PM:

err... tapi takpe kan, mod?!!:cak: Sbb spoiler dier aku dah baca... buatkan aku rasa tak sabo sgt dah:geram:! La ni aku terpaksa la ulang-tayang balik season yg lepas2 tuh...

so far aku d ...

hmmm mod bod tv&movies ni....? errr tak tau la depa marah ke tidak...
sblum nin ok jer... asalkan letak Spoiler ALERT besar2.... takut nanti org lain marah....

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2005 07:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gorgonz at 13-7-2005 03:27 PM:

hmmm mod bod tv&movies ni....? errr tak tau la depa marah ke tidak...
sblum nin ok jer... asalkan letak Spoiler ALERT besar2.... takut nanti org lain marah....

ala, awak pung mod gaks, kan... walopung bukan jaga bod nih! :bodek:

Wokeh... nanti aku letak alert spoiler besau2, ek!! hehehe!!!:bgrin::bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2005 08:12 PM | Show all posts

Episode 2 : Mortal


- Lex has had Lionel admitted into Belle Reve. He's still in a "Kryptonian trance." The scene sounds like a complete reversal of "Shattered," where Lionel was looking in on Lex. This time, the tables are turned.
- Four armed guards are moving three patients along. There's a "hulking, tattooed badass" named Tommy Lee. He's with a pair of eerily gaunt twins. (Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen maybe? Kidding.)
- Tommy Lee apparently has a power to control electricity flow and uses it to make his escape. The two twins he is with slam their fists together which leads into a white hot glow that fuses them together into a rippling force field. They ask Tommy Lee where their next destination will be. He tells them it will be Smallville.
- The twins have a habit of finishing each other's sentences.
- The twins are said to be played by Brad and Todd Mann. They played a brotherly duo of strippers in the film "Yellowknife."

A little bit later, in Act Two:
- The Kent house is being repaired after the effects of the meteor shower. Half of the walls are stripped to the studs. (Did someone say stripping? It's early Season 4 all over again) This information we have apparently is somewhere around the middle of the scene, because Clark is being tossed into a wall. Lana rushes to him and tells the people who did it to "Stop it!" Reveal the twins and Tommy Lee.
- "You're a legend in Belle Reve," Tommy tells Clark. "Half the freaks are in there because of you," he says, right in front of Lana. Lana asks what he's talking about. Clark claims he's got the wrong guy. Tommy yanks Lana up, holding her by her "porcelain neck." (Their words, not ours) He licks the side of her face, which enrages Clark. Clark heads towards him and Tommy draws power from the exposed wiring to electrocute Clark. Clark goes down, in pain. Tommy and the twins think they have the wrong person.

And in the caves...
- Chloe is down in the caves looking at the symbols on the wall and the damaged altar in the open chamber room. She tries to let go of the memory of being transported across the world in a flash of light.
- The next scene we know of, which is a little later, has Lex talking to Chloe... possibly in the caves. "I think you know more than you're telling me, Chloe," Lex tells her, warning her that she's getting involved in a "dangerous game" by covering up for Clark.
- "Like covering up the spaceship Lana said crashed during the meteor shower?" Chloe retorts. Lex claims Lana was hysterical and didn't know what she was talking about. "Stop asking questions, Lex, or I'll start asking my own," Chloe threatens.

And even later than that...
- Tommy Lee apparently isn't so much of an enemy to Clark anymore, or at least now they're talking rather than throwing each other across the room, because they're talking inside the Kent kitchen. Clark learns that Tommy Lee spent a few weeks inside of Level Three.
- Tommy jokingly refers to the two gaunt twins as "the Wonder Twins."
- Tommy needs Clark to break into Level Three to get him and his friends some kind of "serum." The serum, a "nifty green cocktail," amped up Tommy and the twins' powers, and became addictive. Then, they were moved from Level Three into Belle Reve, and boom, no more cocktails. "If the stories I heard about you are true, you shouldn't have any problem" with getting in, Tommy Lee tells Clark. The Kents approach, and Tommy Lee apparently makes himself scarce.
- Jonathan and Martha return home and find Clark alone. Martha notices Lana's SUV there but doesn't know where she is; Clark says she wasn't feeling well and was laying down. Clark's shirt is inside out - probably from something having to do with the fight with the FOTW's - but it's likely that the Kents think something else was happening there. Clark tries to get his parents to leave and go to the hardware store; when that tactic doesn't work, he tries something else. Seems like he thinks his parents will be in danger.
- There's a confrontation where police cruisers are headed toward the house and Tommy destroys a police cruiser with an energy blast. The blast sends the sheriff flying. Jonathan, outside on the porch, gets in a scuffle that results in Tommy Lee elbowing him in the face. Tommy Lee tells the twins "to get the field up" which is likely to be their escape route. Indoors, Lana is working her Lana Fu on the twins, kicking them. She also nails Twin #2's hand to the wall with a nail gun. Ouch!

New Chlark!
- Clark goes to Chloe for help in getting into the vault that holds the serum inside. They're happy to see one another, because they greet with a hug, and Chloe says "Let's not do that again, okay?" which implies they may have been in danger before this scene. They need fingerprint access. Chloe says she'll need a week, or Lex's thumbprint. Chloe pulls out a flashlight that Lex handled and hands it to Clark, and gives Clark a knowing look that he'll know what to do with it. Clark is puzzled.
- Either slightly before this scene, or slightly after it, Chloe is helping Clark navigate through some vents. She asks him if super complaining was one of his abilities that she didn't know about, so yes, they have had The Talk. Clark then says something to Chloe about how Pete didn't bother him this much, and Chloe replies "You told Pete?!?!" "Well, he found my spaceship." "He saw your spaceship?!?!" The scene sounds like a lot of fun.

- Jonathan, Martha, and Lana are tied up by the baddies, who are "waiting for that Kent kid to come back." So he's not there...

[ Last edited by leon_mclaren78 on 4-8-2005 at 12:46 PM ]

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Post time 19-7-2005 11:59 PM | Show all posts
wuhuu.. best!!
bagus bangat mclaren!!
daku mmg mesra spoiler..
so kalu takde yg marah, tlong la slalu post spoiler kat sini yek??

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Post time 22-7-2005 12:17 AM | Show all posts
ko kan sama ler ngan aku....spoiler pun aku tak kisah..mmg mesra spoiler....takut member lain ler tak leh tmer....

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Post time 22-7-2005 12:19 AM | Show all posts
lama tak nampak leon kat soap...rupenyer kat tv board....nie second time masuk tv board nih...

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Post time 22-7-2005 05:40 PM | Show all posts
herm... tak sabo rsenye nak tunggu spoiler neyh..
hurm.. spoiler oh spoiler!!
hehe :lol
herm.. sambil menunggu spoiler ni nak tanye korang sume..
prefer clark n lana ke clark n chloe ke clark n lois ke camne?
herm :lol

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Post time 22-7-2005 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by welds at 22-7-2005 12:17 AM:
ko kan sama ler ngan aku....spoiler pun aku tak kisah..mmg mesra spoiler....takut member lain ler tak leh tmer....

me three...
klu x de spoiler kat sini... mmg surf google cari spoiler hehehe

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2005 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by welds at 22-7-2005 12:19 AM:
lama tak nampak leon kat soap...rupenyer kat tv board....nie second time masuk tv board nih...

Kat soap aku dah lama tak join sbb aku dlm 2-3 bulan ni dah berenti join soap kat TV, arr... sb takde mase! Malas la... takde mood! Skrg ni tgh mood demam Smallville... hehe!!:bgrin::bgrin: Tak nampak ker avatar aku... dah tukar kepada.... "S" .... is for SMALLVILLE.... SUPERMAN... !!!!:pompom::pompom:

La ni tetiap malam aku dok ngadap si Tom Welling & Kristin Kreauk nih... satu malam 2 episod... fuhh... best... terubat rindu.... tadi abru abis nonton season 3 episod 5...:love:

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2005 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arincute92 at 19-7-2005 11:59 PM:
wuhuu.. best!!
bagus bangat mclaren!!
daku mmg mesra spoiler..
so kalu takde yg marah, tlong la slalu post spoiler kat sini yek??

Halaaa... takkan aku jer yg kena post spoiler kat c-ni! Ala... korang pung buleh gak post, per... aku tak jumpa website lain yg dok wat spoiler season 5 ni.... except kat kryptonsite jer. Kalo diaorg dah pos kat sana nanti, buleh la aku dok copy & paste kat sini.

Btw, kalo korang terjumpa spoiler episod yg seterusnya, amatlah dialu2kan share dgn fans smallville kay c-ni, ek! Tengkiu!!!:hatdown:

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2005 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arincute92 at 22-7-2005 05:40 PM:
herm... tak sabo rsenye nak tunggu spoiler neyh..
hurm.. spoiler oh spoiler!!
hehe :lol
herm.. sambil menunggu spoiler ni nak tanye korang sume..
prefer clark n lana ke clark n chloe ke clark n ...

Masa season 1-3 memang la aku prefer Lana.... Chloe tu memang aku suka gak, tapi aku prefer dia sbg kawan baik Clark jer... sbb pd pandangan aku, Clark & Chloe cam tak sesuweii jer... Walopun Clark suka Lana, tapi dlm tempoh hubungan on-off diaorg tu, Clark lebih banyak menderita jer... tak shanggup aku tengok Clark makan ati sokmo.

Tapi sejak aku berkenalan dgn Lois Lane kat season 4, suka la pulak aku tengok dia.... dok hepi jer... selalu bagi Clark bengang, tapi kita yg menonton mesti tergelak2 punyer.... suka tengok muka Clark bila kena buli kat Lois... heeeee...:bgrin::bgrin:

ingat lagi ep.2 season 4.... mai aku recall... scene yg paling aku suka!!!

C.K. open the door and...

C.K.: Mum??!! (surprised & suspend) You're home!!
L.L.: (suddenly appeared from back!) Hi, Mrs. Kent!!!

tengok la muka Clark tu... hehe!!!:bgrin::bgrin:

[ Last edited by leon_mclaren78 on 23-7-2005 at 12:36 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2005 12:02 AM | Show all posts

Episode 3 : Hidden


- The episode starts with two corporals who it sounds like are guarding a "horned lava mutant." One of the two is attacked by someone with a camoflauging power, who materializes like pixels out of the air. It's a young man named Gabriel. He takes the corporals' keys and gets to type in a security code, which reveals another panel, which reveals two key holes. He then makes a call.

And then the action moves to outside of the Talon...
- Where we see Chloe's VW with a "Met U" bumpersticker. Her car is filled with all of the things she'll need to relocate for college - computer, clothes, lamps, and that sort of thing. She answers her cell phone... and the caller is Gabriel, the guy you saw in the previous scene. He calls Chloe and warns her to get out of town. He says "How much time did I spend at the Torch helping you chase 'the' big story?... In one hour, you're going to get it."
- Gabriel sets down his phone. A digital clock ticks down, and behind it is a large Plexiglas window. Beyond the window is a cylindrical metal form. There's a painted American flag on its tubular structure, with the words "United States of America" beside it. It's an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. I smell trouble...

- Clark and Chloe discuss the call she received from Gabriel. He tells her that her approach to journalism apparently got someone's attention. "Either way, he trusts you. Maybe we don't have to search every silo," Clark tells her.
- Chloe improvises, and calls Gabriel pretending she has had car troubles. We learn that Sheriff Adams wasn't able to trace the number for some reason. Clark pushes the VW Bug off to the side of the road into the gravel. The script bits say "Clark strains with all of his human strength," which implies that his powers may still be gone.

Sheriff Adams Investigates
- Sheriff Adams goes to a missile silo to find out what's going on, and finds that it's empty. "The signal didn't come from here," a soldier tells her.

Clark and Chloe Investigate Too!
- Clark and Chloe end up at Gabriel's farm house. As they enter, they see Gabriel has his own version of a Wall of Weird - articles about meteor freaks are plastered on the wall. Chloe makes a reference to "those of us who can't crush metal with our bare hands" right to Clark, so yep, she and him have definitely talked by now.

In a Luthorcorp warehouse...
- We see the black spaceship! But that's all we know about that!

Lex Tries To Get Into The Ship
- Lex meets with a technician who is using different types of lasers to try and break into the black ship from the season finale. "For every question in the universe, there is an answer," Lex tells him. "If you find that task too challenging, I'll find someone who doesn't."

Lex Confronts Lionel
- Lex then goes to visit Lionel at Belle Reve.
- Lex demands that Lionel tells him what the Kryptonian symbols mean. Lex accuses him of playing games, like he did when he did the "blind routine" or when he was pretending to be "born again."
- "You can never open it," Lionel tells Lex. "Only he can open it."

And then...
- Chloe and Gabriel meet up. Gabriel offers to take Chloe with him. Clark tackles him, but gets elbowed in the face, which makes him bleed. A gunshot rings out. Clark has been shot, right in front of Chloe. Gabriel takes Chloe, shoves a gun to her side, and demands that she comes with him.

In Act Three...
- Gabriel's taken Chloe with him and we learn that the second meteor shower has left behind 10 times "more rock" than the first meteor shower did. It sounds like Gabriel wants to destroy Smallville so there will be no more meteor freaks. We also learn Gabriel's dad had always warned him about "the meteor freaks in this town."

At Smallville Medical Center...
- Clark is rushed into Smallville Medical Center. Jonathan and Martha see him in the corridor, and are told he's been shot. The ER doctor tells him that it looks like the bullet has pierced Clark's lung. "Bullet?" Jonathan asks, surprised. Clark is wheeled into the operating room.
- Lana visits the hospital as soon as she hears Clark has been shot. "They found Chloe's car in a ditch and Clark had been shot," Jonathan tells her.

In Act Four...
- Lana walks down the corridor with a doctor with a somber look on her face. It's obvious what's happened. The ER doctor gives the Kents some bad news. "We lost him," the doctor says. Suddenly, a nurse runs up to the doctor's side, a bit rattled. "We've got a problem."
- The Doctor, Lana, Jonathan, and Martha run to Clark's room, to find the bed is empty. Cut to:

The Fortress of Solitude
- Clark wakes as bright, reflected light dances on his skin. What happens next? We don't know, but this is going to be hard to explain to Lana, that's for sure!

And in case you were wondering...
- Clark DOES get his powers back at episode's end.

[ Last edited by leon_mclaren78 on 26-7-2005 at 07:26 PM ]

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Post time 23-7-2005 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Erkkk....nampak nyerr...terpaksa gak tgk smallville season 5 nie....

my fav actor akan berlakon jadik enemy clark.....


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 Author| Post time 24-7-2005 12:12 AM | Show all posts

Episode 4: Aqua


Tom Welling announced at the 2005 Television Critics Association press tour that their next episode to be filming would feature an appearance by another DC Comics character - Aquaman. He will have a romantic fling with Lois Lane.
- This episode introduces James Marsters as Prof. Milton Fine.

Professor Fine Propositions Clark
- Professor Fine tells Clark that he should come work for him, even though Clark shows up late for his class and fumbles with excuses. "Actually, I'm not looking for a job, sir," Clark tells him. "The only thing worse than the fear of speaking the truth, is the fear of uncovering it," Fine tells him. "If you know Lex Luthor, ask him yourself."

At the Luthor mansion.... (this scene may be cut... see below)
- Lex has hired a swim coach. He's surprised to find "A.C.," a 19-year old phenom from the Stanford swim team. Why are my Hoyay alarms going off? "Your inexperience is a concern," Lex tells the young man. We learn that A.C. - Arthur Curry - bowed out of the Olympic trials. "There are more important things in life than chlorine and winning medals," Arthur tells Lex. "Like what? Finding the perfect wave?" "Among other things."
- Lex introduces Clark to his new swim coach. Arthur recognizes Clark for a rescue from earlier in the day. "You were like a torpedo out there," Clark tells him. "I'm going to show our boy Lex everything I know," Arthur replies.
- Clark confronts Lex, as he always does, and asks him why he needs a swim coach. Lex tells him that Arthur can do the 100 meter free-style in under fifty seconds, and Lex wants to try out for a Pentathlon. "It's something I need to do," Lex tells him. "Is building weapons something you need to do, too?" Clark asks him. Professor Fine has told him some new information about his bald friend...

Lana and Lois Discuss "A.C."
- Lana and Lois have a scene together in the Talon. "He goes to Stanford, he's the star of the swim team, and he's passionately interested in something meaningful," Lana tells her, easily impressed.
- "I kind of wish I had never met him. Because now my head is in a constant fog," Lois tells her. Lana tells Lois the fog is about to lift, because A.C. has just entered through the Talon's doors.
- Arthur looks at Lois and says "Do you look beautiful or what? Even with that seaweed in your hair, and that sand all over your face, you looked beautiful." Seems at this point he's already saved her life. Arthur spots something on the floor - it's Lois's military ID badge. He picks it up and gives it to her. Lois tells A.C. that her father would have "lined me up in front of a firing squad" if she lost that, so now, he's saved her life twice. She tells him he deserves an award. She guides him to a table, and then brings him coffee and a scone "on the house."
- "You're not like most chicks, are you?" Arthur asks Lois. "Life would be a whole lot easier if I were," she tells him. He calls her on her "bad-ass" attitude, but inside sees her tenderness. Arthur starts to get even fliriter, and kisses her. Lois melts into his arms, and at that very moment, Clark walks in to the Talon.

Later, at night...
- Arthur, Clark, Lois and Lana are all hanging out in the Talon late at night. Clark suspiciously eyes Arthur from across the table. Clark is sitting with Lana, and a smitten Lois is sitting with Arthur. Lois comments that Stanford must have been hard to get into, and Clark says "when you're a star swimmer, it kind of helps, right?"
- Arthur tells them he wasn't on the swim team freshman year. He joined when the swim coach saw him swimming laps in the pool and "reeled him in."
- Clark is inquisitive. He asks A.C. how he learned to swim so fast. "Guess it's in my genes, you know?" Arthur says. Clark keeps plugging away with questions. "Clark, this isn't a Barbara Walters special," Lana reminds him, embarrasased.
- We learn Arthur's dad operates a lighthouse in Northern California. Arthur says his mom died when he was very young, so, she "must've been the one with all the skills."
- Arthur talks more about his childhood. Lana tells him she's always wanted to go diving, because that's probably "as close to another planet as you can get."
- Clark is still suspicious. "You seem to know an awful lot about the ocean," he says. Arthur reveals that he's a marine biology major. He then talks about his environmental concerns. "I've decided to dedicate my life to protecting the sea," he tells them.
- Clark keeps grilling. "Why are you here? Smallville's a long way from Stanford." A.C. tells him that he's there hoping to get a chance to talk to Lex Luthor about his environmental practices. This response makes us wonder if the whole "swim coach" aspect of the character, mentioned in previous spoilers, has been cut in favor of this new direction. if that's the case, we apologize for the erroneous spoilers.
- Clark's still asking far too many questions. Lois asks Clark for a word. "I already have an overprotective father," she tells him. "There's something fishy about A.C.," Clark tells her. Lois accuses him of being jealous, because A.C. is "smart, passionate, and looks like Adonis." Clark tells her he thinks A.C. may be a meteor freak. "Oh, so now you're playing the meteor freak card?" The call is interrupted by a call from General Lane. "It wasn't me, I swear..." Lois tells him. No ideas, though, on what it is she is talking to him about.

[ Last edited by leon_mclaren78 on 4-8-2005 at 12:48 PM ]

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