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Author: dania78

Buat Yg Pregnant Baby Sulung

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2005 10:37 AM | Show all posts
hummm kita masa last trimester tu memang bulan posa. banyak je pulun kurma. kalau tau tambah susu badan. terus je makan masa menyusukan badan. hummmmmm. ok dah ada kacang hijaunye petua, tuam ngan tuala suam masa last trimester and makan kurma. musti banyak lagi petua tu kan.

kalau tak silap, kalau nak mengepam susu pun ada gak cara terbaik untuk dapat LEBIH stok. yelah kan kalau dah keje tu kena la mengepam.

nengok HelangMerah ngan Sultana sesebut pasal EDD. rindunya pregnant for the first time. bukan rindu nak pregnant lagi ek. cuma rindu the first time feeling. hmmmmmm

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Post time 19-8-2005 12:49 PM | Show all posts
akum forumer2 kat sini.
meow nak tanya...soklan budus sikit ler..
errrr 'EROLA' tu ape maksudnyer yek?
lagik satu meow penah bace sorang forumer posting kat sini tak silap ler..petua yg die bagi nak tambah susu ker apetah... letak seluar dlm suami (yg bersih ler) kat breast...mujarab katanya... jgn gelar arr...betui meow bace kat forum cari nie jugak pasal petua turrr

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Post time 19-8-2005 01:34 PM | Show all posts ker...???
letak yg dah pakai ke blom?....:lol
mana tau lebih mujarab..heheheheh:lol

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twinsiss02 This user has been deleted
Post time 19-8-2005 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dania78 at 19-8-2005 10:37 AM
hummm kita masa last trimester tu memang bulan posa. banyak je pulun kurma. kalau tau tambah susu badan. terus je makan masa menyusukan badan. hummmmmm. ok dah ada kacang hijaunye petua, tuam ngan  ...

Hmmm macam mana plak yg masalah2 lain ..mcm puting kecik ... agak2 baby selesa ker ..atau ada masalah ker pd baby jika puting susu ibu kecil ....or ada tak any petua tuk besar kan puting susu or puting tenggelam .. riso gak twin kalo benda nih terjd kat twinn ...

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Post time 19-8-2005 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meow_tompok at 19-8-2005 12:49 PM
akum forumer2 kat sini.
meow nak tanya...soklan budus sikit ler..
errrr 'EROLA' tu ape maksudnyer yek?
lagik satu meow penah bace sorang forumer posting kat sini tak silap ler..petua yg die bag ...

mungkin yg meow maksudkan tu AREOLA kut. kalo areola tu adelah kawasan hitam disekeliling nipples kite.

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Post time 19-8-2005 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by twinsiss02 at 19-8-2005 01:37 PM

Hmmm macam mana plak yg masalah2 lain ..mcm puting kecik ... agak2 baby selesa ker ..atau ada masalah ker pd baby jika puting susu ibu kecil ....or ada tak any petua tuk besar kan puting su ...

saya sendiri mempunyai masalah puting kecik. dah la first time, terkial2 nak nyusukan baby. asyik terlepas jer. pas tu jadi melecet, sakitnyer tuhan jer tahu. pastu mak ajar utk masukkan keseluruhan puting kedlm mulut baby sampai ke bahagian areola, baru okey. petua nak membesarkan, tak tau lah plak.... heheh

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twinsiss02 This user has been deleted
Post time 19-8-2005 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ijazahri at 19-8-2005 01:57 PM

saya sendiri mempunyai masalah puting kecik. dah la first time, terkial2 nak nyusukan baby. asyik terlepas jer. pas tu jadi melecet, sakitnyer tuhan jer tahu. pastu mak ajar utk masukkan keselu ...

oooo ic .. salah satu petua tuh ... ada sesaper yg bleh share tak ... i rasa puting i kecik ler ...apa pun kene tggu baby kuar ...tgk camner ... harap2 my baby selesa ngan mama dia punye putinggg..

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2005 04:16 PM | Show all posts
betul kata ijazahri, semua kawasan areolar tu masuk dalam mulut baby. tu kan sultana ada post link cara BF tu siap ngan gambar lagik.

kalau lakat spital kang masa nak BF baby first time tu, kalau puting kecik ke atau inverted ke, bleh minta bantuan dari nurse tu. minta dia Syringe/penyuntik tu yang dah tak ada jarum tu. so bleh tarik puting b4 BF. selalu kat bahagian maternity ni mesti ada la nurse yang tau and bleh tunjuk.

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Post time 19-8-2005 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by twinsiss02 at 19-8-2005 01:37 PM

Hmmm macam mana plak yg masalah2 lain ..mcm puting kecik ... agak2 baby selesa ker ..atau ada masalah ker pd baby jika puting susu ibu kecil ....or ada tak any petua tuk besar kan puting su ...

ida pun ada problem gak mula2 sbb puting kecik... tp org ajar, rajin2 tarik puting kita dan gentel2 kan dia... betul ni... lg satu, biasakan jugak baby isap... bila baby dah kerap isap, puting tu lama kelamaan akan timbul jugak...

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Post time 21-8-2005 07:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zaida at 16-8-2005 08:37 AM

nama ubat tu maxalon... ida amik 3 biji sehari utk 14 hari... baby ida stop susu badan masa umur dia 2 bln sbb susu tak byk...  seronok sgt sbb mlm td dah start nyusukan baby balik... :love:

Zaida ubat itu  nama nya maxalon ke maxolon ? MAXOLON tu untuk mengurangkan rasa mual atau mengelakkan muntah, mengurangkan kesan kesan kembung peru dan juga to treat severe gastritis, it is given for those yg muntah muntah dan untuk  sesetengah pesakit yg going for a surgery under general anesthesia(GA, tidur)

Nak share jugak apa yg saya dapat tahu sepanjang saya breat feed my first born.
For first timers memang lah susah sikit kalau orang tak tunjukkan macam mana cara yg betul to do it. Thanks to the world of interneting!  Bila baby mula,
our brain di stimulate untuk menghasilkan hormone yg di panggil Prolactin .
It hurts for the first few days. As time goes by, you will know when your baby nak minum susu. You will feel certain kind of 'pressure' in the breast and
some milk will be screated.

If you don磘 want your baby to get use to fake nipple(puting susu botol) be brave to feed her using small 100ml cup and gently press the cup towards
her mouth. she will sip the fluid.

MAke sure you keep yourself warm . your hands and feet and the breast needs to be kept away from cold sebab, cold causes the milk gland to
clog. For those staying in cold weather please take note.  If it gets clog, that means the days ahead will be sore.  Tapi jangan risau, take a warm wet
towel and place it on the site.You can feel the clog, gently massage it downwords towards to nipple. Take a warm shower and massage in the shower.
Do not take any kind of citrus juice or fruits because it reduces milk production.

take lots of fish, somehow fish consumption encourage more production.

P/s I used a hand pump, I guess it does not matter if you have a mechinical pump or not. Hand pump is handy and you can take it anywhere without
having  to risau about electric supply.

[ Last edited by Tillingtan at 21-8-2005 08:15 AM ]

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Post time 22-8-2005 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tillingtan at 21-8-2005 07:34 AM

Zaida ubat itu  nama nya maxalon ke maxolon ? MAXOLON tu untuk mengurangkan rasa mual atau mengelakkan muntah, mengurangkan kesan kesan kembung peru dan juga to treat severe gastritis, it is  ...

maxalon nama ubat tu... maxolon tu mmg ida pernah terbaca spt yg tillingtan xplain tu ler.. ida amik maxalon... beza satu huruf jer yek...

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Post time 23-8-2005 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zaida at 22-8-2005 11:58 AM

maxalon nama ubat tu... maxolon tu mmg ida pernah terbaca spt yg tillingtan xplain tu ler.. ida amik maxalon... beza satu huruf jer yek...

Zaida, I have look up for maxalon......
There are no such drugs. I think kemungkinan ada salah spelling...

Please read the article  below.  And Note what it does to increase milk production.( Maxolon .. generic name is metoclopramide)
articel taken from  Professional Breastfeeding Information Sheet

Metoclopramide is 2-methoxy-5-chloroprocainamide (1). It is the prototype of the selective dopamine antagonists called substituted benzamides. Metoclopramide stimulates the motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract without stimulating gastric, pancreatic or biliary secretions. It increases the tone and amplitude of gastric contractions, relaxes the pyloric sphincter and the duodenal bulb, and increases peristalsis of the duodenum and jejunum, resulting in accelerated gastric emptying and intestinal transit. It has little, if any, effect on the motility of the colon or gallbladder. It also increases the resting tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. (2)

It's mode of action is not clear. Metoclopramide appears to sensitize tissues to the action of acetylcholine. It's antiemetic properties are the result of antagonism of central and peripheral dopamine receptors. Onset of action after a po dose is 30-60 minutes, with 85 % being excreted in the urine. It is 30 % protein bound with a high volume of distribution, indicating good tissue penetration.(2)

Metoclopramide induces the release of prolactin from the anterior pituitary by blocking dopamine's action as an inhibitor of prolactin secretion, and causes a transient increase in circulating aldosterone levels. (2) Prolactin levels have been measured at 3-8 times normal within 1 hour of a po dose and can remain elevated for up to 8 hours. (3)
Metoclopramide, (4-16) sulpiride, (17) chlorpromazine, (18) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone, (14, 19-20) have been shown to successfully induce lactation. Metoclopramide has been used preferentially due to its safety and relative lack of side effects when compared to the other known galactogogues.

About 10 % of all patients treated with metoclopramide report nervousness, somnolence, fatigue, and lassitude. Less than 1 % report insomnia, headache, bowel disturbances, and less than 0.2% report an acute dystonic reaction.(2) In studies where metoclopramide is used as a galactogogue, side effects are extremely rare. Kauppila (11) reported occasional tiredness, headache and nausea in the treatment group, and tiredness, dizziness and sweating in his placebo control group. No side effects were noted by Gupta (12) or Kauppila (8). Ehrenkranz (13) reported no side effects in 21 of 23 treated women, with one woman reporting diarrhea and nervousness, and another increased tiredness. Kaupplila (8) showed no change in maternal TSH, T3 or T4.

Metoclopramide is transferred into breastmilk. (6,21) Kauppila et al (21) reported it's concentration was generally higher in breastmilk than in maternal plasma. Although the estimated intake of metoclopramide was calculated at 1-5% of the recommended therapeutic dose for children (0.5 mg/kg/d), it was detected in the plasma of only one of the 5 neonates studied. No side effects were noted, and plasma thyrotropin remained within the normal range. Metoclopramide has been given directly to preterm infants to improve gastrointestinal function (22) and is commonly used in NICU's to treat gastroesophageal reflux .

Ertl (15) demonstrated that metoclopramide augmented milk production without having any effect on the prolactin and sodium concentration of human "mature" milk. The plasma prolactin of newborns of mothers treated with metoclopramide did not differ from the values of the control babies. deGezelle (10) noted a shift in amino acid composition occuring earlier in the treatment group suggesting that metoclopramide enhances the rate of transition from colostrum to mature milk. The effect of metoclopramide therapy on the composition of preterm human milk is not known.


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Post time 23-8-2005 08:06 AM | Show all posts
maybe... tp mcm mana pulak dgn perenggan ni... ida dpt dr netsvic- breastfeeding issues

These are substances, which stimulate the supply of breastmilk. Both pharmacological and herbal preparations are available.

Published evidence supportive of herbal preparations is limited. Fenugreek is the most widely recognised however there is no data regarding transmission in breastmilk or safety for preterm infants.

Metoclopramide (Maxalon) will stimulate breastmilk supply in the lactating mother. The safety of this medication has been established for preterm infants. Mothers should be advised about the possibility of dystonic reactions. In some women use exacerbates symptoms of depression. Controversy exists over the dosage regime and duration. A suggested regime is 10mg tds for 5 days and then tapering over the next 5 days. Some women benefit from repeated courses but little data exists on the safety of such practice. Metoclopramide often results in dramatic increase in supply, which may not be sustained once medication is withdrawn.

Domperidone also acts a galactogue and is safe for preterm infants. There appears to be a slower onset of action but the increase in supply is better maintained than with Metoclopramide. Unfortunately Domperidone is not approved as a galactogue on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the quantity required can prove costly. The dose required is 10 - 20 mg qid. Domperidone is better tolerated by mothers as a long term stimulant of breastmilk supply.

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Post time 23-8-2005 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Generic name ialah Metoclopromide, so they are the same. an anti ametic  Which one of the side effect is increase in milk production. I guess if it do you good, then no harm done, you and your child has benefited from it.

there are other herbal way of increasing milk production using fenugreek. you can get more information on this site below

Web site to visit

other common name for fenugreek
Alholva, Bird's Foot, Boyotu, Chinagreye, Fenegriek, Fenugreek, Foenum Graecum, Greek Hay-seed, Halva, Helba, Hu Lu Pa, K'U Tou, Kelabat, Koroha, Methi, Shimli, Sickle-fruit Fenugreek, Sicklefruit Fenugreek

[ Last edited by Tillingtan at 23-8-2005 09:36 PM ]

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Post time 24-8-2005 10:21 PM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah..setakat ni ummi masih bf kepada anak ummi ariq ulwan..insyaAllah ikut perancangan biarlah sampai umur ariq ulwan 2 tahun..

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Post time 26-8-2005 08:39 AM | Show all posts

sori... ekceli, sut kompius sket.... sut ada try buat petua macam dania cakap ni....
tapi susu tak keluar-keluar....

eniway... sut nak tanya...
1)  berapa banyak kacang hijau kita kena hancurkan dalam mulut tu ehh???
2)  ekceli apa maksud "tapal"???
3)  kacang hijau tu kena hancur lumat-lumat ke kat dalam mulut???
4)  Both breast ke kena tapal???

Setakat tu dulu soklan dari sut....

Thanks Dania

Originally posted by dania78 at 7-8-2005 12:57 AM
kata pi ambil kacang hijau, hancurkan dalam mulut pastu tapal kat breast. 2 jam i tapal kacang hijau tu. 2 JAM. 2 HOURS. 120 minutes .bukan 2 HARI. masa i tanggalkan tapal tu terus susu i terus keluar mencurah-curah . kuasa Allah ...

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aturcara This user has been deleted
Post time 26-8-2005 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Hmm..kita berharap sangat susu ade time bersalin yang kedua ni...nak BF baby sampai 2 tahun jugak...

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2005 11:57 AM | Show all posts
petua kacang hijau ni untuk pecahkan susu ye. bukan untuk tambah susu tau. kalau buat masa pregnat maybe susu tak pecah lagi. maksud pecah ni,pengaliran susu lebih lancar la tak nak ada sumbat2. hehehehe. kena gak diikuti ngan minum air suam, kurma ke macam petua yg lain nun, sup papaya ke.

ok ok, kacang hijau tu memang nak kuyah lumat-lumat la. kunyah laa sebanyak cukup yang boleh kita tapal kat BOTH breast. TAPAL ni maksudnya cam err . huh cam apa ek. gini la cam letakkan kacang hijau yg dah hancur tu kat seluruh areolar breast. dedua breast ye. pastu tutup la ngan kain pastu pakai bra. biar kacang hijau tu kat sana. alaaa macam gak letak ubat kat luka ke apa ke pastu tutup biar ubat tu menepek kat sana dengan "secure"nye. hehehe. amacam boleh ke.

ni kita refer balik, petua ni untuk lancarkan susu. bukan tambah susu. nak tambah susu kena tambah intake air suam. sup panas-panas.good luck ye. maaf lambat reply. sedang holiday ni. hehehehhe

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Post time 26-8-2005 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Thanks Dania.... baru sut paham...

ok... nanti sut cuba lagik... he...he...hee......

Originally posted by dania78 at 26-8-2005 11:57 AM
petua kacang hijau ni untuk pecahkan susu ye. bukan untuk tambah susu tau. kalau buat masa pregnat maybe susu tak pecah lagi. maksud pecah ni,pengaliran susu lebih lancar la tak nak ada sumbat2. he ...

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twinsiss02 This user has been deleted
Post time 26-8-2005 04:43 PM | Show all posts
hehehhe nak share ngan smer japp .... ishhh anak saper ler comey sgt nih ... rasa cam nak gigit2 jerk ...

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