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Author: AceHand

JIZZZ... KLONG! KLONG! Iron Maiden...

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Post time 21-7-2003 01:57 PM | Show all posts
bile?..september?..tak sabar nak tunggu...

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ah_lock_cafe This user has been deleted
Post time 21-7-2003 02:54 PM | Show all posts
kalo tak salah aku ar..x-vocal diorg ni..d'anno nih dah convert kan..dah jadik muslim..korg komen skit..lama dah aku rasa info ni..thn 2000..ujung thn..

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Post time 21-7-2003 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ah_lock_cafe at 2003-7-21 14:54:
kalo tak salah aku ar..x-vocal diorg ni..d'anno nih dah convert kan..dah jadik muslim..korg komen skit..lama dah aku rasa info ni..thn 2000..ujung thn..


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Post time 21-7-2003 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Dulu aku ada baca jugak kat website metal omputeh pasal ni. Tapi aku diam je. Pasal Tuhan tu maha kuasa. Cuma dia je yang tahu. Tapi kalau korang interested kat bawah ni ada beberapa interview ngan Paul Dianno. Dia ni, aku pun tak tahu nak cakap apa. Kadang2 kasihan. Pasal semenjak dia kena tendang oleh Steve Harris lepas Maiden Killers Tour 81 dulu, apa2 dia buat semua tak menjadi. Apa projek dia buat - Battlezone ke, Murders one ke, atau Killers semua takde sambutan. Dia main live pun orang datang pasal nak dengar dia bawak lagu Maiden lama. Aku beli cd live Battlezone pun pasal nak dengar dia main Maiden lama, lagu lain semua aku skip. Last aku tahu, beberapa bulan lepas dia buat special show kat London 'Main lagu Maiden unplugged'. Tak silap aku dia pun nak keluarkan dvd Killers Live. Aku tak tahu latest news.
Sapa2 minat carik buku autobiography dia THE BEAST, terbitan tahun lepas. Aku belum baca. Takde duit nak order buku ni. Mungkin dia ada sebut pasal agama, aku tak tahu. Tapi bawah ni, ada beberapa interview ngan Paul yang ada sebut pasal agama Paul. Korang baca dan fahami sendiri. Ingat ni semua bukan latest interviews tapi yang dibuat agak lama.
Paling latest ialah yang paling bawah ngan Philip Bernard. Interview ni tak salah aku awal tahun ni. Selamat membaca dan aku ada taruk link dia sekali.

Semua interviews panjang sangat jadi aku kena asingkan satu satu.


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Post time 21-7-2003 04:59 PM | Show all posts

part 1
As you can tell, Paul is quite the outspoken and bouyant personality. I thank him for not dodging any questions and shedding light on some things that most Maiden/Di'Anno fans probably never knew. Of course, this interview is not the typical blabbering about keys, notes and self-importance. Much like his book匘i'Anno can be brutally honest and sometimes controversial. That being said, all Maiden fans should run out and purchase the new book卐ven people who aren't fans might enjoy reading it.

Antagonistic and fun as ever卙ere is Mr. Paul Di'Anno!


Aerik Von (Raging-Metal): First off Mr. Di'Anno, having been lucky enough to have an advance copy of the book through a friend I must say that it was not what I expected from a musicians autobiography. While the Iron Maiden days are covered in the manner I expected I found the book far more unsettling and honest than books like Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" which contained a good deal of dirt but in times tried to find a way to soften the blow whereas your book has some frightening honesty that I would never expect from a book on a musicians life. How do you feel about exposing such harsh details to the world and your fans at this point in your life?

Paul Di'Anno (Iron Maiden, Killers, Di'Anno, Battlezone, etc.): I just wanted to get it all out and off my chest in the most honest way possible. It was my manager Lea Hart (and Dale Webb the co author) that suggested the book, and I said I'd only do it if it was "Non Rock n Roll". You know like the rest of those self congratulating "Bullshit I love Myself Biography's". I know the book will shock a lot of people, but that's better than just giving them another 20 odd years of the same old crap that they are used to reading. Who's really wants to read a load of bollocks about what songs we are changing the guitar solos in etc. I thought it was time that someone stood up and gave people some truth...even if it shocks em.

AV: While many rock musicians are consumed by the fame and drugs that plagued you and almost ended your life, career and freedom so many times, is you ever afraid of repeating the downs of your career again or do you feel that this book has finally put some of those demons to rest for you?

PD: I have mellowed out a lot now I guess and that's probably something to do with getting older. However I would not have changed a thing that I have done in my life coz it was one roller coaster of a ride and I enjoyed every ****** moment of it. Let's just say that those Demons are currently taking a rest and I'm not so drug mad any more....unless you can spare me a little line or two.

AV: One note about your life of great interest in such turmoil based times卙ow do you feel as a Muslim in the current world? With so much that has gone on you stand as one of the few western Islamic figures in today's world? I've heard of your conversion before but most I mention it too are surprised at the knowledge.

PD: I would rather not answer anything concerning my faith as it always get misinterpreted no matter what I say.

AV: Most importantly, what last things would you like to say about the book? I found it extremely well written and down to earth but in many places it might be an uncomfortable read for the average Maiden/Paul Di'Anno fan. What was your biggest goal in releasing this book and do you feel that in the early stages of its release that you've met any of these goals?

PD: The biggest goal in my releasing this book was so that I did not need to carry this around in my mind any longer. I've always had this knack of pissing people off, but that's just me and I guess the book may also piss some people off too, but at least they'll read something worthwhile in the process of being pissed off. Besides that it seems that every other *****er has something to say about me (true or false) and now people can read it like it really is. The book is a lot like me...not pretty, but honest and worth waiting for.

AV: In many ways you reminded me of Bon Scott in your early days. You both had a similar look and sound vocally in some ways, as well as a good deal of charm and energy. You even both ran the line of risks厀hich he sadly is no longer here to tell the tale while you have survived. Did this comparison become common among the punters?

PD: Yeh a lot of people have compared us both over the years and I can see why. Bon Scott was a MAN...a Great man, whom I respected and admired for his honesty to life. We were both similar in that we didn't want to compromise to the Great Rock n Roll lie, and I am proud that I actually met Bon's during his heyday.

AV: Who were the singers who influenced your vocals while starting in Maiden? Your voice covers many aspects of heavy music and cannot be traced to any one group of singers.

PD: I was mostly into punk when I was starting out and apart from a few special voices such as Bon Scott, I wasn't really into most of the Metal vocalists with the same outfits and same old vocal styles. I guess I used to get more of a buzz listening to Johnny Rotten really.

AV: You are considered a cult legend by many Iron Maiden fans. I personally enjoy the "Killers" record over all Maiden actually (it was my first Maiden record ten years ago as it was for many in the early 80's) as it was your most streetwise and unpretentious record. With that being said卍o you ever feel that most Maiden fans give you fair due with your work in Iron Maiden twenty years later?

PD: Who knows? The fans have read so much bullshit about me (behind my back) over the years that it's hard to know anything truthful anymore. I guess the fans that still support me are the one's that didn't care about all the crap that was thrown at me when I couldn't fight back.

AV: How are your terms with your former band mates currently? Do you still speak with Steve or any of the other members of the band? Do you ever listen to the records they have made since your departure from the band?

PD: I don't see any of Maiden and haven't done for years. I have only good feelings towards them, but I don't listen to their records as they don't really interest me. I wish them all the best in what they do.

AV: Have you ever considered any form of re-union with Iron Maiden, even if for a one song/concert experience? Is that something that you would find enjoyment in at this current stage of your career?

PD: Don't know really; ask me again in 6 months time.

AV: A long debated lyric of yours from this period is the song "Remember Tomorrow". I've heard some pretty interesting (and many idiotic) interpretations of these lyrics. Would you PLEASE help us out and give us the story behind this song?

PD: "Remember Tomorrow", kind of as what you do now/today can dictate what will happen later in your life.
In my case it's totally true which means I should have ****** listened to my Mum a bit more eh.

AV: Before I end the Iron Maiden related portion of your career is there any final words you would like to impart on us about your time in this act?

PD: It's all been said really.

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Post time 21-7-2003 04:59 PM | Show all posts
part 2

AV: Which of your solo albums do you consider your favorite work? While many remember you for your work in Maiden I found Battlezone's "Fight it Back" to show you to be more than the just a former Iron Maiden front man. Which work do you think defines your solo career?

PD: Without a doubt "Nomad" as this is my finest album ever.

AV: In your solo career you have worked with Dennis Stratton (another fine vocalist as well as a guitarist) of Iron Maiden. Are you able to shed any light on what he is doing at the moment? Will you ever combine forces with Mr. Stratton in the future?

PD: He is working in a pub covers band in the East End of London playing kind of middle of the road pop and rock music. I think he plays about 3 times a week as he works as a telephone technician for British Telecom during the day. He also plays occasionally with Praying Mantis, but I have heard that he has really hated that for years, but does it to get to travel a bit. Dennis is a reasonable guitarist and has a really good voice, but spent too much time and far too many years in pubs with his mates away from the real music business I guess.

AV: Many people have wondered why you moved on from Battlezone to Killers. Was the name change simply because of new members or was there a different intent for the record. Also to note卌an you explain as to why Menace to Society has two different covers?

PD: I always have to change and could not and cannot stay put with the same thing for too long. The name change was due to it being 2 different bands and directions. I have no idea why there are 2 different covers; you had better ask the record company.

AV: Do you have any recordings from your solo career that you did not feel totally comfortable with in terms of playing or direction? Many artists find dissatisfaction with one or two albums when they have been working as long as you have.

PD: I have made some shit records and some fantastic records, but that's me and I'll always be that way. Everything felt comfortable at the time, but time moves on and so do I.

AV: What records have you released that are rare/hard to find that you would like to see released to the public once again?

PD: I don't really know and don't really care.

AV: Nomad is a new start for your career in many ways and it received a decent amount of press. Are you happy with both the commercial and critical success of this album?

PD: Well it certainly was not a commercial success, as it was just an underground record really. The critical success has been great though.

AV: How was the crowd when you played at the Wacken Open Air gig? It must have been nice to be on such a large stage! It must be nice to have a festival of such a large size recognize you and to let you shine on a bigger stage.

PD: It was pretty good (I think) I was charlied up and pretty pissed up too, but people tell me it was great, I don't really remember.

AV: What does the immediate future hold for Paul Di'Anno and his recording career? Are you working on a new album or is touring the priority? (Or for the fans biggest hopes can we expect some of both!)

PD: Ask my manager, as I just take each day as it comes. So long as I can work/Eat/Shit/Shave, and have a few large lines of coke and a bottle of Jack I'm happy.

AV: As a personal question of interest to me for some time厀hat bands do you feel best represent the future of metal as one who was part of forming one of the biggest legends in the genre?

PD: I really wouldn't know and don't have a clue, mostly I listen to The Ramones, and most of them are dead.

AV: I am now going to ask the cheesy rock journalist question厀hat message to all of your current and future fans would you know like to leave?

PD: Thanks to all you *****ers who stuck by me and stuck your fingers up at all the cunts/wankers that kept putting me down all of the time. You are REAL fans!! Oh and don't forget to get me a few (Large) drinks when you see me next...I LUV YOU BARSTARDS!!!!!

AV: All I can say is thank you Paul and I hope your book and future endeavors are all a success. From the
Raging-Metal and SLP we wish you the best of times!

PD: Thank you too darling.



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Post time 21-7-2003 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Interview with:
Paul DiAnno (ex of Iron Maiden)  

part 1

Paul DiAnno is an interesting fellow to say the least. Most people who have had the slightest amount of notoriety will do all that they can to hold onto the reigns of the horse that they are riding just in the hope that they not be thrown but that is simply not the case with DiAnno, not by a longshot. DiAnno is more the type to devour the horse because he can run faster, stronger and get further by using it as fuel rather than transportation. This attitude has been present in everything he has done and may give some insight into why it is he has gone through a rather long list of musical companions.
Having achieved his greatest fame as a member of IRON MAIDEN DiAnno has used that particular horse to expose the world to a much more direct voice, his own, leaving the shadows and imagery of MAIDEN largely behind. If there is a word to describe DiAnno in the year 2000 it is definitely, direct, and the best evidence of this is contained in his latest work, the compact disc he calls, "NOMAD". "NOMAD" features DiAnno fronting an all Brazilian metal band which may well eclipse SEPULTURA as Brazil's most popular Hard Rock export and he is touring the US for the first time in a decade in furtherance of that goal.
There is also more to DiAnno than the music, for instance, he has embraced the teachings and practices of Islam and is currently preparing for the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims must make if they are able. DiAnno has also raised his political voice in his adopted country of Brazil in an effort to clean the filth from the Amazonian River Valley but the endeavor that seems to bring him the most joy is his philanthropic work. DiAnno has spent much time and energy conceptualizing businesses that will employ and educate Brazil's poor. Yes, there is much more to Paul DiAnno than a few Heavy Metal classics still he hasn't abandoned his musical past and will perform a career spanning set on the "NOMAD" tour including all of the IRON MAIDEN, BATTLEZONE and KILLERS s you could ever want to hear. I recently reached Paul in the UK as he was preparing for the trip to North American to begin the "NOMAD" tour and despite some recent oral surgery we wagged on for quite some time resulting in the following.
DAVID LEE: For me, this upcoming tour is really something special because you have not been in the States for some time, are you looking forward to the return?
PAUL DiANNO: Yeah! We have been talking to immigration and stuff like that and it looks like we are going to be rehearsing in Florida instead of going back to San Paolo. We are going to rehearse there for about four days and then we are on the road.
DL: I should have asked this question first but, who is in the band for this trip and which band is it? Is it BATTLEZONE, KILLERS or something else?
PD: It will be done under the name "DIANNO" because BATTLEZONE is on hold for the moment due to a few personnel problems. When my guitarist, Paulo, left BATTLEZONE he went back to Brazil and I spend a lot of time in Brazil, I have my girlfriend there. What Paulo and I decided to do was that we would stay in contact with each other and for about the last six or seven months we have been writing some more songs together and we decided to go ahead and do an album with an all Brazilian band.
DL: This is the "NOMAD" record?
PD: Yeah, that's right.
DL: While I was in England for the Millennium party on the Thames I stopped by a half dozen shops in Soho and managed to come home with a bunch of Paul DiAnno goodies, the most recent of which was "THE MASTERS" double disc, will this new record sound anything like that one?
PD: Soho? It's OK now, they've cleaned it up but when I was a kid back in the seventies that was the most exciting place in the world for us! We got my friend laid on his sixteenth birthday for the British equivalent of about seven pounds. He got his nuts blown off by this girl and he had never even had a girlfriend, ever, so we all chipped in and paid for it! (laughs) It used to be all seedy dives with the basement apartments with the red lights and hookers everywhere, it was f***ing great! It is not like that now because the Council cleaned it up.
DL: At least they didn't do it 'till your mate got his rocks off! (laughs)
PD: Oh yeah! He had never had anything like it and I don't think he could walk for about a week!
DL: I just got some CD's and records myself, you know the family was in tow and all that! (laughs)
PD: Yeah, "THE MASTERS," what a load of s***! (laughs) It has been weird because we had a lot of trouble with that record company. It was a year ago that the "FEEL MY PAIN" album came out by BATTLEZONE and immediately thereafter they did nothing. It just went to pieces and they still owe us thousands and thousands of pounds. We are all so pissed off because we were all working our balls off and we were trying to get some recognition and it was coming together. In the mean time I have been busy but not so much in the public as it were, just watching the kids grow up and s*** like that.
DL: Does the son hit you up for some cash so he can make his visit to Soho? (laughs)
PD: Actually, my son is doing rather well. He is a mechanic for one of England's biggest car manufactures and he is only seventeen so I am pretty happy for him. I don't get to see him too much because me and his Mum broke up when he was about four but we talk every week and he is going to come out and visit me in Brazil soon. I haven't seen him in a year and he tells me he is hooked up with two girls at the moment, good guy! (laughs) He has an apartment with two girls!
DL: Is he Dad's idol?
PD: You see, the thing is I was trying to give him the birds and the bees a few years ago and he says, "I know all of this s***, I just want to ask you one question, When was the first time you got laid?" I said, "I was nearly Twelve years old." He goes, "Oh, f***! I was thirteen!" (laughs) He knows all of that s*** now! As long as it is safe, it doesn't matter! (laughs)
DL: Yeah, man when I was a kid the worst thing that could happen is you get caught by the girls Dad or the girl gets pregnant but now there is s*** that will kill you! Gotta have a helmet on that soldier and then still worry! (laughs)
PD: Yeah, this is it! I have backed off of all of that stuff because I have got a great old lady in Brazil and all that but that is not to say that I won't do it, I know me all too well!
DL: Especially hard to do when she is in Brazil and you are in the UK?
PD: Well, the reason that I am back here is that my pa**port runs its course in another five days so I am staying here to get through the bureaucracy s*** and then I am going back home

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Post time 21-7-2003 05:02 PM | Show all posts
part 2

DL: In the last few years there has been an onslaught of IRON MAIDEN product out there that featured you, all the "Best of's" and re-issues and stuff like that. Then there is the stuff by BATTLEZONE, KILLERS, the solo stuff and all of these "project bands," but you have kept a pretty low profile, as you say, you have stayed out of the public eye, why is that?
PD: God, yeah, I'll tell you what, if I was getting the money out of all of this I would be rich!
DL: Did you lose your claim to some of that stuff long ago?
PD: Well, I get a lot of money out of all this IRON MAIDEN re-issue s*** but my personal manager over here, I help him out a lot in England, his name is Lea Hart and he was with a band called FASTWAY. . .
DL: Of course.
PD: . . .And he is a freak! He is like, "Come out and help me on this stuff." And the reason that I help him with this stuff is because he gets all of these "Best of" projects like a record of ZZ TOP covers and UFO covers and I get a chance to sing something that I grew up listening to. I don't have to sing along to it in my bedroom, I can actually go in and record it! He gets all of the money and I do it just for fun and practice. I just did one with him the other day, a UFO song.
DL: Which song?
PD: "Shoot, Shoot" and it was great fun. I had seen UFO so many times as a kid and though it was never really the sort of music that I really liked, it was cheap, we could go and see them for something like a dollar. We just would go and see them just to hang out and I saw them with Michael Schenker and everything.
DL: Did you ever get to see Michael throw one of his famous fits on stage?
PD: I actually saw him do it on a ferry once! When BATTLEZONE was going over to play the very first Dynamo show we went out and Michael was on the ferry and we started talking and drinking and he said, "Oh, don't tell my wife, she thinks that I am drinking mineral water."
DL: Yeah, he and his wife live out in the Arizona desert now and, I guess, he has mellowed a bit.
PD: Yeah, same story with me, I very rarely drink anymore. I don't know, we did this last tour in Brazil and we didn't drink and the guys are all younger in the band, except for me and Paulo, we are the two old f***ers, anyway, I very rarely drink anymore and I have to tell you, we had the best gigs that we have ever played. It is really cool because the spirit of the band is really the thing that we need and not the alcohol and stuff like that. I have been drug free for years so I don't do any of that s***, I never liked dope anyway. I couldn't see continuing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on coke and stuff like that, its ridiculous. I did own a small part of Columbia for a time but I can't be doing all of that s*** now, I am not interested.
DL: There is nothing like your first blast anyway. The rest of the time is just trying to recreate that feeling, that and I'd rather have some more CD's actually! (laughs)
PD: Yeah, that was when I was about fifteen so I can't even remember it, not into it at all. It has been about five years now since I last did anything and I was in the worst place to be living for that, Brazil. It works out to be about six dollars a gram! My old lady is a chemist anyway!
DL: That's handy!
PD: My girlfriend is actually an Amazonian Indian and she is absolutely barking mad! We have so much fun together that it hurts when I have to come home here because we are always laughing. I have never been so bloody happy!
DL: I have seen advertisements for this tour and it has been advertised as, "An Evening of Iron Maiden." That is not actually the case, is it?
PD: Bulls***! No, I wouldn't do it, I would rather quit. Obviously, we have to play some MAIDEN songs which, I tried doing a show without them once and I nearly got lynched! (laughs) But, as this is my first trip back to the States to play in six years and it is the others guys first trip ever. We also know that not everyone is going to be able to get the album straight away or be familiar with it though we hope that they will get off on it anyway but we will have some songs that anyone is going to recognize. I am just working on the set list right now.'
DL: Are you taking requests?
PD: No. (laughs) I can give you a rundown of it now if you like?
DL: Absolutely!
PD: The first song is "Madman in the Attic" which is the opening track on the album. Second track is "POV 2000." That is "Point of View 2000" and that is about racism and how much we hate it. The third song will be "Prowler." The fourth song will be called "Brothers of the Tomb" which is probably the most Heavy Metal, as in, old traditional style Heavy Metal. The next song will be "Remember Tomorrow" after that it is "Satan."
DL: "Satan?"
PD: Yeah, we are making fun because we don't believe in all that s***. Next one is called, "Dog Dead" and then the title track, "Nomad." Then there is "Killers," you may know that one. (laughs)
DL: Like I wrote it myself! (laughs)
PD: I did start playing that one with BATTLEZONE but we turned it into a grindcore kind of song and it worked pretty well. We also used to do "Wrathchild" where it would start off Hip-Hop.
DL: I had actually read something about that.
PD: Yeah, it sounded great and it was three times heavier than MAIDEN ever did it when it kicks in, it is great fun.
DL: This is a good point to ask, have you heard the studio re-recording of "Wrathchild" with Bruce Dickinson that they did for the PC game, "ED HUNTER?"
PD: No, I haven't. Now that would be interesting. We don't see each other very much anymore. Oh well, lets get back to the set list! (laughs) We won't talk about that! Right, the next one is an old KILLERS song called "The Beast Arises."
DL: From the first KILLERS record?
PD: Yeah, exactly. Then there is another track from the new album called "Cold World." Then we have "Living Dead" which is the ballad thing that I was talking about. The last song from our album is "War Machine" which I always dedicate to my ex-wife! (laughs) She is happy about that!
DL: So, there is a lot of love there! (laughs)
PD: She thought it was cool. We are still best friends, actually though she does call me, "The a**hole I used to be married to." The very last song of the set is "Sanctuary." Then encore songs will be "Running Free," "Murders in the Rue Morgue," f***, we put in extra MAIDEN songs just because it is the first American tour in a long time! We finally end with "Children of Madness" which is an old BATTLEZONE tune. So, that is about two hours worth of music there every night. We are going out for hardly any money, just 'cause we thought it would be cool to play the States and we don't want to be limited to South America. We had forgotten that North America was there, somewhere! (laughs) We want to let people know that it is not only SEPULTURA that is from Brazil, the fine band that they are. The Latinos are a-comin! (laughs)
DL: I had always presumed that Dianno was an Italian name but are you Latino?
PD: You got it. Our drummer, he has the best Heavy Metal name in the world, his name is Achilles. He has got the non-Italian name and he was actually born in South Africa but he grew up in Brazil, his father was Brazilian. One of our guitarist is Francisco Dejera, Chico for short, and he is from Japanese extraction but still is a Brazilian. Paulo, who does all of the actual writing with me, his family are actually from Torrino, Italy but they emigrated to Brazil about five generations ago. Our Ba** player is Philipa Andreolli, another good Italian name, then there is me so we are all sort of a mixture. I mean, I travel on a British pa**port but I have got Italian and Brazilian parentage.
DL: There we go, the entire pedigree of the band! (laughs)
PD: That's right! (laughs) Yeah, I got the greatest job in the world! I can see the world, meet lots of people, see all of the social problems but then that gets depressing a bit, then again if I can write a little bit about it, it isn't that bad.

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Post time 21-7-2003 05:02 PM | Show all posts
part 3

DL: I hadn't know of your conversion to Islam until recently, when did that take place?
PD: I turned to Islam about ten years ago. My ex-wife was a Muslim and she said to me, "Don't say anything, just read this" and I read the Koran and some other literature. I had always believed in God, that's for sure. In Islamic eyes I am a fundamentalist because I am playing Heavy Metal music which you are not supposed to do and I am speaking about issues outside of Islam so I am kind of a fundamentalist but because you say that you are a Muslim, people they all think that you are running around with a machine gun. Most Moslems are very peaceful people. I have always believed that if you believe in God and you get down on your knees to pray to God then you should pray directly to God, you don't have to go around the Holy Mother and everybody else to get there. It just made more sense to me. I also cut out doing drugs but I am not that good because I still have a drink now and again but nobody is perfect other than Allah. I still firmly believe that God has kept on letting me do what I am doing because he thinks that I am finally writing about issues that matter. I may be kidding myself but that is what I believe.
DL: Interesting. I spoke with Yusef Islam once and he related his story of conversion and it definitely seemed as though the whole circumstances surrounding it brought him a great deal of peace. It is a bit strange for Europeans to convert to Islam as it is not really part of the culture.
PD: You are talking about Cat Stevens?
DL: Yes.
PD: He is a man that I admire very much.
DL: I certainly respect his dedication because he left his career and millions of dollars behind to follow his faith.
PD: Yes, that's right. He has become an Imam, he is one of our most respected teachers over here in England. Then again, I did hear that he was going on tour again, that he started to play again.
DL: I know he did an album of Islamic music a while back but are you saying he was doing Cat Stevens tunes?
PD: Yeah, or some of them, I don't really know. I couldn't see him going out and singing about Islam with an acoustic guitar although that would be more acceptable than going through electric instruments which we are not really allowed to do.. Also, what I like about Islam is that it is Green. Allah gave us this world just to look after, not to wreck and ravage. It was lent to us as a gift, it is not ours. Plus, you also look after the community, it doesn't have to only be the Islamic community, but you look after the people around you. It has got all good things going for it.
DL: Do you plan on making the Haji?
PD: Oh, absolutely. I was thinking that I will, hopefully, by next year. Once I finish whatever tours I have I am hoping to go on the Haji, I really am. My head is already shaved in anticipation! (laughs)
DL: Do you try and spread the word or Islam to non-Islamics? Do you carry literature around with you on tour?
PD: Oh, yeah. My Koran goes everywhere with me. For those who are interested, but it does say, "Do not touch the Holy book if you are a non-believer" but I have little pamphlets and things that I bring out with me. There is no Mosque here is Salisbury but there is the Moslem Foundation right down the street and there are only about 200 of us down there but that is the closest thing that we have got.
DL: Since you live in Salisbury I would expect that you have been to Stonehenge?
PD: It is about five miles from where I live and I have to drive past it everyday. I understand its importance and I watched a really cool program on it recently where they found a body which they say dates to about 200 AD that was beheaded right by the stones. They have run forensics on it to see how he was executed. Summer Solstice has just happened here about two weeks ago and it was the first time that they actually let people come over there and let them stay all night until the sun had come up. I never went over myself because it has no significance to me. I think that they are very amazing things and that they do have some kind of special power but it is not the sort of thing that is significant to me in my life but if they help other people, fine. I was a the Wailing Wall last year because Jerusalem is a very important thing to Muslims. I went to the Golden Mosque but I got a bit pissed off at the Israeli soldiers trying to stop me going in.
DL: Why would they stop you from going in?
PD: Well, you have to go through a little market thing downstairs run by Jews and Arabs side by side but then there is a walled gate there with Israeli soldiers there stopping Muslims from going in to pray. They check you out and stuff like that and I got really pissed off and I said "f*** you! I am a Muslim and I am going in to pray." The guys from my record company were there and I don't think that any of them knew that I was a Muslim! (laughs) These guys are all Jewish and they are like, "Oh my God!" (laughs) I said, "I will see you in a couple of hours" and I went to afternoon prayers and that was it. It was an eye opener to see that there are these people running around with machine guns and I do realize that these people must have somewhere to live but first of all, it was Palestine. I don't know, it is a big mess and I hope that they can work it out and live side by side eventually. I have been watching it all and I don't know, I think that what gets up most Arabs noses is that it was taken by force. Ah well, who is to say, it is a difficult thing. I am not exactly the most peaceful person in the world myself because I get so pissed off with so many of the things that go on in the world. I used to strike out at people but not any more. I like to think that I am a little bit above that now which is not to say that I wouldn't if somebody was going to harm my family or my friends.
DL: This upcoming tour is something that will touch a lot of people because you were and are involved with some music that really moved people, what music touched you in that same deep way and do you still listen to it?
PD: Punk. Things like the SEX PISTOLS and THE CLASH and stuff like that. That stuff just put it into my head that anybody can do this, that was what it was all about. It didn't matter if you could play or not, you just went up there and did it. Definitely Punk music, I still listen to the same old records now. I don't mean GREEN DAY and OFFSPRING, that is not Punk music, that is put together by people at record companies. I am playing in a Punk band myself on Saturday it is called, THE ALMIGHTY INBREEDS, and we do it just for fun. We play old s and we have about six or seven of our own tracks which are all absolutely disgusting! (laughs) That is what it is all about isn't it? We have this one song called, "Gary Glitter, Baby Sitter."
DL: (Laughing) That's nuts! With all of the information that is out there about anyone who ever picked up a guitar or warbled a note I haven't seen a lot of stuff out there dedicated to you so need to ask, what else is there that you want people to know about that we haven't gotten to?
PD: There really isn't much that I can add! (laughs) I would like to thank the American Government for letting me come over and play again! I would just like to say that anyone new who comes along we will certainly do our best for you because we always do the best for us. The bigger we get the more we can clean up our own country and then go after the rest of the world! (laughs)
Written by David Lee Wilson

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Post time 21-7-2003 05:03 PM | Show all posts ... zone/battlezone.htm
Paul Dianno, The Original Lead singer for Iron Maiden is making waves with his new band Battlezone.
At last, justice has been granted. Battlezone set up camp on stage. The crowd, though small, make no reaction whatsoever and even numerous insults from Paul Dianno make no difference. Pitiful.

Paul Dianno took centre of the stage and was unstoppable with his distinct and powerful voice, which time warps you back to the days of the first Iron Maiden. It's clear to see that music's PUNK movement affected our Paul, which he mixes really well with his usual heavy metal.

Despite a few technical hitches and a screwed up guitar Battlezone goes down very well. It's hard to believe NO sound checks were made!

The crowd gasped in horror, myself included as Paul announces that his next song is in the style of HIP-HOP, more commonly associated with, dare I say it... THE BEASTIE BOYS!!! Despite our uneasiness with this, we were pleasantly surprised.

I assume the crowd went home deranged out of their tiny little minds, their lives having been emotionally scarred forever. Definitely a night to remember.

Toni: How are you?
Paul: F**ked

Toni: So, who's in your new band Battlezone?
Paul: Attila is the keyboard sampler he makes all the weird sounds, Colin's on bass, Mark plays the drums, Johnny plays guitar and me, Paul Dianno, I do the vocals.

Toni: What are your influences?
Paul: Heavy metal, hip-hop and punk. The Heavy Metal has just come with Iron Maiden really, before that I was really into punk, I have to say that I still am more into punk than any of that heavy metal shit, I only got into that when I joined Iron Maiden.

Toni: What did you do before you got involved with music?
Paul: I was a grave digger in Essex before I got involved with Iron Maiden, but when I was in Iron Maiden for the earlier part, I was a part-time butcher.

Toni: How fitting! (Chuckle from Paul) So, how long has your new band Battlezone been about for then?
Paul: Battlezone has been going for a year now, we've made it big in America and Brazil, but we'd really like to make it in England as this is where we were all brought up, it's like home.

Toni: What do you fear most?
Paul: Not fearing going on stage to sing. The day I don't feel sick before I go on stage, will be the day my singing career ends, because it will mean that I have lost the reason for doing it.

Toni: What is happiness to you?
Paul: When my singing career is over, it's to teach Islam to people who want to know. In my singing career now I think it's the privilege that Battlezone have in being able to entertain people. We find that we are able to do this because all the lyrics that we write are important to us, I write from gut reaction, ya know? I play what I want to hear.

Toni: Have you ever been arrested?
Paul: Yes, I was arrested once for being a gangster. It was more to do with the fact that I was Latino than a gangster. You know what they're like in America.

Toni: Got any Goss?
Paul: Not really, I want to change my name back to Mohammed Islam though. I really want to go back to my Muslim faith. I like prey and read the Koran and that shit, I know I have tattoos, I sing punk and that shit but I do respect my faith, I just came off the rails for a while and want to get back.

Toni: Do you think your music influences people to commit murder?
Paul: Yes, governments hopefully, those who are killing innocent people. Like in Kosovo with all the Muslims out there, getting shot for what they believe in.

Toni: Cheers for the interview see ya around.
Paul: Yer, nice meeting you see ya later

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Post time 21-7-2003 05:04 PM | Show all posts

by Philip Bernard

Paul DiAnno is a man who needs no introduction. His contribution to rock legends, Iron Maiden and heavy metal music as a whole is unprecedented. With his gratingly raspy vocal style, unusual-for-the-time, short punk hair, lather jacket, and tattoos, and a ready to rumble attitude, Paul DiAnno was the perfect front man for a newly establishing band, at a time when there were few chips in their favor. That is the legend of Paul DiAnno. As a ardent fan of Paul, Iron Maiden & heavy metal music, it was a real honor that he grace us with his presence.

First of all I'd like to thank you for taking the time out of your life to have this interview, Mr. DiAnno. The gang at Admiral Bliss Graphics appreciate it.

CF: The legend of Paul DiAnno, has been described in a number of different ways: Nomad gypsy, Geezer, "Jack the Lad." Who is the real Paul DiAnno?

PD: Not sure I know myself actually.. it's this split multiple personality bug I've had for years now. How about "Dianno the Motormouth" as I do tend to go on a bit and my friends and family reckon I give them all headaches by just looking at them.

CF: There's been a lot of things happening in your life recently: You've just released your biography entitled, "The Beast," your trip to India, your casting in Govind Menon's new Bollywood Film (untitled, so far). Would you mind telling us about these things?

PD: The biography was my manager.. Lea Hart's idea, and it was just a way of me getting a lot of stuff out into the open and off of my chest. Besides opening a lot of unlikely doors, it has also given some journalists a few different questions for me, rather than the same Maiden ones that keep haunting me. Also I owe a bit of gratitude (for a lot of help with the book) to my very long suffering guitarist: Cliff Evans too. The film thing was a total fluke (although I've not actually signed the contract yet) but it'll be something different and give me a chance to put on my Michael Jackson dancing shoes maybe...ha ha.

There is a hell of a lot of stuff planned for me and Killers for this year, so watch this space and my website too:

CF: There is a new resurgence of 80's nostalgia booming on the scene. In recent years, metal staples like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Guns N' Roses are back in demand; featured in soundtracks to video games, movies to collector toys and models. Young kids are going around with Maiden shirts on again. Has this affected you at all? (in comparison to the temporary death of heavy metal in the

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Post time 21-7-2003 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Part 2

CF: Faith is something, for the most part, something that we are lacking in the world. With all the tragedies and turmoil in the world, we could use a whole lot more. I hear that in recent years you converted to the Muslim faith.

PD: When I heard this, I must admit that I was rather shocked. It seemed to be too far beyond my entire perception of who I believed Paul DiAnno to be. Would you mind elaborating on this? How did this come about? Any pilgrimages to Mecca? And Is your faith present in all your work?

Honest answer here. I was never really religious and couldn't relate to any faith, and when I came across to the Muslim faith I adapted it to suit my individual needs, as it was for me the best of a bad bunch. I still drink alcohol, get into fights and rages, often have thoughts of killing certain individuals and ***** whatever women I can lay my hands on...even if they are married as I don't give a flying toss. I live life the way I want and this is the nearest faith that I can mold into my personal version. ***** it I even like to eat pork, although I'll always swear it's chicken though. No pilgrimages, no Mecca and no more reading the Koran.. just a Muslim who
Farts, fights, *****s and drinks Rum....... strange but true and some of my very best friends are Jewish so that make me pretty unorthodox eh!

CF: You've been quite active in Brazil, doing a lot of environmental work including the clean up of the Amazonian River Valley and also conceptualizing businesses to help to provide employment Brazil's poor. Much more social and political. What got you involved in that?

PD: I can't really remember what got me involved now, but it was probably my loud mouth starting it and then me having to carry it through. Plus my imagination for sometimes dreaming up some of the most over the top porkies imaginable. Well I was quite active in various schemes for a while but that's all over now, and I probably exaggerated the whole thing somewhat more than it actually all was in the first place. I realized though that I needed to start spending a bit more time on myself before I could afford more of my time to these various projects. I'll just leave all the posturing up to Sting, and besides he can afford it too.

CF: With all these changes in mind, wow much of the old, "notorious" Paul DiAnno still exists?

PD: It's all still there in my attitude and mind, but it's just that you start to slow down a bit as you get older and your back starts playing up,but nothing really changes that much.

CF: Mr. DiAnno, thanks again for your time. Now that the interview is over, I have to drop the bogus professionalism act. We ****** love you! So from all of us here at Admiral bliss Graphics , and the St. John's Metal Dogs: Banger, Arse, Maiden, Swallie, Fox, and Wiseman...thank you for existing and most importantly, thank-you for your music. Cheers!

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Post time 21-7-2003 07:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2003-7-21 17:04:
Part 2

CF: Faith is something, for the most part, something that we are lacking in the world. With all the tragedies and turmoil in the world, we could use a whole lot more. I hear that in rece ...


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 Author| Post time 22-7-2003 02:23 AM | Show all posts


Rajinnya ko... Tapi aku ingat kalau ko translate sekali lagi best...!

Heh! Heh! Heh!

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Post time 22-7-2003 09:45 AM | Show all posts
fuhhhh!!!!..penat betul...rabun bijik mata aku...hehehe..anyway tahnx deaf...

so betul ler dia dah masuk islam..tapi dia cakap still lagi minum..

"I also cut out doing drugs but I am not that good because I still have a drink now and again but nobody is perfect other than Allah. I still firmly believe that God has kept on letting me do what I am doing because he thinks that I am finally writing about issues that matter. I may be kidding myself but that is what I believe."


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Post time 22-7-2003 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 2003-7-22 09:45:
fuhhhh!!!!..penat betul...rabun bijik mata aku...hehehe..anyway tahnx deaf...

so betul ler dia dah masuk islam..tapi dia cakap still lagi minum..

"I also cut out doing drugs but I am not ...


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Post time 22-7-2003 11:21 AM | Show all posts
betul tu least dia backing jugak orang islam

"but because you say that you are a Muslim, people they all think that you are running around with a machine gun. Most Moslems are very peaceful people. "

dia pun cadang nak naik haji..bagus le tu..kita ni bila lagi??..

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Post time 22-7-2003 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Ni semua kuasa Tuhan. Dia nak buka pintu hati siapa pun boleh. Ni pengajaran buat semua orang. Sapa tahu besok Paul jadi pendakwah macam Cat Steven Yusuf Islam ke? Takde manusia tahu.
Anyway, ni latest latest news pasal Paul. Projek dvd dia.

(Press Release) PA UL DI'ANNO's first DVD release is entitled The Beast In The East. It will be released by Metal Mind Records on August 1st (USA : August 15th) and features a full set recorded in Cracow, Poland as well as many extras. The DVD is mixed in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surrond Sound and runs at more than 150 minutes. The artwork and all the details are available at

Metal Mind Productions presents:
The Beast In The East

Label  Metal Mind Records  
Distribution  Metal Mind Records  
Cat Number  MMP DVD 0011
MMP VHS 0011
Barcode  DVD 5907785024113
VHS 5907785024120
Format  DVD 9, NTSC, Region 0
Total running time approx. 150 minutes

In stock (ready to ship): 25/07/2003
Street date: 1/08/2003
Street date USA: 15/08/2003

Track List
1. Transylvania
2. Wrathchild
3. Marshall Lockjaw
4. The Beast Arises
5. Murders In The Rue Morgue
6. Faith Healer
7. Killers
8. Dream Keeper
9. Remember Tomorrow
10. Impaler
11. Phantom Of The Opera
12. Genghis Khan
13. Running Free

Bonus video
Bootlegged in Poland
1. Marshall Lockjaw
2. The Beast Arises
3. Murders in Rue Morgue
4. Killers
5. Remember Tomorrow

Bootlegged in Norway
1. Transilvania
2. Wrathchild
3. The Beast Arises
4. Sanctuary
5. Phantom Of The Opera
6. Running Free
7. Iron Maiden

First ever DVD release by Paul Di Anno, Iron Maiden first singer!!!
Great, energetic set recorded in Cracow, Poland
Amazing track list, including highlights of his solo releases ("Impaler", "The Beast Arises") as well as 10 of Iron Maiden classics!
Some of Iron Maiden pieces performed on this DVD were never released in visual form by Iron Maiden!
Typical collector's item - a must for every Iron Maiden fan
Fully animated menu
Artist's biography
Interview with the artist
Bonus rare audio tracks, never released before
Bonus video material from Warsaw gig and Paul Di Anno Norwegian Tour 2002!!!
Discography (with Battlezone, Iron Maiden, Killers, also solo projects, tributes, etc.)
Photo gallery, including live pics from the tour as well as rare pics from Paul's childhood and youth
Desktop images
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

See Paul Di'Anno's website for any further information, pictures and sounds:

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Post time 22-7-2003 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Untuk siapa yang minat, sila ke link dibawah. Iron Maiden dah release satu lagu baru mereka di official website mereka sebagai preview untuk peminat satu dunia yang tak sabar nak tunggu album baru September ni.
Sila ke - ... &article_id=819

timakasey :-)

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Post time 25-7-2003 04:28 PM | Show all posts
yang paling unique sekali Iron Maiden ni sebab vokalis diaorang (selepas di Anno) tak ada ego-ego macam Ozzy Osbourne dan Ian Gillan. Baik Bruce ataupun Blaze ... diaorang tak kisah nyanyi lagu2 Maiden yang asalnya bukan diaorang yang nyanyi ... dulu bila Blaze tak over Bruce zaman X-Factour dan Virtual XI Tour, almost half of the set adalah lagu-lagu zaman Paul & Bruce (e.g. Iron Maiden, Wrathchild, Running Free, The Trooper, Heaven Can Wait, Fear Of The Dark, Afraid To Shoot Strangers (ada 1 versi live yang Blaze nyanyi dalam album kompilasi Best Of The Beast), 2 Minutes To Midnight, The Evil That Men Do, Clairvoyant) ... dia nyanyi aje (walaupun sesetengah lagu tu macam Trooper, aku dengar seksa aje dia nyanyi) ... tapi kekadang sedap pulak dengar Blaze dengan suara besor dia tu nyanyi lagu2 zaman Bruce yang 90% high-pitched punya. Bila Bruce & Adrian join balik pada tahun 1998, Bruce pun nyanyi jugak lagu2 zaman Blaze macam The Clansman & Sign Of The Cross (kat Rock In Rio) .... best giler!

... just my thoughts

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