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Author: gogo2

Pakar Ekonomi : Malaysia akan mengalami kemerosotan ekonomi yg teruk selama 4 ta

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Post time 4-6-2012 05:53 AM | Show all posts
Ekonomi = so so
GDP = turun sket, naik sket
Unemployment = no prblm
etc.² - biasa je
TV kn ada...

Yg x keluar TV tu,
pergerakan keluar-masuk 'capital'...
Tugas pakar ekonomi meniup lalang² dgn harmoni.

p/s: Saya umpamakn Bank² 'Grexit' spt FGVH dan konco²nya...

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Post time 4-6-2012 06:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Dzulqarnain at 4-6-2012 15:55

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Post time 4-6-2012 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Mungkin contoh saya bagi kat atas kat cukup.  Kat Eurozone, pembahagian kekayaan agak seimbang, disebabkan kerajaan mereka yang kebanyakannya mengamalkan sistem kebajikan sosial.  Oleh itu, sekiranya Eurozone menghadapi masalah matawang maka kesannya hampir semua merasa kejatuhan dalam keupayaan membeli mereka.  

Manakala di zon ekonomi lain, pembahagiannya lebih tidak setara. Dari serendah 20% rakyat mengawal hampir 80% sehingga seteruk-teruknya 5% rakyat menguasai 95% kekayaan.

Bagi sebuah zon ekonomi menggantikan Eurozone secara efektif, setiap produk yang sepatutnya dibeli oleh Eurozone perlu dibeli oleh penduduk dalam zon ekonomi lain.  Bayangkan kilang A menghasilkan 100 buah TV untuk dijual kepada Eurozone.  Sekarang Eurozone tak boleh beli.  Jadi 100 buah TV ni kena jual kat, katakan Zon BRIC.  Pembahagian kekayaan di situ sudah mencapai tahap ekstrim, iaitu 5% kuasai 95% kekayaan.  Katakan kilang A jual kat Brazil.  Sekiranya bilangan penduduk Eurozone sama dengan Brazil, maka saiz pasaran kini merosot daripada hampir 100 orang kepada 5 orang sahaja.  5 orang yang kuasai 95% kekayaan ini takkan bertindak membeli 100 buah TV semata-mata kerana mereka mempunyai wang.
Senario yang sama, tetapi sekarang kilang A yang sama kena buat 100 buah TV untuk Eurozone dan 100 lagi untuk BRIC.  Keadaan menjadi semakin serius kerana daripada tidak dapat menjual 100 buah TV, sekarang kilang A tidak boleh menjual 195 buah TV.  Apabila kilang A menghadapi keadaan ini, maka dia akan kurangkan pembelian bahan mentah dan mungkin sehingga tahap memecat pekerjanya.  
Masalah yang Malaysia bakal hadapi bukan kilang A, tetapi pembekal kepada kilang A dan pekerja kilang A.



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Post time 4-6-2012 08:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 4-6-2012 08:20
Ya, memang pernah ambik paper ekonomi dulu.  Tapi itu cerita dulu.  
Kenapa kalau Greece keluar dari Euro, Malaysia boleh kena tempias?  Jawapannya bagi saya sebab kalau Greece keluar dari Euro, Euro akan hancur.  Greece akan selamat untuk sementara.  Bila Euro hancur, 'kekuatan' ekonomi Eropah akan tumbang, dan Eropah secara kolektif adalah zon ekonomi kedua terbesar di dunia, selepas AS.  Akibat tumbangnya ekonomi Eropah, perdagangan sedunia akan menerima kesan dengan pesanan barangan pengguna dijangka merosot dengan teruk.  Zon ekonomi ketiga terbesar sedunia, Latin Amerika, dan zon-zon lain seperti Russia, Asia Tengah dan Asia Timur masih belum berupaya menggantikan Eropah, sebab pembahagian kekayaan di zon-zon ini teramat tidak seimbang, dari 5 - 20% penduduk di situ menguasai 70 - 90% kekayaan.
Keadaan ini diburukkan dengan matawang Euro merupakan matawang kedua terbesar di seluruh dunia, dan digunakan di hampir seluruh Eropah.  Sekiranya Greece bertindak keluar dari Euro, negara-negara seperti Ireland, Sepanyol, Portugal dan Itali mungkin teruja membuat tindakan yang sama.  Sekiranya langkah ini diambil, nilai matawang Euro hari ini akan menyusut secara mendadak sebab akan menjadi tidak bernilai.  Pendukung utama Euro seperti Perancis, Jerman dan Belgium akan menghadapi masalah memegang matawang yang dinilaikan begitu tinggi, tetapi semakin hari semakin menjadi seperti matawang pokok pisang masa Jepun dahulu, dan kalau diikutkan dalam bahasa ekonomi, duit fiat.  Duit fiat membawa makna sesuatu matawang yang diberi nilai oleh kerajaan, tetapi jika nilai ini ditarik balik oleh kerajaan hanyalah berupa sekeping kertas tidak berharga.
Tetapi, bagi saya.  Apa yang patut dibuat bukannya menghalang Greece keluar dari Euro, tetapi menghalang spekulator sedunia daripada terus menerus bermain matawang dan komoditi utama sedunia.
Tetapi, tahukah anda bahawa semasa krisis 1997, kita telah menuduh spekulator matawang sebagai parasit sedunia?  Dan pada hari ini, ramai rakyat Malaysia turut bermain jual beli matawang asing tanpa teringatkan beban kepada negara semasa 1997?

Spekulator2 berdagang matawang dpd pasaran yg tindakan mereka adalah legal .. and mereka "short" atau "long" with valid reasons--> ekonomi merosot, inflation tinggi so and so...back to earlier posts tok tok bomoh dlm thread nie, iaitu nilai matawang berkadar dgn ekonomi...

Krisis 1997 Malaysia adalah sbb kegagalan pemimpin2 umno time tue (termasuk ANwar Berahim yg dlm BN masa tue) mengekang inflasi dan debt household + NPL yg mencanak tinggi, spekulator memandang faktor2 nie sbg tanda ekonomi malaysia tak sihat..menyebabkan depa "short" besar2 an...dr segi is valid..

mahathir time tue..nak cover bontot..accuse lah si yahudi tue sbg penyangak..padahal dia lah pun sama sekepala macam penyangak ekonomi..

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Post time 4-6-2012 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 4-6-2012 08:33

Greece sepatutnya keluar awal2 4 tahun lepas lagi ...dgn cara itu, Greece bebas introduce matawangnya sendiri, kawal dan tetapkan nilai pertukaran to nilai yg setara utk menarik eksport seterusnya menjana ekonomi negara gradually...slow2 pickup la

Masalhnya..omputeh2 dam EU nie angkuh dan bodoh sombong..German dan France menghadapi kenaikan inflasi, so Pak Trichet (before dia retire) terpaksa naikkan interest rate..di other side plak iaitu greece (dah sedia bankrupt), spain, ireland and portugal..menanggung kerugian sbb pengurangan eksport kesan dpd kenaikan nilai matawang eurp due to interest hike..

And jgn lupa greece bankrupt sbb kerajaan dia boros..hutang menggunung sbb overspending time olimpik, bayaran kebajikan yg tinggi kepada rakyat (--> camnie Balaci2 PR nak education free??? tgk Greece apa dah jadi)..

Aku nie taklah pandai bebenor..aku trade commodity dan trade sket2 jer buat duit minyak..tahu lah jalan ceta nya...

oleh itu, pendapat aku, EURO UNiON nie dah tak viable ..pecah lg elok...



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Post time 4-6-2012 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Ok aper kita. Still Alive and kickin. Apa lagi mau?  Takkan asyik nak hidup dalam paranoid sampa ...
apam Post at 2-6-2012 23:40

    itu yg KITA nampak di micro level...macro level tak gitu wehhhhh...baru ni aku tau yg kita pun sama jer dgn greece, we are also cooking the books....laporan ekonomi jadah hapa semua yg ckp psl gdp, kadar inflasi hapa semua tu baca bulih, angguk2 jangan....sbb bukan betui sgt pun...kena alter2 utk kasi nampak cantik, selagi tak nampak cantik, bos besar tak kasi lulus (i know i could get in trouble for saying this)  
bezanya cuma greece banyak berhutang dgn org luar, kita byk hutang domestik...susah2 bulih kawtim sesama sendiri
but then again, it BUKAN masalah terbesar malaysia
masalah terbesar kita bagi aku ialah capital flight*
antara 2000-2008....hampir 900 billion...lesap begitu saja tatau gi mana

*Global Financial Integrity defines illicit financial flows as generally involving the transfer of money earned through illegal activities such as corruption, transactions involving contraband goods, criminal activities, and efforts to shelter wealth from a country's tax authorities.

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Post time 4-6-2012 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Dan capital flight tu disbbkan kebodohan gomen of the day;
-sabsidi ke hulu: kembung itam, ayam, bawang merah yendiap;
-tarif ke hilir: steel industry, car industry;
-gomen berbisnes ke sana: klifd, rapidkl;
-gomen humban politaik akai setitik dlm BoD ke mari: UDA holdings, Felda holdings.

Soklan retorik: apa beza dgn kebodohan incoming gomen? CAT utk mende serupa boleh merubah capital flight? My footlah.

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Post time 4-6-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Dan capital flight tu disbbkan kebodohan gomen of the day;
-sabsidi ke hulu: kembung itam, ayam, b ...
baghal_bortuqal Post at 4-6-2012 09:24

    Kalau sendiri buat polisi sendiri langgar, gitu lah jadinya. Subsidi pulak takder siapa yg ada political will utk hapuskan walaupun pemimpin yg hebat kononnya mcm Dr. M tu..

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Post time 4-6-2012 10:03 AM | Show all posts
itu yg KITA nampak di micro level...macro level tak gitu wehhhhh...baru ni aku tau yg kita ...
hzln Post at 4-6-2012 08:42

    Hutang domestik, tak semestinya 100% domestik. Pasti ada yg berhutang dalam negara tu jugak melibatkan wang dari luar negara. Mcm gomen pinjam dari Bank Islam, Bank Islam pulak pinjam dari shareholder dia yg luar negara.

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Post time 4-6-2012 10:51 AM | Show all posts
itu yg KITA nampak di micro level...macro level tak gitu wehhhhh...baru ni aku tau yg kita ...
hzln Post at 4-6-2012 08:42

memang betul capital flight lagi penting. Tapi, macam mana org betul2 nak kira capital flight ni? org hantar duit keluar masuk bukannya boleh trace 100% especeli yg tak pakai bank. Tu duit keluar, duit masuk plak? aku tak berapa arif hal ini, aku tak keje bank. cuma lojik aje la.

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Post time 4-6-2012 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Dan capital flight tu disbbkan kebodohan gomen of the day;
-sabsidi ke hulu: kembung itam, ayam, b ...
baghal_bortuqal Post at 4-6-2012 09:24

so, sebenarnya pi mai pi mai, tang tu la. Kalau tak ada subsidi sana sinin, permit sana sinu, camna org politik nak buat duit kan? Camna nak campak gula2 kat macai2 dan balaci2? So, hanya kerajaan yg betul2 berseh 10.0 ajer yg mampoo

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Post time 4-6-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 4-6-2012 11:06

'Beware a rerun of the Great Panic of 2008': Head of World Bank warns Europe is heading for 'danger zone' as world markets suffer bleakest day of the year so far

Robert Zoellick:

'Far from clear leaders ready for impending catastrophe'

Raft of dismal news from around world wreaked havoc on market

Manufacturing output crashed in Britain, jobless up in Europe and U.S.

Fast-emerging economies such as Brazil and China running out of steam

By Hugo Duncan
PUBLISHED: 15:49 GMT, 1 June 2012 | UPDATED: 08:02 GMT, 2 June 2012

The head of the World Bank yesterday warned that financial markets face a rerun of the Great Panic of 2008.

On the bleakest day for the global economy this year,  Robert Zoellick said crisis-torn Europe was heading for the ‘danger zone’.

Mr Zoellick, who stands down at the end of the month after five years in charge of the watchdog, said it was ‘far from clear that eurozone leaders have steeled themselves’ for the looming  catastrophe amid fears of a Greek exit from the single currency and meltdown in Spain.

The flow of money into so-called ‘safe havens’ such as UK, German and US government debt turned into a stampede yesterday.

In Berlin the two-year government bond yield fell below zero for the first time, with the bizarre result that jittery international investors are now  paying – rather than being paid – for lending to Germany.

There was a raft of dismal economic news from around the world, with manufacturing output falling in Britain and Europe, unemployment jumping in the eurozone and America, and fast-emerging economies such as Brazil and China showing signs of running out of steam.

The FTSE 100 index fell 60.67 points to a new 2012 low of 5260.19 in London and the pound tumbled against the US dollar to $1.5234 – a level not seen since January.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed more than 200 points in New York, wiping out all its gains this year.

Borrowing costs in Spain and Italy have soared back above 6 per cent towards the 7 per cent level that triggered bailouts in Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

Mr Zoellick warned that the coming months could be as bad as the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008.

He said: ‘Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008.

Fears are mounting that Spain will be crippled by its banking sector and will be the next domino to fall.

Mr Zoellick said: ‘Eurozone leaders need to be prepared to recapitalise banks. In the eurozone, the guarantees of some national sovereigns are unlikely to be sufficient and only that of the “euro-sovereign” will suffice.

It is far from clear that eurozone leaders have steeled themselves for this step. Eurozone leaders need to be ready.

'There will not be time for meetings of finance ministers to discuss the outlook and debate the politics.

'In panicked markets, investors flee to safe assets, sparking other flames.’

Yesterday investors scrambling for lifelines piled into German, US and UK government debt.
Not only did the German two-year bond yield fall below zero for the first time, but also the yield on ten-year UK gilts – the benchmark borrowing cost for the British Government – hit a record low of 1.44 per cent.

The yield on the equivalent US treasuries fell to 1.46 per cent – the lowest in over 200 years of records.

People’s objective is the return of their capital, not the return they get on their capital,’ said Sam Hill, a strategist at Royal Bank of Canada.

÷ Ireland has accepted tough new budget controls, as stipulated under the European fiscal treaty, in a referendum which saw 60 per cent of voters backing the deal.

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Post time 4-6-2012 11:29 AM | Show all posts
mungkin ada balaci bodo dia ingat ekonomi greece setanding US ngan China

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Post time 4-6-2012 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Pemikiran lojik apam mmg betul sbb capital flight yg mek seling sebut tu tgk kat kerangka kerja sistem perbankan yahudi laknatullah.

Kalu duit dlm grey area / black market / alternative semua dia akan anggap sbg duit harom.

Harom habah dia.

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Post time 4-6-2012 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Fr a colleague this morning:

Do you want to know about the 12 year high unemployment level in Italy at 10.2% (with 35% for 15-24 yr olds), the 21.7% unemployed in Greece, the 24.3% unemployment level in Spain, or should I start with the 24.67m unemployed men and women in Europe. All of which are staggering numbers when you sit and think about it for a moment. How is this going to impact the youth of today, as there are 3.36m people under 25 looking for work in May. How must they be viewing the future as unemployment in the eurozone has remained above 10% for 12 months in a row now. Try telling them how successful the various European bandaids have been...

*amekkkk kawww..
1. Boleh bayang >50% youth unemployment (15-24) di malaysia apa masalah soSIAL dia?

2. Youth = 24 tahun. Mesia define belia = 40 tahun. Gila babeng. Tua kerepot nak mampos pon define belia lagik.

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Post time 4-6-2012 12:16 PM | Show all posts
As a whole Europe, yes it will affect Malaysia and other Asian countries.

but do the economic giant like Germany, France wanted this to be happened easily?

by the way I optimist one day all countries will be equal and based on competitive in global market..

Later on the european wouldnt live comfortly like what they used to be

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Post time 4-6-2012 12:27 PM | Show all posts
cempen depa dah patent exclusive hakmilik Purancis, yg lain tak boleh ambik dah....depa lebih ce ...
pyropura Post at 4-6-2012 00:44

apa vongoks la ko ni sirap tu pun bg ko simbol kekuatan ekonomi

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Post time 4-6-2012 01:57 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-6-2012 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Kalau sendiri buat polisi sendiri langgar, gitu lah jadinya. Subsidi pulak takder siapa yg ...
Muntz Post at 4-6-2012 10:02

Pengajaran pertama zaman pak lah ialah tarik subsidi minyak.itu keberanian pak lah yg berani mati..tapi kesannya pada bn.

So..lepas ni ada ke mana2 pemimpin ada keberanian nak hapuskan susidi ni?

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Post time 4-6-2012 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by apam at 4-6-2012 14:40

Buleh ajer hapuskan semua sabsidi, tapi kena increase basic social safety net dulu. Itu baitulmal punya duit kena kasi keluar laju ckt, jangan kemut macam duit mak bapak dorang punya siap nak melabur/meniaga kengkunun mau tambah wang. Dey! itu wang org suruh tabur kat marhain, bukan suruh beli property, tunggu harga naik. Itu jam, kita tengok puak mana yg meraban dulu. Aku tak rasa golongan kampung2, felda dan marhain akan meraban. Ada bran?

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