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Usm - Lelaki Ditemui Mati Dalam Longkang

1-4-2014 11:07 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 9371| Komen: 22

Description: Pemangku Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut Supt Ismail Idris Berkata Lelaki Berusia Lingkungan 20-An Yang Tidak Mempunyai Dokumen Pengenalan Diri Itu Ditemui Dengan Kesan Kecederaan Pada Betis Kiri, Hidun ...

Gambar hiasan

Seorang lelaki ditemui mati dalam longkang berhampiran asrama lelaki Desasiswa Restu, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di Georgetown tengah malam tadi.

Pemangku Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut Supt Ismail Idris berkata lelaki berusia lingkungan 20-an yang tidak mempunyai dokumen pengenalan diri itu ditemui dengan kesan kecederaan pada betis kiri, hidung berdarah dan calar di dagu pada 12.45 tengah malam oleh pengawal keselamatan universiti

Katanya lelaki terbabit memakai baju kuning bertulis 'Pertandingan Pertolongan Cemas Cawangan Perak' dan berseluar sukan pendek.

Beliau berkata siasatan awal polis mendapati kamera litar tertutup di lokasi kejadian tidak berfungsi dan beberapa penuntut yang tinggal di asrama itu tidak mengenali lelaki berkenaan.

Katanya mayat lelaki itu dihantar ke Hospital Pulau Pinang untuk bedah siasat.

Beliau meminta orang ramai yang kehilangan anggota keluarga atau mempunyai maklumat mengenai kejadian itu supaya menghubungi balai polis berhampiran bagi membantu siasatan.








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Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:19 PM
ler CCTV x boleh harap
Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:24 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:19 PM
ler CCTV x boleh harap

biasa laa.........


cctv tak berfungsi nie salah PAS kaa?
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:26 PM
Acong posted on 31-3-2014 04:24 PM
biasa laa.........


ade org salahkan pas ke?

CCTV tu buat hiasan jer rupanya
Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:28 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:26 PM
ade org salahkan pas ke?

CCTV tu buat hiasan jer rupanya

ada laa baghal tu cadang supaya upgrade radar.....
Quote OrangKita 31-3-2014 04:32 PM
ha3...guard tido arr tu...takat jaga kete keluar masuk xguna gak..check skli org jln kaki yg keluar msk..tu kan kawasan hostel jek...
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:32 PM
Acong posted on 31-3-2014 04:28 PM
ada laa baghal tu cadang supaya upgrade radar.....

bile? 5 thn 10 thn?

satelit 10 tahun lagi baru ade
so sepanjang 10 thn ni kita masih mintak ihsan negara2 luar

ropa2nya CCTV tu utk nak menakut2kan jer
akhirnya ketahuan jugek

Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:35 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:32 PM
bile? 5 thn 10 thn?

satelit 10 tahun lagi baru ade

lu agak kroni mana supply cctv utk DBKL?
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:39 PM
Acong posted on 31-3-2014 04:35 PM
lu agak kroni mana supply cctv utk DBKL?

penat aaa nak tuduh org

Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:40 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:39 PM
penat aaa nak tuduh org

ko tau berapa ribu RM utk sebiji CCTV yg supply kat DBKL?
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:45 PM
Acong posted on 31-3-2014 04:40 PM
ko tau berapa ribu RM utk sebiji CCTV yg supply kat DBKL?

ko tau ke? cer citer2

Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:52 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:45 PM
ko tau ke? cer citer2

setakat nie dah berapa biji CCTV yg dah dipasang?

Updated: Thursday August 22, 2013 MYT 7:18:35 AM
1,200 CCTVs to be installed all over KL city

WE WILL have our eyes on you! Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talib has assured city folk of this, saying that by the end of the year, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) will have in place 1,200 closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) all over the city to monitor their safety.

Ahmad Phesal said the state-of-the-art CCTVs would be synchronised and monitored by all the police departments in the city as well as connected to the Integrated Transport Information System (ITIS) in Bukit Jalil.

“The DBKL operations centre in our headquarters in Jalan Raja Laut and Jalan Tun Razak will be connected to this system,’’ he said.

“We are also working with companies that have CCTVs in private buildings to be connected to our system for better security surveillance,’’ he added.

Ahmad Phesal said that in the event of massive traffic congestion in the city, the system would also enable traffic wardens and the police to get to the ground immediately to help ease and divert traffic.

“We hope to improve the response time to crime and traffic woes and hope that the fact that ‘many eyes’ are watching will eventually lead to a reduction in crime,’’ he said.

The project, totalling about RM200mil, was awarded to GTC Global Sdn Bhd that will install, maintain and manage the CCTVs for the next six years.

“The company will also upgrade and maintain an additional 419 CCTVs that are already in place, some of which are faulty,” Ahmad Phesal told reporters yesterday after presenting the Jalur Gemilang to non-governmental organisations and business owners at the Menara DBKL 1 lobby area, Sogo and Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.

He urged Malaysians to fly the Jalur Gemilang in conjunction with the upcoming National Day celebration.

He said DBKL would distribute 42,000 flags this year to city folk, adding that the local authority would also display the national flag at all its properties and buildings for one month.

Quote Acong 31-3-2014 04:54 PM
RM200 juta utk 1200 cctv dan maintenance selama 6 tahun

ini bererti sebiji cctv dan maintenance selama 6 tahun berharga RM166,666
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:55 PM
byk yer tapi x berfungsi
Quote Vellfire 31-3-2014 04:55 PM
OrangKita posted on 31-3-2014 04:32 PM
ha3...guard tido arr tu...takat jaga kete keluar masuk xguna gak..check skli org jln kaki yg keluar  ...

salah pak guard ye?
Quote budak_gemuk91 31-3-2014 05:00 PM
keselamatan pelajar masih belom di ambil berat.....
Quote OrangKita 31-3-2014 05:00 PM
Vellfire posted on 31-3-2014 04:55 PM
salah pak guard ye?

lor..abis apa tugas pak guard? tu kawasan utk student je...mcmana org luar bole masuk mati dlm longkang tu...smpai pak guar tak sedar kewujudan manusia tu....
Quote mak_wa95 31-3-2014 05:07 PM
Guard dok dalam pondok je,jaga lalulintas...ronda pun masa nak p kunci jam je...dibuat jam uontuk dikunci pun supaya guard pergi ronda...
Quote Vellfire 1-4-2014 08:43 AM
OrangKita posted on 31-3-2014 05:00 PM
lor..abis apa tugas pak guard? tu kawasan utk student je...mcmana org luar bole masuk mati dlm lon ...

nanti pak guard tu jwb I jaga gate jer
Quote shamsadis 1-4-2014 08:45 AM
kerajaan negeri manalah ni

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