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Angkasawan Negara Diiktiraf Sebagai Cosmonauts -

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nat_ee This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MillionIdeazKid at 4-9-2006 03:20 PM
aku rasa dorg patut tayang semula dr permulaan dorg mendaftar hingga pemilihan angkasan ke russia. kira mcm realiti show explorace,etc2 tu.
at least kpd yg berminat bole dpt tgk bntuk latihan. so dpt la prepare dr awal. x gitu.

mmg ada yg kata bnda ni mahal dan xde come on...kita pergi ke angkasaraya beb..takkan x de substance kot. .....................
aku heran knp sepandai2 korg x boleh pk beyond the physical matter..

Aku rasa, perdebatan sekarang bukan pasal orang takleh pikir beyond the physical matter....
The debate seems to be centered on the cost-effectiveness of this program.

Rasanya takder yang akan mengatakan bahawa there is NO substance in this program, but a lot of people are questioning the cost and effect of it.... whether it's more lucrative to complete and refine our own national aerospace program before sending our man off to outerspace on another country's aerospace program (which is very costly).

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hafis This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Pikir at 4-9-2006 03:23 PM

:lol buat pe?
utk claim sbg org melayu pertama menyanyi kat bulan ke?:nerd:

world apa...:bgrin:
dia pun boleh bawak something pada kita

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Cakkkk....aaaa at 4-9-2006 03:21 PM
Tang kawen tu aku berani potong jari because aku pesonally know him.....

Aku malas nak cerita lebih2 nanti dikata fitnah dan dengki plak...

Cuma bab kawen tu memang confirm...

Betul ker ko berani potong jari, aku pun personally kenal ngan mamat ngan family sampai tang sepupu sepapat dia.. tak pernah plak aku dengar dia dah kahwin.. Nanti aku check balik tanya dia personally, kalau tak kahwin camne ada berani potong jari?? :hatdown:

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hafis This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nat_ee at 4-9-2006 03:26 PM

Aku rasa, perdebatan sekarang bukan pasal orang takleh pikir beyond the physical matter....
The debate seems to be centered on the cost-effectiveness of this program.

Rasanya takder yang ak ...

agree with u...kat luar sana ramai lagi yg tgh bertungkus-lumus buat research pasal ilmu-ilmu falak ni...berapa ramai yg kat luar anak2 muda aerospace yg takder kerja?kerajaan patut pikir...kumpulkan diorang semua dlm satu team...buat reseach dan hasilkan sesuatu yg lebih bermakna bagi negara MALAYSIA

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2006 03:29 PM | Show all posts
mujor potong jari
kalau bagak berani mcm amiin al kalam
berani potong anu
coz karatz tak pecaya ct nak kawin dgn ulor nama datuk K

lagi haru ko, cakk aaaa

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #56 MillionIdeazKid's post

Kita tak argue tentang peluang yg dia dapat....

We're talking about priority!

Our aim is to produce and to establish a good aerospace research.

By sending an astronout?...

If that's the case.....why send one? Why not send 100 or even thousand so as to make more people "experience" the thrill of going to space.

Do we really need to send astronout...? We don't even have a decent launch pad to begin with....our land have yet felt the burst of rocket flame.....and yet we're using up our valuable resources to send "ONE"man to space!

What good do we get apart from the astronout "experience" ??

[ Last edited by  Cakkkk....aaaa at 4-9-2006 03:37 PM ]

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nat_ee This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Cakkkk....aaaa at 4-9-2006 03:34 PM
What good do we get apart from the astronout "experience" ??  

Maybe so that next year we can revamp the lyrics to Keranamu Malaysia....

Puncak dunia telah kau tawan
Angkasa lepas telah kau redah
Membawa semangat jiwa merdeka
Semarak jaya kami warganya

Pakar IT, pakar ekonomi
Jaguh sukan dan juga angkasawan
Berkereta jenama negara
Megah menyusur di jalan raya

Jalur gemilang... megah kami terasa
Jalur gemilang... kibarkanlah wawasan

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts
aku respon kpd siapa yg respon apa aku tulis.

beginilah yer. bila dorg pergi space nanti..dorg belajar lah apa yg kita samar2. dan misi mereka x selesai stkt kat bulan jer. misi yg besar dan lebih realiti menunggu bila mereka di bumi. mereka ini akn dipertanggungjawab utk buka minda2 rkyat kita(yg berminat) utk meneroka angkasa.

kalo kita xde kelengkapan...mereka inilah yg akn jd agent to set up all this things.of coz la bkn dorg berdua jer.mesti la ada back up.

ada yg kata bkn sampai masa lagi,kos yg massive..jd bila masa yg sesuai? dan tntu kos nya lebih mahal dr setin susu anak kan?space beb...buat citer space gaban pon ada kos.itu kita expect la.

apalah sgt berbillion wang dgn hasil yg kita dpt? they will bring back a real story about space. mmg berbillion wang boleh buat byk bnda kat msia ni. tp duit kena belanja kalo nak tgk hasilnya.

stkt itu dulu...

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #63 dockers's post

Aku akan check balik dengan sumber aku tuh.....

Sat ya.....

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mawarbiru This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:42 PM | Show all posts

Eiisshh... korang ni...

Memandaiii jekkk....! :no: ada bukti ke? :hmm:
Err.. Mr. Mod bro Cak Aaa... :bgrin:
Encemmmnyerrr dr. tuh....! :love:
Terpikattt gueee...

Semoga sumer astronouts selamat pegi dan pulang ke bumi... aminnnn... :pray:

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:44 PM | Show all posts
katakanlah yg dapat si dr tu.apa yg dia tahu pasal aerospace? bukan ke kalau kita nak buat reseaech pasal bende ni kita patut cari org yg ada background pasal aerospace, kalau org mcm aku ni pergi aku rasa itu mcm rombongan lawatan sambil belajar je.boleh ke dr tu tulis report pasal journey dia dan significant ke dgn matlamat research tu?

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts
ada yg bakal hilang jari. haiwan pegang pd tali,manusia pegang pd janji. kita tgk ada tak org nk pegang pd janji...sblum kite citer lanjut bab angkasalepas...kita citer bab jari jap.

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 MillionIdeazKid's post

OK......real story about space...

Selama ni apa yg kita dengar tak real ke?

Atau kita nak dengar dalam bahasa melayu baru benda tu bunyi real....??

BUkan nak menidakkan peluang deme nih....tapi rasa mcm ada benda yg tak kena bila kita duk canang cerita tentang angkasawan ni ke ke hulu ke hilir tapi bila di tanya apakah pencapaian lain selain dari hantar astronaut......kita terkedu.

Anyway...good luck to our astronout (whoever he will be).....moga selamat pergi dan kembali ...jangan berkecai mcm challenger sudahlah...

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hafis This user has been deleted
Post time 4-9-2006 03:50 PM | Show all posts
beginilah yer. bila dorg pergi space nanti..dorg belajar lah apa yg kita samar2. dan misi mereka x selesai stkt kat bulan jer. misi yg besar dan lebih realiti menunggu bila mereka di bumi. mereka ini akn dipertanggungjawab utk buka minda2 rkyat kita(yg berminat) utk meneroka angkasa.

memang ramai yg sangat berminat dlm bidang ni tapi berapa ramai yg diberi peluang?apa tujuan kursus2 aerospace eng di usm dan uia dibuat kalau mereka2 ni sendiri tak diberi peluang?paling2 hebat yg kita ada di malaysia ni planetarium negara dan pusat sains negara...kita tak gunakan kepakaran yg kita sedia ada untuk buat reseach..tiba2 terus nak hantar angkasawan..what for?
we spend billons for that...just ONE man...what about thousand (aerospace specialist)here?

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 MillionIdeazKid's post

hehehe....sat nooo....

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Post time 4-9-2006 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MillionIdeazKid at 4-9-2006 03:40 PM
aku respon kpd siapa yg respon apa aku tulis.

beginilah yer. bila dorg pergi space nanti..dorg belajar lah apa yg kita samar2. dan misi mereka x selesai stkt kat bulan jer. misi yg besar dan leb ...


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Post time 4-9-2006 03:57 PM | Show all posts
I think in a movement of society civilization , there is invariably a milestone of development which a society put into paper so that as a society it work itself into achieving that goal.

Government has put a milestone for our young civilization with a target to put one astronout in the space. Not just any astranout , he is a Malaysian astronout. Whether this is a good return of investment is debateable. There is a tangible effect and a non tangible effect. Feeling of pride and purpose in our stride towards a more technological future is a non-tangible effect that can be achieved by this experience. If it is not for you , it will be for the thousands of our young minds to see that we too can produce an astronout. The effect will not be felt in our old mind , but it will germinates a new perspective to young minds that all is possible with a right attitudes in life and their objectives in the future.

A tangible effect is off course by the huge amount of expenses that requires by such endavour. The questionmark is , are we ready to leap for a new technology frontier , or do we should concentrate on more important things in the terra ground. Development of social economy in Malaysia which still see a wide range of earning ratio between the poor and the middle income group.

My feeling , at this moment , Malaysian in general are not in exploratory mode.How can we be when we are worried about the increase level of living cost and rising fuel which we have to bear. It is only natural that when we are in this mode of thinking , we will see any kind of spending in this manner as being non-tangible and a loss to greater cause.

But do not summarily dismissed the idea that one astronout feat will not have a profound idea on thousands of schookids cramming their faces to see such event. To them that is the wildest life experience possibility comes true.

Just my own humble opinion.

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Post time 4-9-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts
OK......real story about space...

Selama ni apa yg kita dengar tak real ke?

Atau kita nak dengar dalam bahasa melayu baru benda tu bunyi real....??

mngkin apa dorg ckp tu real mngkin x real.x tau itu masih bkn isu bg aku. tp point yg pnting nk tunjukkan bhw org kita boleh kalo ada yakin diri,kemahuan,mahu bersusah payah,mahu berangan2 dsbnya. ko x rasa gembira ke bhw anak2 kita ada yg dah mula2 bercita2 nk jd astronaut satu hari nanti ..bila dtnya 'ko nk jd apa bila besor?'.bg aku dorg ini sbb bnda ni berlkaitan dgn space.makan duit skit la.duit x kemana yang oii..xbole bawa bole bg mati.

2-BUkan nak menidakkan peluang deme nih....tapi rasa mcm ada benda yg tak kena bila kita duk canang cerita tentang angkasawan ni ke ke hulu ke hilir tapi bila di tanya apakah pencapaian lain selain dari hantar astronaut......kita terkedu.


pncapaian apa lagi yg ko nak di buat dahulu sblum jd astronaut? ckp je. buat list kalo bole.


3-Anyway...good luck to our astronout (whoever he will be).....moga selamat pergi dan kembali ...jangan berkecai mcm challenger sudahlah


adakah perkara yg sama kita doakan kalo emak bapak kita yg terpilih sbg astronaut? just wondering-wondering..


kpd yg kata knp kita spend just for one man..aku nk tnya balik dlm bntuk soalan yg paling mudah difahami.

'abis tu ko nak semua rkyat msia naik bulan?banyak duit ko..'


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Post time 4-9-2006 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Ciri-ciri yg akan dipilih:

2) Pandai Kipas
3) Balik dpt title Dato'
4) Pandai jilat 80nt0t

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Post time 4-9-2006 04:12 PM | Show all posts
buat ape pergi ke space...

pergi ke myspace, lagi best!

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