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Author: ganisara

affair of the CHOSEN MAN PART 2

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Post time 3-12-2007 12:50 AM | Show all posts
ape yg berlaku dalam hidup kita kkdg tak seperti yg kita harapkan...

pe yg berlaku pada kita tu jadikan pengajaran...
aku rase pe yg en gani ni bgtau pasal kisah dia supaya kita amik pengajaran....

mmg kesalahan org kite nmpk, sdgkan kesalahan diri sendiri kite tak sedar...
itulah yg berlaku bukan saje pada en gani tp itulah sifat manusia yg tak sempurna...
dan caranye bahaya kerana bermain api... dan akhirnya terbakar diri...:@

cume pe yg dia nak sampaikan di sini  mengapa married women terlibat dgn affair?
menurut en gani, kebykan married women ni ade kehidupan yg senang, profesional dan mereka tidak gembira dengan kehidupan rumah tangga.emosi dan jiwa mereka tertekan, sedih dan suffer..... husband buat hal @ not caring any more...hidup dalam kepura-puraan..dll

dan affair akan berlaku bile mereka bertemu pihak ketiga (lelaki lain) utk kongsi masalah dan meraih simpati...

pengajaran kat sini pada suami ,perlu belajar mendengar masalah isteri dan bgmana nak memikat hati isteri...
sbb affair sering terjadi bile ade mslh rumahtangga....
jika suami tak main peranan, org lain akan main peranan...

pengajaran pd isteri .. belajar bersabar dan elakkan bertemu dgn lelaki lain utk bercerita mslh rumahtangga dan belajar utk setia dan bersyukur

yg penting sebarang masalah rumahtangga elok diselesaikan dengan berterus terang dan berbincang dengan pasangan secara baik.. bukan dengan berjumpa pihak ketiga (berlainan jantina) kerana ia akan mengundang masalah lebih buruk...
sebab laki dan perempuan dah berkahwin bile berzina rejam hukumnya...

pd en gani, setiap org lain ujiannya... yg penting adakah iman kita naik setelah ujian @ menurun? muhasabah balik... sy pun tak layak nk berckp sbb sy pun tak kahwin lagi...dan sy pun byk kekurangan...

godaan tu mmg akan sentiasa ada sbb syaitan mmg tak putus asa nk goda manusia sehingga manusia ikut dia... cume tanye diri kite bagaimana persiapan kita utk membenteng iman kita dan mendekatkan kite pd NYA bile semakin hebat ujian melanda... bykkan berdoa..dan bertaubatlah.. moga en gani mendapat hidayah dan ketenangan...

sy pun harap saya tak diuji dengan perkara yg tak mampu sy pikul...

[ Last edited by  limauais at 3-12-2007 12:56 AM ]

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Post time 3-12-2007 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SleepyFish at 2-12-2007 11:37 PM
eh tu bukan hasil kerja saya. guna website angel suggest

Cuba translate ni pulak :

What I meant is, I mean it when I said 'I didn't mean it when I said you didn't mean it what you said'. I know that you know that I meant it when I said 'I didn't mean it when I said you didn't mean it what you said'.

Amacam, ada berani?

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Post time 3-12-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #101 limauais's post

I agree with ur opinion. I've been thinking the same too....

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Post time 3-12-2007 12:38 PM | Show all posts
apsal aku baca thread ni, macam ada agenda tertentu aje  

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Post time 3-12-2007 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limauais at 3-12-2007 12:50 AM
ape yg berlaku dalam hidup kita kkdg tak seperti yg kita harapkan...

pe yg berlaku pada kita tu jadikan pengajaran...
aku rase pe yg en gani ni bgtau pasal kisah dia supaya kita amik pengajar ...

Finally a good summary....

En Gani tidak akan berlaku sesuatu itu jika kita tidak izinkan ia utk berlaku....
You maybe soft spoken and soft hearted... BUT you are also soft in you stand of decision making...

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Post time 3-12-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #104 Gemukkkkkkk's post

I sensed the same, but then I thought maybe I'm a bit too cynical.......

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zorrojunior This user has been deleted
Post time 3-12-2007 06:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #101 limauais's post

terima kasih semua...
anda semua adalah yg terbaik dan saya terima semua teguran dan pandangan
terutama mengenai eNGLISH saya....
oral and written tentulah berbeza ....dan saya kagum kebanyakkan anda boleh berbahasa {menulis}dgn baik tetapi saya doubt anda dapat juga berkomunikasi one to one dengan baik juga(kebanyakan lulusan dip dan degree budak melayu gagal dalam oral englishnya dan tidak dapat bekerja di international company....

saya lulus toefl dan S.A.T dari M.I.T. (Michigan Institute Of Technology)in Architecture ,under JPA ,tetapi sy kong first semester....

selepas itu saya beranikan diri dalam perhotelan dan grad pengurusan hotel dari Switzerland..
saya juga boleh berbahasa Perancis,Sepanyol dan jerman,tetapi saya tidak boleh menulis dalam bahasa2 ini.....

Saya mempunyai wajah kacukan,berkulit putih,seperti cina dan patan(pakis/afganistan)bertubuh tinggi dan langsing,smart dan bercakap penuh gentleman...
latihan dan disiplin dalam perhotelan telah "up grade" diri saya menjadi seorang lelaki yang definite "berbeza..."

saya seorang yang cool,berjiwa seni (aquarius)dan selalu menghormati wanita tak kira rupa paras dan latar belakang diri mereka.....

selain dari affair yang "berat" saya juga dapat berkawan dengan ramai wanita yang biasa,sederhana dan gempal disebabkan ciri ciri cool saya tersebut.....

selain itu,saya juga merasakan banyak kekurangan dalam diri saya ,walaupun keadaan sekitar mengatakan saya "hampir sempurna"....
sebab itulah saya mengutarakan "chosen man" kerana saya tidak berfikir saya adalah lelaki pilihan itu....
saya bersyukur dikurniakan dua anak perempuan yang "cantik"(di akui public)dan kebanyakanya bersetuju kecantikan anak2 saya itu datang dari genes campuran daddy mereka....

saya tak dapat mengelaknya...ada dua lagi kes terbaru melibatkan seorang lagi wanita berkahwin dan seorang wanita bermaduyg ditinggalkan.....

sekian terima kasih semua.

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2007 06:06 PM | Show all posts
untuk semua ,saya juga adalah zorrojunior.........

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Post time 3-12-2007 06:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #108 ganisara's post

dah abis ker citer gani aka zorro nie?

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Post time 3-12-2007 06:20 PM | Show all posts
batman bila nak mai?

jangan mai bandi amuck dah ler..oang topeng dia nak topeng..apa la ko mamat pebian

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Post time 3-12-2007 06:47 PM | Show all posts nick anak aku umo 7 thn tuh jekkk....dia main game bubuh nama kat highest score zorrojunior....adehhh.....x tahan aku nak gelak..

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Post time 3-12-2007 07:33 PM | Show all posts
pengakuan ekhlas camnih la yg aku nak...zoro@gani....

zoro = BM
gani = English

neway zoro ceta la lagik...hehe...

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Post time 3-12-2007 08:03 PM | Show all posts

Interpretation of gani's english

Ok, since kita ni dok komen je on gani's english, let's have a closer look at his stlye of writing. This is my interpretation:

When we look at his style of writing, especially when it involves telling stories of his affairs, he is thinking in parallel, i.e. two or more things are developing in his mind at the same time - you will notice this when he uses a lot of brackets, kan. Nampak macam tengah cerita satu benda but then dia selit satu benda lain.

Another obvious thing is that his flow of ideas, i.e. apa yang dia nak tulis comes out more than he can manage to type.

Or maybe he is just a slow typist

No, but seriously, benda ni pernah berlaku pada saya banyak kali. Bila time idea datang mencurah-curah, saya tak sempat nak type semuanya, so bila baca balik saya kata "apa benda yang aku tulis nie?" That is why a lot of story-writers uses storyboard to project their ideas, instead of writing them.

Let's look at his replies - it is more composure, isn't it?. So he is a good communicator after all.

I can see the guilt is there - because when he wrote about his affairs, his writing is completely rubbish. A man who write fictions will write it properly. When he confess his affairs to us, he could not compose it properly, but when he replies to our attacks, he can.

Well.... I am not a psychologist, that is the best if my interpretation. I have seen some good people that can know what you're thinking and state of mind by just looking at the handwriting.

Anyway, back to your problem:

I'm giving you a big challange here, En Gani, if you can accept it:

Try to say NO to godaan wanita yang desperate to be in their baby suits and have your genes swimming in their womb. If you can do this ONCE, you are climbing your first step to be a better man.

Then, try to work out what ever their problems WITHOUT sleeping with them. If these women can resolve their problems with their hubby and have not spread their legs for you to feed them in the meantime, you are on your second step.

Once you can do this, you'll be fine, InsyaAllah.

Macam nie lah - kalau your daughter menagih dadah and comes to you with an addiction, would you give her more drugs? Sudah tentu tak kan? You would help them go back to the right path.

Now subsitute the word "drugs" with "sexual" or "intimacy" and you see what I mean.

If you keep on sleeping with these women, you are no better being a drug addict then they are.

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Post time 3-12-2007 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Penulis at 3-12-2007 08:03 PM
Ok, since kita ni dok komen je on gani's english, let's have a closer look at his stlye of writing. This is my interpretation:

When we look at his style of writing, especially when it involves ...

atleast u look at the positive side... aku suka..

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2007 08:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #113 Penulis's post

such a brilliant statement of a gifted genius mind.....

your writing ,comments and advises will be always honoured....

and i pray one day  that i could manage my life just like you....
one forumner stated that i kinda like and wanting the affair (the sex)and i couldnt agreed more...u r right..just like an addict of this freedom sex...
after god had given two easiest way of getting married,numerous women came in with open arms...i can see your points now....thank you...

i have a character that people look highly on me,respected,approachable  but with certain class of recognition,people need to be prepared to speak to me (jadi segan) ...for instance in NHK case:
NHK hubby somehow suspected of his wife having an affair with me:
one day he (10 years junior) confronted me ,and his words "numbed "me  :
"encik ganisara @zorrojunior...pls leave my wife alone...she is the only my gf of 8 years,now my wife,cik ganisara@zorrojunior can afford to find many other women,but i cant..i am just a doctor,average looking guy...."his words managed to hold the affair for only two months,before NHK said this ...."I miss u so much".......
(the rest of NHK story was written in other thread)

i am forumner refer me as "uncle"...but if u see me in person,only your kids then would call me "uncle"..

i  love sex just like "having meals"...and i am  a bit "hunchback",a lefthander,
and i didnt smoke....

thank you all.ciao.

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Post time 3-12-2007 08:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #107 zorrojunior's post

kenapa tak dpt mengelakkan??

apakah en gani ni org yg memang tak boleh mengatakan TIDAK MAHU!!

atau seorang yg terlalu emosi hingga terjerumus dgn masaalah org lain..

we make our own choice..

we are responsible for our own decision

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Post time 3-12-2007 08:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #115 ganisara's post

ao mr ganisara, r u up to penulis' challenge? might be interesting to have a change of air..

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Post time 3-12-2007 08:59 PM | Show all posts
best sgt le tu semua wanita terjelepuk di kakinya...

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Post time 3-12-2007 09:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ganisara at 3-12-2007 08:43 PM
such a brilliant statement of a gifted genius mind.....

your writing ,comments and advises will be always honoured....

and i pray one day  that i could manage my life just like you....
one ...

40 muda lagi tu.... sementara nak umor 60, lu sempat lanyak another 20 bini org.
Congrats to you... membukti ramai lelaki tak tahu jaga bini, and ramai bini tak tahu jaga maruah diri dan suami.

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Post time 3-12-2007 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gemukkkkkkk at 3-12-2007 12:38 PM
apsal aku baca thread ni, macam ada agenda tertentu aje  

tahu pun kau...

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