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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2016 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 37~38
The historical background to help understand Ep. 37~38

■ Dumoon-dong village 두문동 杜門洞
The following is “unofficial” historical records or folk tales. So, we don’t know whether it is true or not.
After Joseon was founded, many Sadaebu bureaucrats refused to work for the new regime and retired to their hometown. Some of them secluded themselves in Gwangdeok mountain near the capital and lived together in a village. Their village was called Dumoon-dong (두문동 杜門洞) which means “a village with a locked gate.” King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) took carrot-and-stick approaches to them, but neither threats nor placation had any effect on them. After all, King Taejo ordered to set the village on fire, sincerely hoping that they would run out of it. However, they refused to go outside and almost everyone were burnt to death. From then on, the martyred scholars have been called Dumoon-dong 72 sages (두문동 72현, 杜門洞七十二賢).
The problem is, there exists no contemporary historical record about it.The first official mention of the village appeared in 1740, about 350 years after Joseon was founded, when King Youngjo (reign 1724~1776) asked the origin of the name of the place during his royal tour. The local people answered the king like this.
“When King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) conducted the state examination, about 50 Sadaebu families boycotted it. They locked their gate and didn’t go outside. That’s why their village was called Dumoon-dong.”
King Youngjo ordered his subject to write a poem of praise to honor their loyalty, and put up a memorial stone there. The king also announced that he would appoint a government post to any descendent of the Dumoon-dong martyrs, but only 2 or 3 people were found. As time goes by, the number of would-be Dumoon-dong martyrs increased to 72. Moreover, the lists of them are all different from place to place. That’s why some historians doubt that Dumoon-dong folk tale is either an invented story or an exaggerated truth.  
In addition, there is no historical record that Yi Bang-Won set the village on fire. It was unlikely for him to commit such a crime (even if it is true) under the political situation where Prime minister Jung Do-Jeon was holding full power over the government.
However, maybe for a dramatic effect, Sageuk drama writers really loved to describe it as Yi Bang-Won’s atrocity. I think SFD’s refreshing interpretation of Dumoon-dong incident did Yi Bang-Won justice. Good job, writers!

■ Hwang Hee 황희 黃喜 (1363~1452)
Hwang Hee is the most respected prime minister throughout the history of Korea. He started to work as Goryeo’s civil officer at the age of 14, and his total incumbency for both Goryeo and Joseon government reached 73 years. He helped to build up the golden age of King Taejong and King Sejong’s rule.
According to a folk tale, Hwang Hee is known as one of the Dumoon-dong survivors. When Goryeo had been fallen, he was 29-year-old civil officer. He decided to live in Dumoon-dong, but other old scholars urged the young man to leave the village in order to work for the people. While the old men perished in flames, Hwang Hee survived and served the kings of Joseon from then on.
As I said earlier, Dumoon-dong story is likely to be a fiction, so Hwang Hee’s story is also an unreliable folk tale.
In Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS), Hwang Hee appeared as a silver-bearded benignant prime minister who overlooked King Sejong’s creation of Hangul alphabets. In Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS), the writers added a refreshing interpretation that he returned from Dumoon-dong to get back at Yi Bang-Won. It would be interesting to see how Yi Bang-Won would turn his mind in the future.


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 Author| Post time 11-2-2016 04:21 PM | Show all posts

■ The Crown prince issue (August, 1392)

The following is recorded in the Annals of Joseon dynasty (조선왕조실록 朝鮮王朝實錄).

In August 20, 1392, about one month after Joseon was founded, King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) discussed with his 3 core ministers (Jung Do-Jeon, Jo Joon, Bae Geuk-Ryeom) over who should be the Crown prince of Joseon.

Bae Geuk-Ryeom advised the king to choose the eldest son. Jo Joon told him “During the reign of peace, the eldest son should be chosen. During the turbulent times, however, the son with the most contribution should be made the crown prince.”

King Taejo’s eldest son, Yi Bang-Woo (Prince Jinan) had the legitimacy. However, he refused to become the Crown Prince and secluded himself in a mountain hermitage. His anger at his father made him drink too much that he got sick and died in December of 1393, one and a half year after Joseon was established.

The king’s sons with the most contribution refer to Bang-Gwa and Bang-Won. King Taejo’s 2nd son, Yi Bang-Gwa (Prince Youngan), was a military officer who fought with his father in countless battles. Meanwhile, the king’s 5th son Yi Bang-Won (Prince Jeongan) made the biggest contribution to establish the new country by helping his father make connections with Sadaebu scholars in the political world. Most of all, Bang-Won rescued his father’s followers from danger by killing Poeun Jung Mong-Joo on Seonjuk bridge.  

However, King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) wanted to establish Yi Bang-Beon (Prince Muan), his 7th son born from Queen Shindeok / Lady Gang (his second wife) because he loved and respected the Queen so much.

King Taejo’s first wife, Lady Han (Queen Shinui), died of an illness one year before Joseon was established. At the time, Lady Gang (Queen Shindeok)was the only legitimate Queen of Joseon. Her family was one of the most powerful noble clans in Goryeo, and she had made every efforts to support her husband. Most of all, Yi Seong-Gye loved her so much. The actual power was in her hands. How could the ministers oppose to her?

One thing the ministers were afraid of was that Yi Bang-Beon (Prince Muan) was too thoughtless and rash. They advised the king “If your majesty really want to choose from the Queen’s two sons, the youngest one is better.”Therefore, the king’s 8th son, Yi Bang-Seok (Prince Uian), was established as the Crown prince.

In this political situation, Sambong Jung Do-Jeon couldn’t refuse the king’s earnest request. Moreover, in his ideal Joseon, the monarch is but a decoration flower supported by Sadaebu roots. The grown-up princes didn’t fit for the role. Maybe, he wanted to raise the 10-year-old prince as his ideal Confucian ruler? Yi Seong-Gye was still strong and healthy, so Jung Do-Jeon might think that he had enough time to educate the little prince.

Their misfortune was that Queen Shindeok died of an illness in 1396. If she had stayed alive much longer, Yi Bang-Won (Prince Jeongan) couldn’t have dreamed of rebelling against Jung Do-Jeon in 1398.


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 Author| Post time 11-2-2016 04:26 PM | Show all posts


  • In March 15, Yi Seong-Gye was injured from falling off a horse.
  • In April 1, Yi Seong-Gye’s followers like Jo Joon, Nam Eun, Jung Do-Joeon were ousted and exiled by Jung Mong-Joo’s faction.
  • In April 2, Yi Seong-Gye came back to the capital in the middle of the night by the help of his 5th son, Yi Bang-Won.
  • In April 4, Jung Mong-Joo visited Yi Seong-Gye’s house. The last guardian of Goryeo Dynasty was killed by Yi Bang-Won‘s men on the way home.
  • April 6, Yi Seong-Gye’s faction was released from exile and came back to the government posts.
  • In June 2, Jung Do-Jeon and Nam Eun returned from the exile.
  • In June 8, Yi Seong-Gye’s faction took over the military forces all over the country.
  • In July 1, King Gongyang proposed the alliance of sovereign and subject, but it was rejected by Yi Seong-Gye..
  • In July 12, King Gongyang was deposed. (* The fall of Goryeo Dynasty)
  • In July 17, Yi Seong-Gye ascended to the throne. (King Taejo, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty)
  • In August, Yi Bang-Seok (Yi Seong-Gye’s 8th son by his second wife Queen Shindeok) was proclaimed the crown prince at the age of 10.


  • In March, the name of the country was officially changed into Joseon.
  • In December 13, Yi Bang-Woo (Yi Seong-Gye’s eldest son) died of illness in Hamju. He had been so disappointed in his father for betraying Goryeo that he had drunken away through his life and got sick.


  • In April, King Gongyang of Goryeo was executed.
  • In August, the capital city was moved from Gaegyung to Hanyang (Today’s Seoul, the current capital city of South Korea).


  • In August, Queen Shindeok (Yi Seong-Gye’s second wife) died of illness.


  • The first strife of Princes : In August, Yi Bang-Won killed Prime minister Jung Do-Jeon, his colleague Nam Eun, Crown prince Yi Bang-Seok (King Taejo’s 8th son).
  • In September, King Taejo handed over the crown to his second son Yi Bang-Gwa (King Jeongjong, the 2nd king of the Joseon Dynasty), but the actual power was in Yi Bang-Won’s hand.


  • In March, King Jeongjong moved the capital back to Gaegyung.


  • In February, King Jeongjong named Yi Bang-Won as his successor.
  • The second strife of Princes : Yi Bang-Gan (King Taejo’s 4th son) rebelled against his younger brother Yi Bang-Won but his coup ended in failure.
  • In November, King Jeongjong abdicated and Yi Bang-Won finally ascended to the throne. (King Taejong, the 3rd king of the Joseon Dynasty).


  • Yi Seong-Gye (King Taejo, the founder of Joseon dynasty) died.


  • King Taejong abdicated the throne to his 3rd son King Sejong the Great. But he continued to rule with an iron fist. <- Tree with Deep Roots (2011) begins here!


  • Queen Wongyeong (King Taejong’s wife) died.
  • King Sejong established the Hall of Worthies (&#51665;&#54788;&#51204;, 集賢殿), a group of elite scholars selected by the king which participated in various scholarly endeavors.


  • Yi Bang-Won (King Taejong) died.




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Post time 12-2-2016 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 11-2-2016 04:26 PM
  • In March 15, Yi Seong-Gye was injured from falling off a horse.

  • dlm cerita ni..penekanan kpd prinsip..Sambong, Poeun, Ba Wong...3 watak utama dlm 6FD..watak2 lain utk memperkukuhkan watak 3 orang sokong prinsip Ba Wong...walaupun dia tidak dsukai selepas pembunuhan Poeun tu....

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    Post time 12-2-2016 08:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    Teh_90 replied at 12-2-2016 08:51 AM
    dlm cerita ni..penekanan kpd prinsip..Sambong, Poeun, Ba Wong...3 watak utama dlm 6FD..watak2 lain ...

    General Lee tu...hebat dlm peperangan lemah dlm membuat keputusan...camana boleh dlantik jd raja joseon pertama....

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    Post time 12-2-2016 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    tp..tu sebab Sambong suka....dia boleh kawal pentadbiran kerajaan baru..

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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 09:20 AM | Show all posts
    Teh_90 replied at 12-2-2016 08:53 AM
    General Lee tu...hebat dlm peperangan lemah dlm membuat keputusan...camana boleh dlantik jd ...

    awat reply posting sendiri

    mmg pun King Taejo ni lemah dlm politik...
    tu sbbnya SB leh guna dia...

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    Post time 12-2-2016 10:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    ayushuhada04 replied at 12-2-2016 09:20 AM
    awat reply posting sendiri

    mmg pun King Taejo ni lemah dlm politik...

    sebenarnya nak sambung posting Ayu ..he..he..

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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 11:17 AM | Show all posts
    Teh_90 replied at 12-2-2016 10:29 AM
    sebenarnya nak sambung posting Ayu ..he..he..

    ohh kisahnya...edit jer kan boleh...

    actually ayu pun suka cara BW....wpun dia nampak
    agresif dan nampak dia tau apa dia buat...
    sbb dia dh dgr plan SB dgn PE kan....

    dia ada cara dia yg tersendiri....

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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 11:18 AM | Show all posts
    Teh_90 replied at 12-2-2016 08:54 AM
    tp..tu sebab Sambong suka....dia boleh kawal pentadbiran kerajaan baru..

    yer ler...sbb dia kan dh kata..dia ubah segalanya...Raja tk leh berkuasa penuh...
    dpt lak LSG yg kurang arif dgn dunia politik...

    tp dia silap ler...BW bukan senang nk ditundukkan
    tk sabar nk tgk...BW bunuh SB lak...

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    Post time 12-2-2016 03:06 PM | Show all posts
    ayushuhada04 replied at 12-2-2016 11:18 AM
    yer ler...sbb dia kan dh kata..dia ubah segalanya...Raja tk leh berkuasa penuh...
    dpt lak LSG yg  ...

    "raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah"

    SB nak buat sistem komunis, semua rakyat dapat sama rata..


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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 03:49 PM | Show all posts
    nohas replied at 12-2-2016 03:06 PM
    "raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah"

    SB nak buat sistem komunis, semua rakyat d ...

    Raja tak berkuasa sgt le ni yer......

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    Post time 12-2-2016 04:12 PM | Show all posts
    ayushuhada04 replied at 12-2-2016 03:49 PM
    Raja tak berkuasa sgt le ni yer......

    Raja dalam rumah
    Buat kira-kira
    Suri dalam dapur
    Makan roti gula hey !

    tgh stress....

    raja sebagai 'bunga' saja..


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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 04:15 PM | Show all posts
    nohas replied at 12-2-2016 04:12 PM
    Raja dalam rumah
    Buat kira-kira
    Suri dalam dapur

    sesuai sgt le kan dgn LSG tu...
    yg tk tau apa2....sbb dia mmg lemah hal2 negara....

    awatnya stress nohas...dh nk weekend ni..

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    Post time 12-2-2016 04:46 PM | Show all posts
    ayushuhada04 replied at 12-2-2016 04:15 PM
    sesuai sgt le kan dgn LSG tu...
    yg tk tau apa2....sbb dia mmg lemah hal2 negara....

    stress melayan client sorang ni..
    tak cukup email, telefon lak, nak teleconference lg..
    bos lak cuti seminggu mnggu depan, start hari ni....
    berpinau bijik mata, tengok angka2 yg boss buat...


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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 04:48 PM | Show all posts
    nohas replied at 12-2-2016 04:46 PM
    stress melayan client sorang ni..
    tak cukup email, telefon lak, nak teleconference lg..
    bos lak  ...

    bertabah yer nohas...buat mana yg termampu jer
    nti tersilap tgk nombor..lain lak jadinya

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    Post time 12-2-2016 04:50 PM | Show all posts
    ayushuhada04 replied at 11-2-2016 04:20 PM
    Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 37~38
    The historical background to help understand Ep. 37~38[/ ...

    350 tahun selepas Joseon ditubuhkan, baru kpg Dumoon-dong secara rasmi diperkatakan orang ramai..
    lama tuu...masih ingat lg depa semua..sejarah tok nenek moyang..

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     Author| Post time 12-2-2016 05:23 PM | Show all posts
    nohas replied at 12-2-2016 04:50 PM
    350 tahun selepas Joseon ditubuhkan, baru kpg Dumoon-dong secara rasmi diperkatakan orang ramai..

    klu mmg ada tertulis mmg depa leh tau kan...
    tp mmg hebat ler....lama benar sgt.....ishhh

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    Post time 12-2-2016 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    skrg ni dikorea ada lg ke dinasti joseon nih?

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    Post time 13-2-2016 11:49 AM | Show all posts
    mimifa replied at 12-2-2016 11:33 PM
    skrg ni dikorea ada lg ke dinasti joseon nih?

    dah takde sejak tahun 1910..bila Jepun menjajah Korea...
    sekrg korea dah jd negara republik, takde raja, cuma ada presiden..


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