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Author: GhostWalking

[Tempatan] Setahun Tak Sentuh Nasi Nah Inilah Hasilnya Kecik Cenonet~

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:09 PM | Show all posts
bellaa posted on 11-2-2016 04:20 PM
mampu buat squat ja. yg lain tu..

harommmm. malas sesangat

sambil tengok tv pob boleh buat la sit up tu

* i pon malas jugak sebenar nya..sesekali kalau datang angin rajin je gigih segala benda i buat..kalau tak, haram nak bergerak


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Post time 11-2-2016 05:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bellaa replied at 11-2-2016 09:15 AM
meol badan dah sedap dah. just camne nak loosen belly?

spoil la perut ni

Perut saya pun spoil moil juga...kalau kayo dah pergi potong kulit lebih cam kantung kangaroo tu...macam doh piza pun ye juga.
Senaman abdomen gila2 pun tak jalan juga mungkin sbb faktor usia agaknya, atau keanjalan dah berkurangan akibat menahan kegemukkan dulu..

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:28 PM | Show all posts
MeghanK replied at 11-2-2016 05:09 PM
sambil tengok tv pob boleh buat la sit up tu

eceli dah lama x tgk tv. sbb x suke tgk tv series yg bersambung2.

selalu tgk on9.
tapi dah satu masalah, kalo tgk on9. nak fully kosentrek pulak dah.

haa. banyak nau alasan sbb malas keluaq peluh

tulakan ada mood, baru la weols berpoco2 k.

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:30 PM | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 10-2-2016 11:02 AM
maaflah yea, tak berapa setuju ngn dayet ini.
brp lama hang bleh tahan tak mkn nasi? ngarut jer, na ...

diet atkin ni bukan tak sentuh nasik langsung, dia ada phase2 dia. first phase je kena amik max 20g carbs sehari, lepas tu leh tambah2 carbs setiap phase. makan nasi or tak tu pilihan. first phase tu pun tak elok buat lama2. dalam 2 bulan je. kalau ikut betul2 sebenarnya ok je cuma orang yg tak faham tentang diet ni yg cakap mcm2. and kenalah workout jgk.

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya buat plank, crunches dan sit up tapi bab kulit melayut tu tak dapek den nak nolong... Sakit hati, kalau boleh potong pisau lama dah saya buat.

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:31 PM | Show all posts
bellaa posted on 11-2-2016 05:28 PM
eceli dah lama x tgk tv. sbb x suke tgk tv series yg bersambung2.

selalu tgk on9.

i pon jarang tengok tv

tapi i banyak berjalan (g keje naik tren) so malas dah nak eksesais lain..tapi bila datang rajin buat jugak la squat ke burpees ke plank ke tapi boleh kira la..sebulan sekali gitu


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Post time 11-2-2016 05:44 PM | Show all posts
JDT replied at 11-2-2016 05:28 PM
Perut saya pun spoil moil juga...kalau kayo dah pergi potong kulit lebih cam kantung kangaroo tu.. ...

yeker awk. hingatkan mude belia lagi.
avvy pom otomen.

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:47 PM | Show all posts
MeghanK replied at 11-2-2016 05:31 PM
i pon jarang tengok tv

tapi i banyak berjalan (g keje naik tren) so malas dah nak eksesais l ...

choi sgt. kemain gigih suruh meol exercise depan tb tadi

ouh. kalo cenggitu dah burn byk kalori dah tu..

asalkan meg always cute n sihat k.

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bellaa replied at 11-2-2016 05:44 PM
yeker awk. hingatkan mude belia lagi.
avvy pom otomen.

Avvyv tu sbb nak jaga hati anak bongsu...wakaka.
Tahun depan saya dah separuh abad.
Panggil auntie pun saya tak kisah..

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
armin replied at 11-2-2016 05:30 PM
diet atkin ni bukan tak sentuh nasik langsung, dia ada phase2 dia. first phase je kena amik max 20 ...

Ada atkins 40 juga.
Yup memang kena ada pemahaman sebelum mula diet.
Saya dulu google dan baca buku sebelum mula sebab takut silap langkah.
Banyak yg ingat phase induction tu selamanya...

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:54 PM | Show all posts
bellaa posted on 11-2-2016 05:47 PM
choi sgt. kemain gigih suruh meol exercise depan tb tadi

ouh. kalo cenggitu dah burn by ...

alhamdulillah setakat ni takde penyakit berbahaya prinsip is jaga makan..bukan nya tak boleh makan langsung benda2 yang teringin tu tapi berpada2 lah..banyakkan minum air kosong untuk awet muda gitu

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Post time 11-2-2016 05:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
my male fren umur 32 tinggi 156cm berat cume 50kg...
jeles tengok dia yang ramping macam kerengga...
sebab kurus sangat kot sampaikan orang nampak dia umur macam 20-an...
awet mude la pulak..

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Post time 11-2-2016 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by honeylynn at 12-2-2016 05:10 AM

Ok aku nak citer pengalaman aku beratkins..dulu sebelum kenal diet atkins berat aku hampir mencecah 100kg.. Kata2 hinaan, kutukan, herdikkan & perli2 dr org sekeliling aku telan dgn perasaan sedih & pujukan hati bahawa takpelah biar gemuk asalkan happy & sihat.. Tp..sebenarnya tak happy pun & gemuk ni tak sihat pun..huhu! Paling sedih bila nak cari baju tapi takde saiz...

Then aku start ambil pil kurus & tak tahu tak berapa jadi..dipendekkan citer akupun dok goggle2 & kenal dgn diet bermulalah perjalanan diet aku sebagai pengamal atkins..aku join group2 atkins kat fb utk rujukan..

Aku mmg sgt disiplin & ikut semua rules atkins..hampir 2 tahun gaklah aku bertahan tak sentuh nasi..itupun sekali sekala je bila cheat day..dr berat hampir 100kg..alhamdulillah slowly turun ke 60kg..seronok giler..badan fit & ringan je badan..

Bila badan dah start mengecil..bajupun dah kena beli baru..dr saiz xxl ke xl ke l ke m & s...makin lama makin kecik makin lama makin ketat..huhu!

Bila badan dah cantik kurus..keyakinan bertambah..& mulalah berselfie setiap masa..mulalah upload progres before after dekat fb..atas alasan sebagai motivasi kepada kawan2 lain..yg mana dulu mengutuk mencaci dah mula memuji..makin lama diri semakin riak...

Bila dah kurus mulalah perasan muda (mmg akan nampak muda & kulit cantik sbb pengamal atkins biasanya akan byk makan syuran hijau & minum air kosong)..mulalah abaikan suami & anak2..pasang badan la katakan...huhu!

Sekarang dah hampir setahun aku tinggalkan atkins..alhamdulillah berat still maintain..akupun dah insaf..gambar2 dlm fb semua aku dah delete..nyesal rasa..huhuhu! Takada dah baju2 ketat bagai..pakai kat rumah aje...

Aku tahu ramai pengamal2 diet tak kiralah atkins ke bukan ke..rata2 akan buat tindakan sama cam aku bila keyakinan diri percayalah..semakin lama kita semakin riak & lupa kengkawan yg tgh berdiet nasihat ikhlas aku..berpada2 la..ingat diri kita dulu camne...ingat niat asal berdiet utk sihat..bukan utk menunjuk2...huhuhu!

Sekian dari pengalaman sendirik..

P/s: jgn kecam aku...sikit2 takpe la..huhuhu!


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Post time 12-2-2016 01:06 AM | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 10-2-2016 07:03 PM
Bila masa ko gemok capi....hehe

gemok 3 tahun lepas..
berat sampai 100 kg, hihi..


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Post time 12-2-2016 01:09 AM | Show all posts
GhostWalking replied at 10-2-2016 03:46 PM
Choi ingat awek tadi.ko try xjadi ke?intermittrnt xla seksa sangat

semua tak jadi..
intermittent tu mmg senang jer..
skip waktu makan. terutama breakfast..
aku buat 12 jam waktu makan, 12 jam puasa (termasuk tido)..

tapi leceh kena tahan lapar..
atkins gak senang..
cuma kena monitor jenis makanan yg masuk mulut jer..
nak makan ayam sekor sehari pun takde masalah..


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Post time 12-2-2016 01:33 AM | Show all posts
i buat atkin 2 weeks je. tu pun rase separuh sewel. gila la, x leh mkn carb lsg n x leh minum susu, x leh mkn buah. r u nut! n the saddest part turun 500gm je. berat ms tu 53kg, tinggi 158cm, m aiming 49kg. sampai skrg x tercapai.

tp 1 kebaikan dr i buat induction atkin, i dah x blh mkn nasi byk dah. rase nk muntah. stgh senduk pun dah terbluwek.

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Post time 12-2-2016 02:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bellaa replied at 11-2-2016 05:06 PM
kalo ikotkan, perlu mcm table kat bawah nih.

Dek Bella tolong tanya uncle Google,

Wanita pregnen boleh buat ke routine ni?


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Post time 12-2-2016 09:19 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 12-2-2016 02:13 AM
Dek Bella tolong tanya uncle Google,

Wanita pregnen boleh buat ke routine ni?

ehh.. jam 2 pagi pon kaka x tido lagi.mana elok utk tumbesaran bayi

Are aquat safe to do when preggy?

5 Benefits of Squatting
1: Increase Pelvic floor muscle strength:
How often you do Squats (with good technique) will help prepare the pelvic floor muscles for birth. This exercise will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscle much better than a kegel exercise!

2: Prevent Back & Pelvic Pain
Strengthening your glute muscles, that’s your butt, helps to decrease lower back  and pelvic pain.
Strong Gluteus Maximus muscles helps to stabilize your pelvis by supporting your sacroiliac joint.
This prevents pain which is often caused by ligaments loosening due to pregnancy hormones relaxin and progesterone.

3: Prepare for labour

Squats can help you specifically prepare for labour and birth.
The exercise mirrors positions you can hold to help you cope with contractions in early and late labour,

helping baby to descend deeper down into the pelvis.

4: Stronger Birth Positions:
Strengthening leg muscles during pregnancy by performing a variety of squats gives you more endurance in your birthing positions,
ones that will allow gravity to assist making the pelvic opening wider which gives baby a bit more room to push through!

5: A great looking butt!
Squats will keep your rear in shape during pregnancy and then post so you don’t have to worry about what you look like from behind!

When Should You Not Squat?

There are times though when squats are not beneficial and you should avoid:

1: When baby is not in an optimal position after 30 weeks.
Squats help descend a baby deeper down into the pelvis.
If a baby’s bottom is presenting first when a baby is in a breech position you don’t want to be pushing a bottom further down.
Turn your baby into the optimal position first and then you can start squatting again.

2: Pain
If there is any pain when you perform a squat then you may need to have your technique
assessed to correct your form or you can choose from different variations to reduce any discomfort.

3: Medical reason
There are some scenarios when you don’t want to induce early labour,
a couple of examples might be Vasa Previa and multiple pregnancies under 35 weeks that have had their labour stopped with drugs.

bideo utk kaka2 porem yg tgh preggy

Pregnancy Exercise:
Squats-How to Squat During Pregnancy, Squat for Birth


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Post time 12-2-2016 09:32 AM | Show all posts
mggu ni mmg hancus diet...asal blik kg jah makan...mampos la next week nk berdiet blik..

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Post time 12-2-2016 09:33 AM | Show all posts
last week dh blh pakai seluar mggu ni lpas blik dr kg...dah ketat tang pinggang seluar tu...choi betul...

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