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Author: blastoff

[Tempatan] Tak wajib vaksin utk kanak2 ke sekolah .....yer lo dah tak potent vaksin, ambik

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Post time 6-3-2019 10:29 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 6-3-2019 09:51 PM
Aku pernah tengok bayi yg lepas di vaksin mak dia perlu tukar berbagai susu tetap gatal2 gak satu ba ...

untuk pengetahuan mokcik...

di Malaysia,
kita bersyukur kerana semua vaksin yang digunakan oleh pihak KKM dalam jadual imunisasi nasional
adalah HALAL dan tidak mengandungi unsur masybooh.

Jika ada yg tidak halal, ia jenis vaksin digunakan oleh negara lain yg tiada kawalan halal.
Maka tidak perlulah membaca sample HARAM luar seperti di Indonesia atau Thailand
utk menimbulkan keraguan pengguna Islam di Malaysia.

Kawalan terhadap sekuriti halal di Malaysia amat tinggi dan ketat

oleh Bahagian Kawalan Farmaseutikal KKM dan Jakim.
Perbahasan komposisi ubat-ubatan bukan level sekolah rendah untuk bahas,
malah ilmuan pondok pun tidak sepatutnya membahas isu moden ini mengikut neraca fatwa fiqh silam.


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Post time 6-3-2019 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Eh yg ni cacai sokong pulak menteri? Bila dah antivax tu, babi pon sanggup dia makan. Kahkahkah

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Post time 6-3-2019 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gigih cacai antivax ni meroyan sorang2. Bagi lah berjuta bukti sekali pon pasal kebaikan vax, tetap dia akan konar baring jugak. Buang masa jah layan. Dodol makan popcorn jah

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Post time 6-3-2019 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Antivaxx zaman skrang ni pun, masa kecik-kecik pun ko kene cucuk vaksin jugak. Takde pun mati sihat walafiat bleh berforum lg. Ngape ko tak saman je makbapak ko sbb menvaksinkan ko masa kecik2. Bleh la kasi alasan kt court, sbb makbapak sy vaksinkan sy la sy jadi bodoh antivaxx mcm ni.  

Ang dok gebang pasal argentina tahun 2012. 2019 argentina dah implement dah wajib vaksin utk suma rakyat dia. Pegi google.  Bani bintu ni kan pakar google?  Tu ang takmo citer plak. cer angpa gi gebang pasal budak kt jhr umur 2 thn mati sbb difteria tu. Budak tu dan kakak die tak divaksin.  So salah sapa?
Herd immunity nih cer bayangkan mcm sempadan negara,kalau suma sempadan pintunya dijaga dgn baik insya allah musuh tak dpt masuk, tp kalau satu pintu tu rosak so senangla musuh nak masuk. Tp opkos bani bintu tahap iq depa tak leh nk pikiaq benda simple mcm ni.


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Post time 6-3-2019 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thread baru yea

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Post time 6-3-2019 10:44 PM | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 6-3-2019 10:34 PM
Gigih cacai antivax ni meroyan sorang2. Bagi lah berjuta bukti sekali pon pasal kebaikan vax, tetap  ...

ingatkan momod dah "stick" tred antivac umngok. rupa2nya mokcik tu gigih posting setiap minit taknak bg tred tenggelam


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Post time 6-3-2019 11:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Terhibur plak tgk kebodohan antivac ni.. Post la lagi byk2, we want more..

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Post time 7-3-2019 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku xpaham ape masalah meroyan sampai mcm ni sekali. Ratus ribu kalau xpun juta baby terselamat. Mortality rate utk kanak2 jatuh medadak selepas vaksin diperkenalkan. 40 orang mati dia punya kecoh dan korek sampai lubang hanat nak buktikan arguement tanpa sebab.

Apa aku nampak another 20 year down the line, timbul masalah anak saman ibu bapa sebab xbagi vaccination. Xnak buat, duduk diam2. Xpayah ajak orang. Ini jahat, bahayakan nyawa masyarakat sebab kurang ilmu. Aku xpasti pintu neraka mana ko tgh ketuk, tapi harap2 cepat sikit depa jawap.

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Post time 7-3-2019 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 6-3-2019 09:53 PM
Amik info dari site antivax kokesen, sah2 gini la jalam cerita. Cuba bandingkan bilangan yang mati ...

Contoh pula x tahu valid ke x
Jalan crt pun semasa dlm proses trial n error pun fiction sgt

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Post time 7-3-2019 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 6-3-2019 09:39 PM
nyawa anak kalau melayang setelah di vaksin ? Kalau alami vaksin injury ? ....dari sihat kepada ma ...

Hbs tu kalau tak vaksin mmg confirm sihat sampai tua ke?? Kau taknak vaksin ank kau, tu kau punya psl la., ko sape nk halang aku vaksin ank aku?

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Post time 7-3-2019 10:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak hidup zaman orang kena epidemic polio.

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 7-3-2019 10:27 AM
Victorioussss replied at 6-3-2019 10:06 PM  
Soalan kau kenapa dah vaksin pn kene lg? Xpotent?

Bakteria ni hidupan..dia berevolusi. Bakteria y dlu dibelajar dari vaksin mgkin dah evolve dgn ciri2 lain y lagi power

Kalau dah evolved bakteria/virus tuh....kenapa masih dok guna vaksin yg sama ? Bukan kah vaksin pun perlu evolved gak patutnya ? Kalau tidak , jadi vaksin ketinggalan ketapi je laa.

If you want different results, you have to try different approaches, dok guna yg sama je sampai kiamat lah dapat result yg sama yakni dok tak potent tu laa.


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 10:31 AM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 6-3-2019 10:29 PM
untuk pengetahuan mokcik...

di Malaysia,

halal perlu tengok dari cara test, cara proses, ingredient .......mana ada vaksin halal di malaysia di hasilkan ......errr syarikat vaksin mana yg nak bagi JAKIM pi check habis-habisan dari a sampai z aktiviti depa tu ? Tarak laaa.

Niat tidak menghalalkan cara....guna bayi ribuan hingga ada yg terbunuh dan teraniaya dgn serius injury tu pun dah jatuh haram dahhh. Nak halal kok mana plak .


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 10:35 AM | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 6-3-2019 10:32 PM
Eh yg ni cacai sokong pulak menteri? Bila dah antivax tu, babi pon sanggup dia makan. Kahkahkah

menteri yg sokong aku...bukan sebaliknya. Sebelum aku bukak thread fake vaksin , mujahid siap bagi amaran lagi tak boleh debat perlu akur je utk semua divaksinkan .....

Lepas aku dok post lama dlm thread tu mula depa kluarkan statement nak kaji diberi masa 2 minggu utk buat kajian ......minggu ni trus derang confirmkan takkan di laksanakan ...tu yg jadi tak wajib tuh .


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 10:40 AM | Show all posts
gue replied at 6-3-2019 09:58 PM
Semua vaksin ada waning effect, takde org boleh tahu brp lama vaksin itu effective in the body.
Cu ...

itu laaa, depa punya takut penyakit berjangkit yg sebenar padahal penyakit sebenar once kena la bagi immunity seumur hidup.

The fact that pakar2 dok soh vaksin ber dose2 walau dah kena pun masih dok suruh ambik vaksin gak memperlihatkan tak ada immunity seumur hidup yg terhasil dari penggunaan vaksin laa....

Alaa apa2 yg natural yg Allah wujudkan mana ada manusia mampu duplicate exactly.... we are talking about ciptaan yg terbentuk secara semulajadi .... kalau manusia berjaya clon pun tak sama lah dgn yg wujud secara semulajadi tu .


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 10:43 AM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 6-3-2019 09:57 PM
Ha, hokeh la tu. So hapa yang ngkau nak anti vaksin sangat?

aku sekeluarga tak pernah ambik vaksin ...tarak la kami sentiasa kena penyakit berjangkit nonstop pun.


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Post time 7-3-2019 11:00 AM | Show all posts
keh keh keh

wa senyum sinis tengok dua dua puak...
vaksin mau pun antivaksin...
lu gaduh pasal kaedah apa dapat?
lu gaduh la pasal source..mana datang itu penyakit..
kasi padam terus dia punya source maaa...baru tak merebak..
tak payah lagi lepas tu lu gaduh pasal ubat dan kaedah..

Allah tara kasi turun penyakit tanpa ubat..
Melainkan manusia itu sendiri cari dan create itu penyakit...

Ambil contoh komputer lu..mana datang virus?
Dan dan syarikat antivirus  boleh kesan itu virus..
Tanpa mereka yang create the virus..takkan ada virus pada komputer...
cari source ..bakar..kasi pijak..
maka antivirus akan lenyap selamanya...

tapi ada juga error pada komputer lu tanpa virus...
itu lu kena tanya OS lu punya provider la untuk patching..
company antivirus pun tara reti buat apa...bukan mereka yang reka cipta itu OS.

faham ka apa wa cakap....tak payah gadoh pasal kaedah..
cari dalangnya...kasi bakar..

keh keh keh

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 11:01 AM | Show all posts
star_karat replied at 7-3-2019 10:02 AM
Tak hidup zaman orang kena epidemic polio.

virus polio dulu kala tu yg disangkakan dah berjaya di hapuskan totally,  boleh ada dlm beberapa batch vaksin yg di beri pada kanak2 di india .....

So siapa yg cuba wujudkan epidemic tu kembali ? Pembuat vaksin !

Depa yg gigih dok biakkan virus tu laa dlm makmal depa , kalau tidak camna plak nak boleh ada dlm beberapa vaksin yg di beri tu ....

Kalau yg tu boleh contaminated dgn virus bahaya, vaksin mana pun punya potensi utk berlaku yg sama laa.


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Traces of polio type 2 virus were found in some batches of polio vaccine given to children in Uttar Pradesh and Telangana.

Fears of mystery polio strain now haunt India    .

Updated: 16 Oct 2018, 12:35 PM IST   Teena Thacker

Contamination of some batches of a polio vaccine threatens to bring back a vaccine strain of polio believed to have destroyed years ago
Topics mint-india-wirepolionew polio strainpolio vaccinepolio vaccine contaminationpolio viruspolio type 2 viruspolio vaccinationpolio eradicationPolio in India
New Delhi: Indian drug inspectors have decided to advance a planned check of Indonesia’s PT Bio Farma, seeking to solve the mystery behind the contamination of some batches of a polio vaccine that now threatens to bring back a vaccine strain of polio believed to have been destroyed years ago.
The Indonesian company supplies the key starting material (KSM)—the active raw materials used in a vaccine that give it a therapeutic effect—to Indian manufacturers that make polio vaccines in oral forms. These drops, which carry weakened polio viruses, are given to children below the age of five under a government programme designed to build their immunity against the crippling disease.
“Four drug inspectors from CDSCO (Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation) will be travelling to inspect Indonesia’s PT Bio Farma. It provides KSM to the companies here to prepare polio vaccine. We were to leave on 29 October, but now have proposed to advance the trip," an official in the regulatory authority said on condition of anonymity. “The proposal is pending approval from the health ministry."
Since 29 September, when news of the contamination surfaced, regulators have been investigating how the type 2 strain of polio, believed to be long gone, found its way into vaccines made by Ghaziabad-based Bio-Med Pvt. Ltd.
The type 2 strain is thought to have been eradicated so long ago that the current polio vaccine no longer protects against it, and vaccine makers have been asked to remove it from the vaccine and destroy their stocks of the strain.
Traces of polio type 2 virus were found in some batches of polio drops given to children. The company was supplying polio vaccines for the government-run universal immunization programme. Around 50,000 vials—one vial has 20 doses—of contaminated vaccine are believed to have been used in Uttar Pradesh and Telangana.


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Post time 7-3-2019 11:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mati seorang dua jauh lagi baik daripada mati beratus ribu atau juta2...

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Post time 7-3-2019 11:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 7-3-2019 10:43 AM
aku sekeluarga tak pernah ambik vaksin ...tarak la kami sentiasa kena penyakit berjangkit nonstop  ...

Riak takbur...taubat lah wahai manusia hina

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