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Author: EJALTI

[Tempatan] Isu bir tiada alkohol: Siti tembak, Mujahid tepis

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Post time 18-7-2019 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 17-7-2019 07:38 PM
JAKIM? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Lambang kebodohan orang Isle di Malaya.

Hahaha...nampak sangat kebodohanya. Tapi kan maideen sesuailah untuk ummah low iq seperti samdol tu takut nanti samdol tu keliru ...maklom lah sel otak dah penuh dengan skidmark

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Post time 18-7-2019 03:03 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 07:02 AM
Hahaha...nampak sangat kebodohanya. Tapi kan maideen sesuailah untuk ummah low iq seperti samdol t ...

pnjng kapir gayporn ni bebel



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Post time 18-7-2019 03:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 18-7-2019 12:00 PM
Apa2 yg ada 'brewed' bermakna ada fermentation bermakna alcohol akan jadik

Semua non alcoholic beer , kicap ada alkohol walaupun sedikit. Semua melalui proses yang sama untuk buat arak. Yang jual dekat arab macam Barbican pun ada alcohol.  Brand2 ni dapat halal bila alkohol level <0.01%. Alasan jadi halal di Malaysia sebab tak memabukkan, dan tujuan dia dibuat untuk tidak memabukkan.

Tapi aku baca UPM punya kata tapai ada alcohol 5% setelah 3 hari.. dah sama macam beer. Kira haram la kan. Tambah tapai2 yang diletak atas meja makan tu. Dah berapa hari orang tak beli dan dia terletak je dekat situ.

Aku baca barbican tu pun melalui proses distillation untuk remove alcohol macam heineken punya... Tapi dia dapat juga sijil halal di malaysia dan saudi.. macam mana tu?

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Post time 18-7-2019 04:01 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 03:02 PM
Hahaha...nampak sangat kebodohanya. Tapi kan maideen sesuailah untuk ummah low iq seperti samdol t ...'s a way of life.

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Post time 18-7-2019 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-7-2019 06:46 PM
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 02:38 PM
Puas lobai samdol iq rendah nak putarbelit...kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik!

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 merepek bagai mabok todi

Ko tak tau ke yg Heineken 0.0 tu diperbuat dari beer yg di suling?

Tu lah konon2 nya nak perangkap org lah ... podah lah tambi

Last2 kena balik 'peeeeek' tang dahi

Bila dah kena ... menganjing pulak dia dgn abam deeen s*ks kambing

Dah lah mamat tu tak basuh berak & tak basuh tangan

Pi lah salam dgn dia & lepas tu pegang kepala ko

Alamat dah transfer 'benda' tu kat kepala ko

Kepala ko ada bau busuk2 tak?

Lepas tu pi hidu amoi punya soiled underwear

Stone & beeeeeng habis

Patut pon ko ni slow sikit ....


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Post time 18-7-2019 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-7-2019 06:54 PM
MissVixen replied at 18-7-2019 03:13 PM
Semua non alcoholic beer , kicap ada alkohol walaupun sedikit. Semua melalui proses yang sama untu ...

Susah nak kata semua sama dgn proses pembuatan beer

Alcohol pasti ada , ie. kalo tinggal nasi 24 jam pon dah ada alcohol

Nak kata barbican cara pembuatan adalah sama dgn beer , ni apa yg aku dapat :

(4 pgs dari chapter 8)

Depa kata tak ada proses fermentasi (tak kata ttg proses semulajadi ye)

Tapai kalo dah tukar jadik macam beer tu , memang dah tak boleh makan

5 hari atas meja ... boleh bau kot ... masam dah

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:07 PM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 18-7-2019 11:59 AM
cambridge cerita lain, ko selit2 kunun kisah mitos pak ereb tu betul. kat sana pun dah boleh nampa ...

Hahahaha.......jelas sangat cambridge cerita lain tapi lobai samdol penipu bersiri pi selit selit kunun kisah mitos pak ereb tu betul.....hahahaha

Tak malu betul samdol itu.....

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-7-2019 11:32 PM
Maideen. replied at 18-7-2019 11:07 PM
Hahahaha.......jelas sangat cambridge cerita lain tapi lobai samdol penipu bersiri pi selit selit  ...

Baaahwahwahwa ... abam deeen s*ks kambing tak tau apa tu peer reviewed publication

Apa lah lu ... cuba cerita sikit camno nak selit mitos kat scientific peer reviewed publication?

Tengok tu lobai eukaryote M5

Org macam ni lah yg ko agung agung kan

Kan aku dah kata , boss ko tu berak tak basuh & tangan pon tak basuh , lepas tu pegang kepala

Transfer dah 'benda' tu kat kepala dia

Aiyoyo , I tak tahan gelak dgn ini :
cambridge cerita lain tapi lobai samdol penipu bersiri pi selit selit kunun kisah mitos pak ereb tu betul

LOOOOLLL ... publication dari Cambridge University boleh selit2 dgn mitos konon

Hmmmm ....

Kalo korang nak menganjing pon ... agak2 lah sikit

Malu tau .....

Kah kah kah


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Post time 19-7-2019 12:22 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 18-7-2019 02:34 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 merepek bagai mabok todi

Ko tak tau ke yg Heinek ...

Samdol kalau bab memutarbelit dan memperbodohkan diri sendiri tak habis habid!

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Post time 19-7-2019 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Redskins at 19-7-2019 12:49 AM
MissVixen replied at 18-7-2019 03:13 PM
Semua non alcoholic beer , kicap ada alkohol walaupun sedikit. Semua melalui proses yang sama untu ...

Yg diharamkan dlm Al Quran adalah minuman ARAK
samada ia memabukkan atau sedikit tidak memabukkan

Hukumnya tetap HARAM.

Al Quran TIADA menyebut tentang kandungan alkohol.

Adakah kicap dan tapai itu sejenis minuman yg memabukkan
seperti perlakuan org2 Kaper meminum arak ? TIDAK.

Adakah alcohol didlm perfume atau rubbing alcohol yg digunakan utk disinfectant haram ? TIDAK

So jelas disini bukan kandungan alcohol itu yg dipertikaikan walaupon
kita tahu kandungan % alcohol yg berlebihan itu menyebabkan mabuk.

Tapi aku baca UPM punya kata tapai ada alcohol 5% setelah 3 hari.. dah sama macam beer. Kira haram la kan. Tambah tapai2 yang diletak atas meja makan tu. Dah berapa hari orang tak beli dan dia terletak je dekat situ.

Ya...tapai yg disimpan lama dlm suhu bilik, kadar alcoholnya akan bertambah.
Tapai yg disimpan didlm fridge tahan lebih lama.

Maka sekiranya ia memabukkan, air tapai itu juga bertukar hukum menjadi haram.

Back to the issue, non alcoholic beer adalah haram di sebabkan

1. cara pembuatannya sama seperti arak.
2. Minuman yg diminum bersahaja seperti menyerupai perbuatan orang2 Kaper.

Semoga dapat pencerahan.


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Post time 19-7-2019 12:34 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 19-7-2019 12:22 AM
Samdol kalau bab memutarbelit dan memperbodohkan diri sendiri tak habis habid!

Hujah2 Sam banyak bagi Fakta ....

Pader FM tak mampu nak bagi fakta tapi nak membodohkan orglain..

Takde ke modal lain yg nampak ceredik sikit..

Asal janji reply nampak ceredik. pooorahh!!

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Post time 19-7-2019 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 17-7-2019 11:13 AM
Memang bodoh samdol tu..... Penipu pulak tu....

Itu hari dia tanya "Kat mana ayat Quran yan ...

tu hari dia tanya "Kat mana ayat Quran yang kata tak payah bungkos kepala? Mana? Mana?" hahahahaha...Memang bodoh bertingat tingat.

Kat mana yg disebut suruh tutup rambut ??

Bertahun2 Maideen mencari2 perkataan rambut tak jumpa2!!!

Memang bodo bertingkat2, carik dgn kapla lutut mana nak jumpa.

Abam deeen dah basuh berak belom...ada bau laaa...

Ada loyar badigol sorang boleh kagum dgn kaper2 yg tak basuh berak...adoiiyaii.



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Post time 19-7-2019 12:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 18-7-2019 08:56 AM
Redskins replied at 18-7-2019 08:34 AM
Hujah2 Sam banyak bagi Fakta ....

Pader FM tak mampu nak bagi fakta tapi nak membodohkan orgl ...

Hahaha... fakta? Nak kelingtong lobai popskin tak tau malu tu boleh lah dan sila fahamkan dahulu alasan kenapa jakim haramkan non alcoholic beer!

Cuba lobai popskin google distlled beer? Buat dari air kencinh unta dari celah kangkang pak arab kah?

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Post time 19-7-2019 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Sedih tengok lobai Lobai low iq ni nak putarbelit  ummah malaya!

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Post time 19-7-2019 01:01 AM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 16-7-2019 09:52 PM
kalu tanya lobai sekolah pondok ka al azhar ka semua sudah ada standard script utk jawab, mmg udah ...
ayat sakaran sebagai rezeki yg baik tu boleh rujuk q16:67

Ko bawak sini ayat Al Quran surah 16:67 yg mengatakan
sakaran (intoxicant) itu baik ?

Tlg explain ayat tersebut yg ko katakan intoxicant (sakaran) itu baik.
Tafsiran mana yg ko pakai lobai eukayu M5??

Kalo nak membelit pong agak2 laa..

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Post time 19-7-2019 01:05 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 19-7-2019 12:52 AM
Hahaha... fakta? Nak kelingtong lobai popskin tak tau malu tu boleh lah dan sila fahamkan dahulu a ...

sila fahamkan dahulu alasan kenapa jakim haramkan non alcoholic beer!

So terangkan la apa yg ko paham ttg kenyataan Jakim ??

Aku takut Jakim cakap lain, ko paham laennnn.

Maklumla ko tak paham sgt bahasa melayu, simple english pong kelaut.


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Post time 19-7-2019 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Redskins replied at 18-7-2019 09:05 AM
So terangkan la apa yg ko paham ttg kenyataan Jakim ??

Alasan pertama jakim, lobai malaya terlalu bodoh nak bezakan non alcoholic beer dan original beer...alasan kedua lobai malaya mempunyai iq tahap kanak kanak berumur lima tahumm...alasan ketiga lobai malaya mempunyai pemikiran kercelaruan dan alasan ke empat takut lobai malaya keliru!

Kerana itulah nak bersihkan diri selepas menggunakan tandas alim ulama kena ajar lobai cara yang betul!

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Post time 19-7-2019 05:13 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 18-7-2019 01:20 PM
Maideen. replied at 17-7-2019 07:38 PM
JAKIM? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Lambang kebodohan orang Isle di Malaya.

Saya masih ingat lagi maideen kes ni!

LOLLL.... Root Beer” dan “Ginger Beer”. pun tak boleh. Nampak tak samdol betapa bodohnya kau? Hahahah @sam1528 dan @Redskins  nak putarbelit tahap maximum ka? Suling lah ini lah!
Isu ‘hotdog’: Jangan buat kita nampak bodoh, pesan NazriNawar Firdaws -

October 19, 2016 9:36 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri pelancongan dan kebudayaan hari ini menyalahkan “kejahilan” pihak berkuasa sebagai punca berlakunya kontroversi berhubung penggunaan perkataan “hotdog” dan mereka yang terbabit tidak hidup dalam dunia nyata.

Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz berkata, sebagai umat Islam, beliau tidak tersinggung dengan nama itu dan kepercayaannya juga tidak akan terjejas hanya kerana memakan “hotdog”.

Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas itu berkata, “hotdog” sentiasa dikenali sebagai snek barat dan ia adalah istilah bahasa Inggeris.

“Malah, saya rasa saya mahu makan ‘hotdog’ sekarang.

“Tolong jangan nampakkan kita begitu bodoh dan kuno untuk bercakap pasal mengubah nama itu. Malah, dalam bahasa (Malaysia) kita kata ia adalah ‘hotdog’, kita tak kata anjing panas,” katanya di lobi Parlimen, hari ini.

Beliau mengulas laporan media mengenai tindakan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) tidak memberi sijil halal kepada rangkaian francais menjual pretzel, Auntie Anne dengan alasan salah satu produknya dinamakan “pretzel dog”.

Eksekutif Jaminan Kualiti dan Halal Auntie Anne, Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menerusi Facebooknya berkata, syarikat itu sudah menghantar beberapa nama lain dan sedang menunggu keputusan panel Jakim.

Bukan itu sahaja, FMT semalam melaporkan, makanan kegemaran ramai seperti “Coney Dog” juga terpaksa dijenamakan semula, selain minuman tin “Root Beer” dan “Ginger Beer”.

Penolong Pengurus Jaminan Kualiti dan Halal A&W, Shahidah Wahid, mengesahkan penukaran nama itu 2 tahun lalu dan berkata, menu utama rangkaian makanan segera itu seperti “Coney Dog” dan “Root Beer” kini ditukar kepada “Chicken Coney” atau “Beef Coney”, serta “Root Beer” yang dikenali sebagai “RB”.

“Kita tukar sebab nama itu ada konflik kalau kita nak mohon sijil halal,” kata Shahidah.


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Post time 19-7-2019 07:01 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 18-7-2019 04:20 PM
Redskins replied at 18-7-2019 08:29 AM
Yg diharamkan dlm Al Quran adalah minuman ARAK
samada ia memabukkan atau sedikit tidak memabuk ...

Macamana pula dengan yang ini lobai popskin? Habislah lobai popskin sesama Sunni pun mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza halal haram beer tampa alkohol!

Dan juga wine ini halal di arab saudi!

Today, Azhar is the managing director of Azanti Non-Alcoholic Wines, the exclusive UK distributor for DPC. Azanti offers DPC’s Pierre Zero range of Merlot, Rose and Chardonnay wines as well as the more celebratory sparkling Perle France range and even a luxury ‘champagne’ called Gold Arabesque, which contains 24 carat gold ‘food’ flakes.


The wines are guaranteed “100 per cent halal” and have three levels of Islamic approval. DPC have halal certification from France, and their plant in the south of France has been audited by Halal Consulting, a halal auditor from Spain. Finally, Azanti has acquired an official fatwa from the London Central Mosque Trust and Islamic Cultural Centre confirming that the range of wines are permissible for Muslim consumption.

Image provided by Azanti

Azanti’s halal wine range is produced using the spinning-cone-column (SCC) method of extraction, which “de-alcoholises” wine. SCC uses steam stripping to extract and recover volatile compounds in vacuum conditions.

The method is one of the reasons DPC ranks number one in France’s non-alcoholic wine market.

“This method manages to retain as much of the original wine’s body, flavour and taste as possible by gently removing the alcohol, unlike alternative methods, which can often leave the wine tasting very different to the original,” Azhar explained.

Azhar accepts that some Muslims will wonder if such a product is needed at all in a community with no tradition of alcohol, let alone fine wines. “Just watch cricketers Moeen Ali and Adil Rashid. Every time England are celebrating a win they are desperately trying to avoid being sprayed by alcohol. Using one of our products for such occasions would mean he wouldn’t have to, and most importantly it wouldn’t be a cheap imitation because these are high-quality wines produced by experts in the field, and that is apparent in the taste.”

He continued: “Not everyone will like the taste. But those who may have tried wine and have had to give it up, especially [converts], will appreciate the quality. Also, many Muslims who love to cook often have no suitable alternative to wine in a recipe, and this can make a huge difference in the results.”

Indeed, the culinary potential of Azanti’s halal wines is already being appreciated by some of London’s hippest chefs.

Image provided by Azanti.

“Many other non-alcoholic wines are very sweet, like grape juice, making them difficult to cook with,” said Rafael Cordoso, a former chef at Harrods and currently Head Chef at London’s “most Instagrammed spot”, the Elan Cafe in Knightsbridge. “Azanti’s blends are some of the best I’ve tried. I’ve already used them as ingredients for my cooking.”

The quality of the wine has also been well received by Muslims heralding from a culture of wine. “It is amazingly close to the real thing,” said Nabila Fowles-Gutierezz, an Argentinian-Venezuelan convert to Islam. Nabila, who comes from a rich Argentinian wine culture and used to be a wine waitress, said that the Pierre Zero range is a high-quality alternative to the real thing. “With any non-alcoholic wine, the ‘heat’ and the ‘body’ will always be missed, but this is easily the best-tasting non-alcoholic wine I have had.”

Azanti have spent their first 12 months ‘testing’ the market, with sales hitting around £22,000. Their target over the next year is to sell around 2,000 bottles per month. At the moment, they supply mainly fine-dining restaurants, both halal and mainstream, as well as niche mocktail bars and sheesha lounges. However, individual orders can also be made via their website.

The company is now actively exploring partners and investors to help bring their halal French wine range to more Muslim markets. Azanti is already eyeing international Muslim markets and has acquired licenses to trade in India, Pakistan and most GCC countries, including Dubai.


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Post time 19-7-2019 10:21 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 19-7-2019 12:22 AM
Samdol kalau bab memutarbelit dan memperbodohkan diri sendiri tak habis habid!

LOOOOLLLL ... lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 dah tak mampu jawab apa2

Apa ni tambi? Dok meroyan putarbelit .. putarbelit macam org mabok todi

Kalo ko ada fakta nak lawan .... silakan

Lets see how good you are

Takut pulak

Lepas ni pi lah menganjing dgn boss ko , abam deeen s*ks kambing

Mamat tu tak basuh berak & tangan dia pon tak basuh

Salam lagi lah dgn dia

Cheeee ...



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