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Author: pancutINSIDE

Kemalangan Di Simpat Ampat : 12 Sah Terbunuh(15?19? orang angka tak rasmi)

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Post time 13-10-2010 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1480# Dunhill.

    selalu as tgk bas ekspress racing sesama diorg..
konker 3 line sekaligus..
selalu tgk mcm ni klu as nk ke kl..
klu dpt snap pic,boleh gak tepek kat cari ni..
ckp dgn hubby, 3 drebar ni kut nk mati pun,jgn time bawa org..nyusahkan aje..:@

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Post time 13-10-2010 09:29 PM | Show all posts
pampasan 1000 dan 500 sedikit sgt, yg ada insuran boleh claim, yg takdak insuran, kos2 sampingan dan kerugian akibat kemalangan lebih besar nilainya.

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Apa pun semoga Mereka tenang di sana

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1482# ninja boy

    tiket bas ekspress tak ada insuran berkelompok ke?

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:10 AM | Show all posts
ni mesti angkara kereta plet singapore punya hal...

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:17 AM | Show all posts
ya allah korang ni letak gambar2 mcm tu aku dah tertengok, harus terganggu pekeran aku utk satu tempoh masa ni....sabo je lah.....

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:54 AM | Show all posts
saya dah tertengok satu pic tu, itupun cpt2 scroll down sambil tutup mata...tak sanggup te ...
nour2001 Post at 13-10-2010 18:41

aside from gambar2 ngeri tu...
ada plak satu gambar yg seluar dia terlondeh n nampak spenda kan.....

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Post time 14-10-2010 01:01 AM | Show all posts
as bukak m/s 22..
aduhhh ngeri..terus tutup thread jap..
tak sanggup nk tgk..

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Post time 14-10-2010 01:08 AM | Show all posts
nak kata tak percaya mende ghaib ni tak boleh jugak.. mende tu memang wujud..

aku pernah sembang dgn sorang akak ni... dia cerita dia lalu h.way utara selatan km berapa tak tau la.. dia nampak bende menlintas.. dia terus langgar sebab tak sempat brek.. dia pasti orang yg lintas.. bila dah terlanggar, dia brek dan berenti tepi.. jenguk sana sini, tak der.. bawah kereta pun tak der.. terus dia bla.. tak berani tunggu lama..

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Post time 14-10-2010 01:09 AM | Show all posts
orang kata kan , kalau kita nampak apa2 kat melintas kat h.way, langgar je..
jgn elak..

saya tak tau la kebenarannya.. sebab saya tak pernah melalui pengalaman tu.. mintak di jauhkan la

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Post time 14-10-2010 01:21 AM | Show all posts
orang kata kan , kalau kita nampak apa2 kat melintas kat h.way, langgar je..
jgn elak..

saya  ...
innova77 Post at 14-10-2010 01:09

    oii mana boleh wat camtu...byk driver lori lintas kat hiway tau..dorang tukar2 tiket tol..

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Post time 14-10-2010 06:52 AM | Show all posts
aside from gambar2 ngeri tu...
ada plak satu gambar yg seluar dia terlondeh n nampak spenda kan ...
monreyes Post at 14-10-2010 00:54

    ??yg tu tak tgklah..haku kalu baca comment forumer gambar ngeri kat sekian2 page, memang tak pi kat taht page..masuk thread ni pun scroll down laju2 manatau ada pic ngeri... ...

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:02 AM | Show all posts
jin/syaitan ni keje dia mmg menyesatkan manusi ni dah janji depa dgn allah swt..
kat mana-mana pun depa ada. tu sbb dlm hidup ni kita ada panduan mcm-mcm
doa ada dlm al quran. nak bergerak tu bacalah doa mintak perlindungan dgn allah dari syaitan yg direjam..
ari tu mod red devil ada bagi tazkirah ttg ni.
yg penting kita jgn percaya depa ni ada kuasa depa ni tak dak kuasa langsung baca kisah nabi allah sulaiman kalau tak percaya..tetapi kalau kita puja puji ttg kuasa depa ni tu yg
jadi tu allah swt pun marah ngan kita..bersaksilah dgn yakin....

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:35 AM | Show all posts
oii mana boleh wat camtu...byk driver lori lintas kat hiway tau..dorang tukar2 tiket tol..
mancismana? Post at 14-10-2010 01:21

    diorang tukar mcm mana tue? tak pernah dengar la pulak

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1473# tajul186

nok tajul.. motif refer pada al-Kitab Kosmo??

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:56 AM | Show all posts
pampasan 1000 dan 500 sedikit sgt, yg ada insuran boleh claim, yg takdak insuran, kos2 sampingan dan ...
ninja boy Post at 13-10-2010 21:29

melampau sgt company2 bas nih... takat seribu hengget baek x payah bg terussss!!! baik dorang saman jekk bas nih....

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:01 AM | Show all posts
bukan hantu jembalang yg sebab accident..
mmg attitude pemandu malaysia teruk gila

Punish the culprits

LAST Sunday, I used the North-South Expressway on my way back to Kuala Lumpur from Malacca after attending a wedding. Upon hitting the highway, the stretch of road after the Ayer Keroh toll booth has a speed limit of 90kmh as the area is prone to crosswinds.

Nevertheless, as I was cruising in the middle lane, countless cars, including express buses, were overtaking my car like daredevils. Then, I was flabbergasted when a speeding express bus started tail-gating my car, beaming its headlights repeatedly as an indication it wanted me to move to the far left lane so that it could overtake.

I managed to move over to the far left lane, while the road hound sped ahead doing easily 130kph or more on a 90kph stretch. As the bus sped ahead, I was pondering on how we can keep our roads safe from such speed fiends.

Why do our enforcement agencies lack the will to ensure our roads are not turned into death traps?

Enforcement is sorely lacking, and the campaigns we run are a waste of public funds.Whenever there is a high-profile accident, all we get from related road transport agencies, the traffic police and JPJ are normally knee jerk reactions.

There is no real enforcement, and everyone seems to be breaking the law with impunity. Those who speed, those who drive in a dangerous manner, those who continuously ignore the red lights, the Mat Rempits, the tail-gaters, those who illegally modify their vehicles and blacken their number plates seem not to care about their own lives or the lives of others.

Sometimes, when we honk at these road fiends for their dangerous driving habits, they would honk back with raised fists, as though they have the right to do as they please. And in worse cases, they would bully other road users by driving in an intimidating manner.

Back to my journey, while still driving and hoping the driver of the bus would arrive safely and not hurt innocent road users or his passengers with his recklessness, I heard an ambulance approaching, followed by two more.

Then I encountered one of the worst traffic jams on the highway. Police vehicles with sirens blaring, Smart vehicles, PLUS vehicles and another five ambulances weaved their way through the jam. After crawling for about an hour, I saw the carnage.

It looked like a bomb blast site in a war-torn country. An express bus was lying on its side on the opposite side of the highway heading south, with another badly damaged bus behind it. Vehicle parts were strewn all over the road, guard railings were mangled and clothes and shoes were strewn around.

Sadly, bodies covered in black plastic bags could be seen lined up along the road shoulder.

No doubt it wasn’t the bus that overtook me earlier, but I can’t help wondering if all our express buses are ticking time-bombs that could be involved in tragic accidents sooner or later judging by the way express bus drivers overtake and speed.

How many families will lose their bread-winners? How many children will be orphaned? How many more lives need to be lost before Malaysian drivers come to their senses?

The 12 deaths could have been avoided if our road transport agencies had the will power to strictly enforce the laws.

Catch the culprits in the act. No more discounts, raise the summons to RM1,000 as initially suggested and impound drivers who treat the roads as their race track. Confiscate the heavily modified vehicles, and if the vehicles have better speed and are superior to our police vehicles, turn them into police vehicles. Would the compulsory use of seat belts on buses help save lives?

Kuala Lumpur.

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Nevertheless, as I was cruising in the middle lane, countless cars, including express buses, were overtaking my car like daredevils. Then, I was flabbergasted when a speeding express bus started tail-gating my car, beaming its headlights repeatedly as an indication it wanted me to move to the far left lane so that it could overtake.
No doubt it wasn’t the bus that overtook me earlier, but I can’t help wondering if all our express buses are ticking time-bombs that could be involved in tragic accidents sooner or later judging by the way express bus drivers overtake and speed.

He said the Delima bus wasn't the bus that overtook him earlier. Tak best lah kalau sebab nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1498# Santeira

    masalah nye san...
aku dok lalu hiway tu selalu.... tak pernah tak kene cucuk samada dgn bas express atau lori.... wpon aku dok kat slow lane...
ni bukan masalah nila setitik... ni masalah nila sebelanga, susu setitik

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:16 AM | Show all posts
emmm... td aku ada tepek artikel from Utusan Malaysia td pasal kuarga mangsa kesal gambar2 & bid ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 13-10-2010 18:32

Ni aku petik sket daripada

    Tabiat ini juga membabitkan foto-foto anak kecil di Palestin yang hilang separuh kepala akibat letupan bom, atau imej wanita di sebuah negara direjam dengan batu bata hingga berkecai muka dan kepalanya. Siri ini berterusan tanpa henti.

Ada garis pemisah yang halus di antara sisi baik keadaan ini, dengan sisi buruknya. Ramai di kalangan pengguna internet menyebarkan foto dan klip video seperti ini dengan tanggapan bahawa ia adalah materi yang berkesan untuk menimbulkan kesedaran.

Ingat mati.

Bersyukur dengan keselamatan.

Mengambil iktibar.


Semua itu mewarnai lapisan pertama motif mengapa mereka gemar kepada bahan-bahan yang mengerikan seperti ini.

Tetapi ketika mana perbuatan menonton dan menyebar bahan sebegini berubah menjadi seperti suatu ketagihan, ia bukan lagi sebuah keprihatinan. Sebaliknya ia berubah menjadi penyakit mental!

‘Keinsafan’ yang dirasai itu bukan lagi sebuah keinsafan, sebaliknya kepuasan luar biasa, hasil melihat dan mengulang lihat foto serta imej yang ngeri itu.

untuk ulasan lanjut...baca kat sini..

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